• seating bike

    Ramblings Of A Crazy Woman!

    Oh my gosh, last month was NUTS!! So many things. We are going to call this post a brain dump. (ROFLMAO!!!!!! Oh my gosh when I first started typing this, I typed brain dumb. That kinda works too! So, either one OR BOTH!) I’m starting this post with a Whine. My upper body, especially my hands  continue to hurt so much! It’s really limiting what I can do. Crafting,  knitting, writing, exercising, all can be done for short bursts of time. I can’t raise my arms without a white flash of pain. IF I get on the floor getting up is painful. I can however use this handy (I mean…

  • The Benefits of Walking

    Exercise has become popular over the past few years. There are many ways people are keeping fit. Walking, however, isn’t the first choice amongst Americans. Your selection of physical activities doesn’t have to be for long periods or intense, for you to benefit from it. Walking for thirty minutes a day carries plenty of advantages that contribute to your holistic well-being. Pexels.com Let’s look at a few of the benefits you can gain from this exercise: Weight Loss Walking might seem like a tedious movement with no real benefit. Losing weight is possible if you are intentional about your exercise and walk about 45 minutes a few days a week.…

  • Yoga Helps Fitness Seekers at All Levels

    When it is time to improve fitness, especially for someone particularly out of shape, it is easy to jump straight into doing a bulk of cardiovascular work, ignoring other exercises. The fact is that, with variety in taking yoga classes or Pilates, fitness seekers will see results sooner and help avoid injuries. Adding your own DIY pre-workout supplement could also benefit your practice. By adding yoga into the mix, fitness fans will love how they feel as they get into shape and even lose weight, if that is one of their goals. Some of the benefits that yoga offers includes balance, strength, flexibility and agility. There are even yoga courses…

  • exercises

    Fitness Flower Review and GiveAWAY!!

    A 2013 Holiday Gift Guide Pick! I am stating it here and now. I need to lose weight and get into shape ASAP. These Grandkids are kickin’ my butt!! I don’t want to be the Grandma that sits in a chair and watches! I want to PLAY TOO!!  So, baby steps, cause well, you know… it’s me.  I love to eat and I’m not overly fond of exercise! BUT!! If I exercise for 2 minutes at a time? I could do that!! Hello The Bathroom Begonia from Fitness Flower. This is a really cool concept. It’s pretty. Bright colors, yellows and greens. It really looks pretty on the bathroom mirror.…

  • One big UGH!!!

    The last day of vacation makes me sad.  I don’t wannnnnnnnna go back to the real world!!!  The real world means getting up early, dieting, exercising and going to work.  I DON’T WANNNNNNNAAAA!!!!!!  I would rather see how the other half live… you know the one’s?  You DO?!?!  Could you introduce ME?!?!?