Do You Have To Be A Gamer To Use A Gamer Chair?
Gamer chairs seem to be EVERYWHERE right?? Not only are these chairs popular with avid gamers but also professionals and individuals (Like CRAFTERS!) who are looking for a comfortable and ergonomic seating solution. Let me tell you about MY gamer chair! DO YOU need to play video games to use a gamer chair effectively? Well, I am here to say NOOooooo you do not. Although I did just get a new high score Red Dead. Was it the chair? Or my AMAZING playing ability? (You’re right it was probably the chair!) Keep reading for all the perks. I want to start with the assembly of my new chair. Which onea…
4 Tips for Designing a Small Gaming Room
You may have ambitions to build a gaming room, but when the space you have isn’t sufficient for a grand setup, you’ll need to think small to go big.
Down with the Patriarchy! A look at today’s gender roles in games
While it has been a frustratingly slow process, the world of gaming is shifting away from being a male-dominated hobby. That change is being driven both by developers and players. Some developers have begun to correct their mistakes by giving female characters better representation in their games, while there are several successful female gamers that have rallied against the misguided notion that gaming is a predominantly male pursuit. Let’s look at today’s gender roles in games. The character of Lara Croft demonstrates the battles that females have had to fight in the world of gaming. Early depictions of Croft were geared towards an audience of straight male players, something that…