Is Light Therapy Suitable For Children?
Light therapy is an amazing technology that has changed our conventional concept therapy significantly. With a little bit of time, technology has evolved a lot and provides us with numerous benefits. A lot of industries are now experimenting with light therapy, gained and adopted this therapy in their regarding sectors. So, why should the child care industry lag behind them? As per research, light therapy has numerous benefits for mental health and physical health conditions. Children are not prone to such diseases and can be affected as much as an adult if not more. So, the researchers developed light therapy devices keeping the welfare of the children in mind. In…
Light Therapy by Tanda
The older I get the more I am searching for products that help my skin retain some of its youthful appearance. I intend to fight the signs of aging tooth and nail!! I found something else I would love to try!! Light Therapy! Tanda Luxe isn’t like a cream or lotion you don’t wait for six to eight weeks to see a difference. Light Therapy treats the signs of aging from the outside in, Luxe works on your skin to actually make your skin behave younger. As we age both deflation and deterioration makes skin look older than we feel or want. Deflation, a loss of volume, is…