Did You KNOW Ripley’s Had Children’s BOOKS?!??!
First, did you know that the Ripley Believe It or Not had children’s books that I love has more than just the Believe It Or Not titles?? I had NO IDEA!! From picture books to adventure books. You can check out the titles on Amazon. Ripley Believe It or Not books Since I am in full on Christmas mode already I want to share with you four titles that would be GREAT for gift giving. I am and always have been a firm believer that books are always under the Christmas tree. I take full credit for the fact that my daughter Selena is a veracious (look at me with…
Lucy Loves Sherman!!
Alice is a huge book lover so I love that I have the opportunity to regularly add to her library. Lucy Loves Sherman is so cute!! One page in particular made me laugh out loud!! The page describes Lucy out shopping with NaNa. Since I go by NaNa Alice immediately lit up with “NaNa!!! It’s YOU!!!” “GIRL MEETS LOBSTER. GIRLS loves LOBSTER. BUT CAN GIRL SAVE LOBSTER?” “That’s the question at the center of this sweet and smart picture book about Lucy, her shell-y friend Sherman, and the seafood-loving town they inhabit. “Lucy loves Sherman from the moment they meet at Flotsam’s Fish Market. Oh sure, he’s an eighteen-pound, eighty-year-old crustacean, but he’s…
My Dream For You Is Wonder by Carole Ann Hausman
I am so happy to share with you my review of My Dream For You is Wonder. From the same wonderful team; author Carole Ann Hausman and illustrator Joanne Raptis. This is the second book in the My Dream for You series. The first book was released in September 2015. My Dream For You Is Wonder came out in November of this year. The messages in both books is beautiful!! Alice and I reviewed My Dream for You is Happiness when it was first released. A beautifully written and illustrated book from Hamer House Books. The series celebrate the joy and wonder of childhood. Both books have a message that kids and adults…