• Mothers Day giveaway

    Mother’s Day $$PayPal Cash GIVEAWAY!!! TWO Winners $500 Each!!

    I am so excited to be co-hosting a $1000 group giveaway. The prize is $1000 PayPal CASH!! C-A-S-H Baby CASH!! Two very lucky winners will grab $500 each! Seriously! Who would be jumping up and down joyful with this prize?! The giveaway is open WORLD WIDE!! Even better right?! This giveaway ends on May 24th @11:59 PM EST. As always, don’t tell the others! They will just be jealous!! But I do hope that you win!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!   a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • BARBAR Curling Iron Giveaway

    Barbar Auto Curling Iron Giveaway Apr 28 – May 5, 2014 Open to US I am so excited to be part of the Barbar Auto Curl event! This looks like a product I need!! So I KNOW my followers will want one too!! I’m also thinkin’ this would be an awesome Mother’s Day gift! Mother’s Day is May 11th this year. Bringing You Moments To Celebrate Sponsored by Barbar Organized by Celebrate Woman Today Co-Hosted by Koupon Krazed, Barbara’s Beat, Peanut Butter And Whine, A Little Bit of Everything, Mommies Playground Hollywood is all rave about this nifty and very effective hair tool – Barbar Auto Curling Iron. Be it a salon…