• I do try!! HONEST!!

    Okay, back to work on my weight loss. Tomorrow that is….cause today was ummmm NOT what you would call diet friendly?! First there was the bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Valentine hearts (on sale at CVS for $2.99!) I did share that with Selena and Dan and ummmm I think Heather had one. (I didn’t glare at her when she looked at the bag a second time. HONEST!) Then the box of Cheese-It’s closely followed by a Big Mac meal. Then the OHHH WAIT!! I Had a SKINNY vanilla latte at Starbucks that had to off set SOMAthis! I also am back to my morning walk with Kaki tomorrow, today?…

  • I’m trying out Blogger.com trying to decide which site I like best. Soooooo this is really just a test…. if this were a real blog there would be words and maybe a picture…