• Sherry SIZE!!!

    I don’t know if you have a friend that you look at and think “I wish I could be that size!” That was always the way I felt about my friend Sherry. She has the cutest clothes, the smallest clothes….. wellllll Sherry lost weight (Ummm hummm there is some SERIOUS SHERRY bashing going on in my head right now!!) Besides that and much more importantly she can’t wear the cute jeans anymore and I CAN!!! YEA ME!!!! I never thought I would ever be Sherry size! WOOO HOOOO!!! YEEEAAA ME!!! Thank you Sherry!! I love my new jeans. I don’t care if you eat non stop for the next month.…

  • You knew this….

    Well, the lazy me won out this morning. I slept in. Ahhhhh that was so nice. (For the record I did set the alarm……. and I almost got out of bed. ALMOST!) Oh well, Kaki and I are walking in the morning. Mini break over! Good thing too, because I decided that since I was on such a great roll during the Channel 10 Half Year Challenge that I want to drop another 10 pounds. So time to get focused again. So for dinner I had a chicken quesadilla and big ole serving of fresh baby carrots with low-fat ranch dressing. Now I’m going to have a Jell-O 60 calorie…

  • Nope!

    I tried to think of an interesting ANYTHING to blog about…… and came up with NOTHING!! Not a thing!! I hope your day was more interesting and exciting than mine!!