3 Beauty Businesses that the Fashion Industry Cannot Survive Without
The fashion industry across the globe is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Within the past few decades, it has become vast and dynamic in every way. The growth of the fashion and the beauty businesses can easily be attributed to advancements in communication technologies, greater freedom of media and its accessibility to the masses, increased awareness and the effects of globalization. All these factors have combined together to pave way for a number of fashion houses entering the international fashion circuit every day. The fashion industry is growing huge with time adding to the national output and creating more employment opportunities.
When you think of the word ‘fashion’ all that comes to your mind are exotic gowns or well-fitted suits from Versace, an exquisite Prada bag and your feet adorned with Jimmy Choo.
However, no matter how much money you have invested in those gorgeous outfits and regardless of how much you have splurged for your fashion accessory, a manicured hand, messed- up hairdo, a poor nose contour or the wrinkles on your skin will always catch attention even if you are hitting a red carpet wearing an Alexander McQueen.
This means that the fashion world today is no more a stand-alone industry and it exists in a complex ecosystem of other ancillary businesses. The health and beauty industry is one of the biggest facilitating industry for the fashion world.
Gone are the days when international fashion hubs were restricted to Paris, Milan, London and New York. With globalization, new fashion hubs have emerged and Singapore is one them. It is a country that receives thousands of business and leisure tourists and is a home to some of the most expensive fashion brands in the world nestled in large exotic shopping malls. Besides fashion, Singapore’s health and beauty industry are one of the most rapidly growing industries. Here are 3 health and beauty businesses that the fashion world cannot survive without.
Salons and Spas
Imagine you have the most anticipated ball to attend and you have been preparing for months to make sure you have got the right gown, the perfect pair of stilettos and matching fashion accessory. Despite everything in line, a poorly done manicure, unwaxed arms or unthreaded brows can completely ruin your look. Even the most expensive Hermes will not be able to help a fashionista if her grooming is not well taken care of and that is where salons and spa‘s comes in.
Makeup Artists
You have the most expensive tools and products from Sephora and Bobbi Brown and Mac outlets are your second home, but what magic will they do if there is no one to help you correct, conceal and contour the right way. If you have the right makeup look and the perfect hairdo, you can easily stand out even in the relatively more mass-market fashion label.
Cosmetology and Aesthetic Procedures
Despite that, you have done all that you could to look like an attractive fashionista – from a rigorous fitness boot camp to a day dedicated to spas and a perfect makeup look, but there are certain things that can still come and haunt you and you might feel helpless.
No fashion house can help you cover up the signs of ageing skin and the circles under your eyes due to your lifestyle. These are one those stubborn beauty bugs that can catch immediate attention and have people talking about you. Fortunately, this can now be dealt with easily through noninvasive aesthetic procedures.
There are some of the best aesthetic procedure centers in Singapore such as Dore Aesthetics Singapore that can help you get rid of all your skin related issues from wrinkles, to dark circles to body hair and that too for good.