Luscious Metals Studios

I have to share my beautiful necklace!!!
I won a beautiful Luscious Metals Studios Sweetheart necklace on Mommy and Me Giveaways. .

It’s sooo pretty!!  I have been drooling over this necklace since the beginning of the Mommy & Me giveaway!  Natha did such a beautiful job!!  The three stones are for my 3 grandbabies, one in a light blue, one dark blue and a pearl.  Natha engraved their names on one side of the charm.  With “My Babies” on the back.  It’s sooooo pretty.  The necklace hangs from a delicate silver chain that catches the light.  I wish I could do this necklace justice with pictures and description. I guess you’ll just have to go order one for yourself and see just how pretty this necklace is!

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!  Yes… this is me taking my own picture in the mirror… ummm hummmmm did I think about the reverse image?  Nooooooo of course not… 44 pictures later I have a nice clear shot…. I past the shot on the blog…… and THEN noticed it was backwards.  Uhhhhh duuuhhhhh.

Oh well…. look how pretty!!

Thank you Mommy & Me and Natha!!!

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