Tappy Alphabet App Review

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I love finding apps that are FUN but actually TEACH kids!! Tappy Alphabet App is one of those!! First, if an app doesn’t keep Alice entertained she won’t use it. No matter how much I try. Tappy Alphabet not only keeps her 100% entertained, engaged but SHE is LEARNING at the same time!!
Even more impressive? Alice PICKS Tappy Alphabet to play with FIRST out of a LOT of different apps she has available on my iPad. THAT is truly impressive to me.

This is a simple app that teaches, not only the alphabet but over 100 different vocabulary words!! The colorful graphics on the screen are the letters A to Z. Kids can chose between capital letters and lower case letters. I love this! Alice is learning the different look to capital letters verses lower case. Each letter can be touched multiple times with different results! Alice is learning four different words to go with each letter. LOVE that!!

When the letter is touched a very pleasant voice says the letter, then says the word associated with the letter!

Alice loves this app! The voice that says the letter and says what the word associated with the letter is very professional, easy to listen too. Which, if you have kid apps you KNOW how important that is! Seriously! There are apps that I will delete because the voice is so annoying I can’t take another play time. The voice with Tappy Alphabet is great even 500 times in a row in the car.

I believe this app would be perfect for every kid!  Alice is 3 and she finds it very engaging.

Alice and I give Tappy Alphabet, 4 enthusiastic thumbs WAY, WAY UP!!

Find Tappy Alphabet on Google Play and Amazon as well!!

Disclosure: I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising.Peanut Butter And Whine.


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