Toe Juice with DermaVine® for the FACE! #Review

Back in September of 2012 I wrote a review for Toe Juice. To this day, when someone asks me what is my most memorable review? It’s Toe Juice!! I had NO idea what the product was! I only knew I MUST have it for the NAME alone!!

That was in 2012 and still to this day it’s one of my very favorite products!! This is a cure all, do all for so many things! Bug bites, foot problems, cold sores, acne, jock itch, cracked heels!! It’s a miracle in a bottle!!

I was so thrilled to be approached by the lovely folks over at Toe Juice; to review their newest product addition.

Toe Juice® with DermaVine® for the FACE!

Once again, the folks at Toe Juice have knocked it out of the ball park!! WOW!! You can apply Toe Juice® with DermaVine® for the FACE, directly on to your skin, anywhere, not just your face. I use my Toe Juice with a cotton pad for my face and upper chest. As with the original it dries almost as fast as you put it on.  When it dries it is not greasy or oily. It will not stain your clothing. It will not dry out your skin!! The directions say it could cause stinging, I never encountered stinging or irritation.

My skin feels awake! Like splashing cold water on it. Very refreshing!! Those pesky little breakouts are GONE!! My pores look smaller. My face also doesn’t shine all day!! I LOVE that!! It also removes any traces of make up left on after I wash my face. It’s perfect for healing my cracked cuticles too!

Trying to describe the scent is hard.  Toe Juice® with DermaVine® for the FACE has a clean scent, a little on the antiseptic, but more like the scent of mouthwash. I find it’s a great scent. It definitely makes my skin feel refreshed!! Within a minute the scent is gone, truly this scent evaporates FAST!!


The Blue product is Toe Juice® Body. A more gentle formula designed for use over your entire body and for those with sensitive skin.

The Green product is the original formula, which is intended for Hands & Feet.


Not a single solitary one!! This stuff is an amazing toner!! The original formula is still my go to cure for dry and cracked feet. AND above all….. I LOVE the name!!!  The Toe Juice folks are funny people!! I like that!! When you buy one bottle you are buying “Big Toe” buying two big and two small bottles?? You’re buying the Wee Wee All The Way Home package. See?? Funny people!!

Toe Juice IS a household staple for my family.  I LOVE this stuff!! Silly name…. AMAZING product!!  Toe Juice! (Still cracks me up!!) Two very enthusiastic thumbs WAY! WAY! UP!!


Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


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