Nifty Seat!! Coccyx Seat Cushion Review
My daughter Selena was here the day my Nifty Seat arrived, I pulled it from the box and her greedy little hand shot out like a flash. The way she cradled the Nifty Seat I didn’t have the heart to take it away from her. So, here is her review of the Coccyx Seat Cushion:
Ah my back is killing me! Well, it was anyway. My day at work is divided between sitting in front of a computer and trudging around on a concrete floor. My joints and my lower back take the brunt of the punishment.
To be fair my desk has been evaluated by a contracted ergonomic specialist, the downside my chair has not. Day after day I slump over my computer, fingers flying over the keyboard, wrists gently resting on a gel pillow to alleviate pressure on the carpal tunnel but what of my back? My tush? Well now I have this really cool, really ‘Nifty Seat’. At first I felt like I was walking into work carrying a hemorrhoid pillow but after one hour of sitting on the ‘Nifty Seat’ Coccyx Seat Cushion I could care less. Make all the fun you want coworkers – I sit straighter and there is no pressure on my lower back or my tailbone and I am forced to sit farther back in my chair because I want my bott
om to conform to the cushion. It’s magic. It’s only day two of using it but last night was the first time I left work without back pain. It works that fast! This is certainly worth your money and recommending to friends! I want to take this thing everywhere.
- 100% polyester
- Imported
- High Quality Durable Ergonomic Orthopedic design, Fully resilient Space-Age NASA 100% Memory Foam
- Auto, car, truck, airplane, office, wheelchair 100% polyester seat cushion, removable, washable
- Ease lower back pressure and promote better posture
- Lifetime guarantee – no questions 100% money back w/ return
- 100+ videos on Coccyx (tailbone) and back pain relief and exercise at:
- Tailbone, Coccyx, Back and Spine support, comfort and pain relief – Ok up to 250 pounds
- Mold to fit in 24 to 48 hours, medium hardness, resilient, will not flatten or stay flat
Follow Nifty Seat on their Website

If your day is spent slumped in front of a screen I can recommend is removing the back off the office chair as that forces you to sit upright. I had a major knee operation 6 weeks ago & having to use a wheelchair while I rehabilitate is giving my poor back & bottom real grief. I can imagine it would be great if you do a lot of driving as well.
Donna Martin
I think this is perfect for me.. I have had an issue with my tailbone hurting so bad. Anytime we drove somewhere I would be leaning forward to keep the weight and pressure of my tail bone. Which it would hurt my back. After a long trip I would be in tears from the pain on my tail bone.
Christine A
My office chair would be way more comfortable if I had seat cushion. I hadn’t considered getting a cushion that is specific for tailbone support.
the color palette
this product looks great, sometimes chairs can be very uncomfortable after many hours sitting in front of a desk. Thanks for sharing
The Color Palette
Sarah L
I was using a cheapo blow-up ring cushion while a sore on my behind was healing. This would have been much better.
Carol Smith
This cushion looks very interesting. I may have to try this for my lower back pain. Thanks for doing a review and sharing with us. Sounds like this would be good for anyone that uses a wheelchair also.
Tamra Phelps
My Mom could use this! The cushions she has had (due to degenerative disc disease, her back gives her fits) all seem to flatten after a short time. If this one doesn’t flatten, it sounds like a winner to me!
This would make a wonderful difference for me at work! My chair is awful and my back always hurts when I get done at the end of the day!
This is really great! I was going for a walk this morning, and my leg was hurting, and I’m sure it was from the chair I was sitting in yesterday!! This is something that ppl may not realize what a difference it can make!