How Parents Can Know if They are at Risk for Colon Cancer
How Parents Can Know if They are at Risk for Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a surprising common type of cancer in the U.S.. Many people not only have a family history of the disease, but also have other medical issues that make them more likely to develop colon cancer. This can be an extremely scary situation for anyone, especially parents who need to be there for their kids.
For parents who are worried about their future potential of developing cancer, there are some ways to determine how high a person’s risk is of developing colon cancer. Any parent can use these tools to know their risk and make attempts to prevent cancer for themselves and their kids. Here are some ways parents can know if they are at risk for colon cancer.
Commonly eating a diet with a lot of fried and processed food
The phrase, ‘you are what you eat,’ rings true for parents who eat fried and processed foods. These foods not only contain little nutritional value, but they can also cause some digestive issues that can actually make a person sick, leading eventually to colon cancer. It is important to learn how to prevent colon cancer by creating a regular diet that avoids these items and includes a lot of fibrous veggies and fruits.
Avoiding getting screenings
Regular screenings are essential to make sure the entire colon is free of cancer. It is easy for many parents to avoid getting these screenings, because they are involved and uncomfortable for many people. However, these screenings are the best way to spot cancer when it is forming and spot it from growing and spreading before it becomes an uncorrectable issue.
Having a family history of cancer or digestive diseases
This is one of the risks that parents cannot control. Some people will just be unfortunate enough to have a genetic tendency to develop colon cancer. This can be frustrating and frightening for many parents, but as long as they maintain a healthy lifestyle and gets regular screenings based on their doctor’s recommendation, they can rest easy knowing that their chances of a major issue will be low and can prepare their kids for their own future.
Living a sedentary lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle is very common for many parents today. Most people have to sit in their cars, at their desk and at home for many hours of the day, and when parents get done with their responsibilities they often do not have the energy to move around. Though these items may be unavoidable, anyone can make a point to get up and move around a few times a day. Even just a quick walk around the block during a break can be enough for parents to get their blood pumping and notice a difference in their health.
Being an older male
Another uncontrollable factor is a person’s gender and age. Typically, most cases of colon cancer are in males over the age of 50. These dads should have more frequent screenings.
Smoking and drinking
As if parents needed another reason to stop smoking and drinking, both of these habits can contribute to colon cancer, in addition to all the other health risk they present. Stop or at least reduce both of these habits to prevent colon cancer early on.