Brunhilda’s Backwards Day Book Review
Gather around cause it’s story time!! I will never get tired of reviewing children’s books. I love that five-year-old Alice truly loves story time. Morning, noon and especially bedtime! Alice loves books. I swear you’ve never seen a collection of books like this kid has! I don’t think in my 58 years that I’ve accumulated this many books! Story book aren’t like the ones I grew up with, now don’t get me wrong I loved my books and thought they were wonderful. However, 2016 books are bright, colorful and so much funnier!! Let me tell you; Brunhilda’s Backwards Day has illustrations that make Alice and I crack UP!!
Brunhilda is a witch. A bad witch! She just loves to cause trouble, it’s her thing! When Brunhilda wakes up in the morning, she does so on the wrong side of the bed, she puts on her ugliest dress, she enjoys a bowl of spider mush and then brushes her teeth with candy! Ready for her day she looks in the mirror and proclaims happily, “You are utterly repulsive!” When Brunhilda leaves the house she wreaks havoc and misery everywhere. No one she encounters is safe, whether it’s a rainy day-spell or a wart-growing charm she causes trouble!!
One night, Brunhilda’s cat is the one to make trouble! So when Brunhilda wakes in the morning everything goes wrong! Imagine waking up on the RIGHT side of the bed!? Having to wear a fluffy PINK ball gown! Eating OATMEAL and not spider mush!? AND seriously?! What self-respecting witch brushes her teeth with TOOTHPASTE!?!
Brunhilda’s day couldn’t get worse! Oh wait… yes, it could! Instead of misery-inducing spells Brunhilda is doing NICE things?! Ice cream isn’t falling off cones! It’s quadrupling in size!
This story is so cute from the front page to the very last word. The illustrations are absolutely perfection.
I love that this story teaches kids to be kind, to be nice! It will actually make you feel better about yourself!
Does Brunhilda go back to her mean ways? Does she keep all her wart inducing spells? Does she still get up on the right side of the bed?! I will tell you that the Pink Ball Gown is a no-go!! A witch has to have limits ya know.
Super cute book! Perfect for kids of all ages!
Again, I can’t imagine ever whining about a book that Alice and I can share. But, one that teaches an important lesson? One that makes her laugh while she is learning? One that makes ME say “Can I read that one again” is 100% a keeper!! Brunhilda’s Backwards Day is 100% a keeper!!
You can find Brunhilda’s Backwards Day on Sky Pony Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other fine bookstores.
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Author & Illustrator: Shawna J. C. Tenney
Publication Date: 8-07-2016
ISBN-10: 163450691X
ISBN-13: 9781634506915
Number of Pages: 32 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 11″ by 9″
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Kate Sarsfield
Isn’t it funny how children like to be disgusted by things like spider mush! Back when I was teaching, I used to freak them out saying I had worms on toast for breakfast!
Tamra Phelps
It sounds like a really funny one, which makes it more likely a kid will love it! I love kids’ books like this.
Sarah L
This looks like a very fun book. Teaching kids to be nice is a big thing.
I’m just picturing Alice’s face when you read out that Brunhilda had mushed up spiders for breakfast!
michele soyer
Reading to your children and grandchildren is one of the best part of any parents day.. The bonding between you and the child and the love of reading that you pass on is so important This book sounds wonderful and I am happy to hear of it since the book and the author are new to me. Thank you Connie…