$50 November 2016 Your Way Giveaway!!

Congratulations Michele! You’re my winner of the October $50 Giveaway. Amazon Gift Card heading your way right now!!

It’s November!? ALREADY!!  I’m excited to say that I actually have purchased several Christmas gifts already. Most Some of them are for me….. noooo not really (yes really!)

Kindergarten is smooth sailing for five-year-old Alice. It only took, 8 weeks!  Of course this sweet Kindergartner gave me a cold that lasted for 2 weeks with a cough that still won’t go away!

My big MYSTERY from last month is continuing. Mysterious postcards still arriving, no one will fess up. These mysterious postcards arrive in the mail with one or two lines written out for a song that I hate! HATE the song!! The postcard picture and lyrics are just enough to get that song playing in my head again. It’s brilliant. It’s funny. They are postmarked from different states. It’s a brilliant gag. NOW STOP IT!! And once again NO; I’m not telling any of you the song because I imagine KNOW that some of you are as funny and twisted as myself and my family and I KNOW I’d be getting all sorts of items to remind me of that dreadful song with more and frequent regularity! So, that’s my update for the month.

Origami Turkey

Here we go again…… My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! (Yes, I do just copy and paste this part. I’m lazy! AND tired!!)

The November Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like any of my reviews on Amazon. (I AM the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful AND able to continue to afford this giveaway)

Win $50 Your Way!  Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

$50 Your Way November 2016!


  • Laura B.

    I am a bit down tonight. It doesn’t help that it is rainy and cold outside and I’m dealing with some stuff. I know things will eventually get better but right now they aren’t great.

  • Fe M.

    It’s a Special Non-Working Holiday here; the kids don’t have school today. I was able to clean the house thoroughly and do some laundry which was tiring but I’m glad I was able to do a lot of work done today.

  • Audra OHara

    We are Finally getting some rain. We’ve been in a serious drought situation for months. We’re only a few hours away from Gatlingburg, TN with all the fires going on now. I’ve seen pictures on TV and some places are unrecognizable. I feel really bad for everyone. We have been very fortunate not to have any serious fires in our county.

  • Benjamin Kocher

    I woke up, got dressed, and ran out the door. I was late, as usual. There’s something about mornings that just refuses to let me wake up. I think I’m cursed with dark magic.

    I ran to catch the bus, but it pulled away from the stop just moments before I reached it. Resigning myself to another late day at work, I sat down to wait for the next bus.

    Five minutes passed and I was ready to just call in sick. Again. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 7:43. The bus ride took fifteen minutes, plus an extra five minutes of running from that stop to the office. I certainly wasn’t going to make it.

    I sighed and looked down the street, hoping to see my bus approach. All I saw, however, was a large dragon gliding low, just above the road, coming directly at me.

    Great. Not again.

    I ran. Most people would run away from a fire breathing menace, but not me. Nope, I’m the fool who runs straight at it. I dropped my briefcase and threw off my suit coat. If nothing else, I would keep that from being burned to a crisp. I’ve lost far too many articles of clothing that way.

    Bloody dragons.

    From my belt, I unclipped a small metal cylinder. To the untrained eye, it would look like a flashlight. But when I pushed the button, no light emerged. Instead, a long sword extended from the cylinder, bright grey steel glimmering red from the dragon’s scales as it reflected off the metal.

    The dragon opened its mouth, insides glowing orange. I jumped out of the way, narrowly missing being charred to a crisp. The dragon roared as it flew overtop my position. Pushing myself back up, I turned and followed it with my eyes. It circled around, ready for a follow up attack.

    I ran into the middle of the road. By this point, all traffic had stopped and turned down side roads. After all, who in their right mind would want to drive towards an angry dragon?

    Then again, who in their right mind would intentionally fight one?

    The dragon turned and came at me again. I ran towards it, sword at the ready. This time the dragon didn’t look to want to roast me. Instead, it pulled its wings back and extended its front legs, ready to rip me to shreds.

    I dove forwards and turned in the air, landing on my back. As I fell, I thrust my sword skyward, piercing the underbelly of the beast. It crashed hard, causing the earth to quake.

    I took a deep breath before getting to my feet. I walked slowly towards the beast, ten meters away, dead on the ground.

    I retracted my sword and clipped it back to my belt. I picked up my jacket and briefcase and walked back to the bus stop. Somebody else could deal with the carcass. My job was done.

    I looked down at my arm. The sleeve of my white shirt was charred black. Amazingly, it was still attached and hadn’t burned off.

    A vehicle honked as it passed by me, apparently upset I was walking on the road. Maybe they didn’t realize I was the one that had killed the beast. Or maybe they did and didn’t care. Such was life in the city.

    I looked up to see who dared honk at me. It was my bus. I chased after it, waving my warms like a mad man. Seeing nobody at the bus stop, my ride continues past it, not even attempting to slow down.

    All things considered, I guess you could say my day is going rather well.


    A box arrived for me this morning with 8 books that I’d won! A couple are the sort of thriller I’d enjoy and the rest I’ll give to the local hospital so it’s a win/win situation!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not a bad day. My youngest nephew got me up early because he was sick & not going to school, so he crossed the street & stayed with us while his Mom & Dad worked. But he was just a little under the weather, feeling better now.


    I’m feeling very sorry for myself as this bloomin’ kidney infection is still giving me grief. Going back to the Doc tomorrow & hopefully get some relief. My choir has the first of seven Christmas recitals this coming Saturday and at the moment I keep having to double up with pain.

  • Fe M.

    Excited about the planning that we have to do for our Christmas party. It’ll be with classmates from grade school/high school and we’re all very excited. The last time we had a reunion was over 5 years ago so we’re all looking forward to this year’s gathering.

  • Audra OHara

    Today was great because we finally got our heating unit fixed! Yay!!! Just in time too, because it’s supposed to snow here next week. You don’t realize how much you appreciate heating & cooling until you don’t have it.


    Where does it say that things have to get worse before they get better? I just spent another sleepless night with this flipping kidney infection. Major case of ‘OW’ going on!

  • clojo9372

    We put the tree up last night and we had a great time! Today I did some HIIT cardio because I ate soooo much food yesterday it was pathetic. I love Thanksgiving but it’s murder on my waistline. LOL. 😉

  • Audra OHara

    Today’s going well. I’ll say though; I have to stop eating pie. It’s like it calls to me from the fridge. lol I should get outside and hang some lights.


    I’ve somehow gone & got myself a kidney infection that kept me awake most of the night. However the antibiotics have begun to kick in so here’s hoping I’m on the mend.

  • Fe M.

    Had a very relaxing Sunday; started the day by hearing mass with my whole family. We opted to stay home and rest because we have been very busy these past few weeks.

  • Irma Jurejevčič

    Waiting for the 2nd round of inviters to my daughters birthday party. I hope it will go ok. Yesterday, with 8 girls was just a big drama.

  • Audra OHara

    Blah, didn’t really get anything accomplished today. I don’t do well on weekends when I can’t get outside a little. I feel like I need to go to bed and start over. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Holidays always throw me off, lol. Today feels like the 3rd Saturday in a row! I need to get back to a normal weekly schedule, ha.

  • clojo9372

    I had to do some serious cardio today. I must have gained a million pounds so far for this holiday weekend. Tonight the family is trimming the tree. The holiday season is kicking into gear! 🙂


    What has happened to Ireland’s weather? Today is another sunny, dry day and the temperature’s the same as a night in August! Not that I’m complaining, it just means that there’s no excuse to get into the garden whereas normally all outside work would take a break for a couple of months!

  • Fe M.

    It’s a rainy weekend for us here and our internet connection is still acting up. I don’t want to stress about it so I have been catching up on my reading and I’ve been doing some tidying up in our kids’ bedroom.

  • Audra OHara

    Easy peasy day. Watching some TV, surfing the web, and watching the cats sleep. Gettin’ ready to have a piece of pecan pie.


    I got some really good deals online today so now I have a new desk lamp & a coal-effect convector heater on their way to Wexford!

  • clojo9372

    So it’s Black Friday and it is POURING. I don’t go to the malls because it is a circus. I prefer online deals. After I peruse the deals I am gonna curl up and finish my book. It’s very good! 🙂

  • Fe M.

    It has been raining since early this morning; it’s a great day to catch up on my reading =)
    I hope you’re having a great Thanksgiving with your family!

  • Tamra Phelps

    well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I’m finishing the day by spending time with my youngest nephew while his Mom goes to hit those bargain sales, ha! And his Dad actually had to go to work–because he works at one of those stores that can’t even close on Thanksgiving Day.

  • clojo9372

    Happy Thanksgiving to Connie and all PB&W readers! Hope you all enjoy the holiday! I have a few chores to do before the parade begins so I’m gonna get to it… 🙂

  • Audra OHara

    I got to work in the yard a bit today. That was nice; I needed the exercise. I hate when the weather turns cold and I feel so cooped up. We’re all ready for Thanksgiving. This year my daughter is going to help in the kitchen. I think it’s going to be a nice day. 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. I really know better than to go to the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving. Had to get just a couple of things and wasn’t quite as bad as it could have been.


    Today started with an early morning dental appointment and went downhill after that! Nothing major, just lots of itty bitty annoying things like a carton of milk was leaking so I transferred the contents to a jug, tripped over The Pookah Cat and splattered milk over the ceiling, walls, floor, self & above-mentioned cat!

  • Irma Jurejevčič

    So so… I went to visit my hair dresser which went awesome. But I got delivered something that I ordered and it’s not what I tought I was buying. I’m extra mad because I payed huge shipping costs.

  • Fe M.

    Our internet connection has been crappy these past few days and I wasn’t able to do some of my online work. Thankfully, I was able to finish the more important ones; hopefully I get to finish all of them by tomorrow morning.

  • clojo9372

    It is Thanksgiving Eve and I am doing some finishing touches on the house before tomorrow. My mother is busy going over her menu and she’s started baking the pies. How am I supposed to wait until tomorrow to have a piece? LOL.

  • Audra OHara

    Went grocery shopping today. What a total mad house! It was like every other Christmas movie you’ve ever seen where somebody is fighting over a ham. lol Looking forward to having a few days off and relaxing.

  • Sarah L

    Lovely quiet day at home with nothing I HAD to do. Dr. emailed me to let me know that the xrays showed my joints had a bit of osteo, but no signs of damage from my RA.

  • Irma Jurejevčič

    Today is going good so far. No drama but no nothing else, lol. I’m happy that my daughter is doing fine is school so one thing less to worry.


    Thankfully the storm blew itself out during the night and while we didn’t suffer any damage, there’s a bit of tidying up to do. On with the hat & gloves & out I go!


    Our power was off for 7 hours today because of the storms we’re having in Ireland so I went to bed to stay warm & read – ended up sleeping most of it!

  • Audra OHara

    Got a lot accomplished today; work is good. Looking forward to having a few days off around Thanksgiving. So glad it’s a short school week.

  • clojo9372

    I am tired… Still have a bit of pain from my fall BUT I got a lot accomplished today work wise, so I am gonna have some dinner now and relax for the rest of the day! 🙂

  • angie lilly

    Today started out horribly. Hubby and I got into a fight over nothing and both ended up in tears. Yuck! But we turned it around before he left for the day and things are looking up. My mood is slowly improving, as I get things marked off my to-do list for the day.

  • clojo9372

    I am not doing anything! LOL. I don’t hurt as much as I did yesterday, but I am still in a bit of pain. I am reading magazines and I just started this new book called “Song of Princes”. It’s very good!


    I’m on autopilot today. I was reading in bed last night when Mum needed my help; at 2a.m., 5 a.m. and again at 7.30 a.m. …. She’s gone back to sleep but I decided to stay up & get some chores done early. It’s beautiful outside with the overnight frost sparkling in the sunshine!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well KY got hit by some crazy rain & wind last night, sort of unexpectedly. I heard it as I was headed to bed, but this morning my cousin woke up to find all kinds of big tree branches down in her driveway & the back window of her vehicle completely shattered. Yikes! Today it just got into the 40s, but yesterday it was in the mid 70s! We are getting bizarre weather, lol.

  • Audra OHara

    Rough day; yesterday the car broke down and the heating system broke. Oh my, we’re gonna need a whole new heating system installed. But, I am very thankful that the house isn’t cold (yet) and that we had the funds to fix the car.


    Just doing chores so far but Ireland are playing New Zealand (rugby) in Dublin later so everything will stop for that! COYBIG!!!!! (Come on ye boys in green!)

  • clojo9372

    I slipped and fell down the stairs. Now my lower back is killing me. *sigh* I feel like I haven’t been having the best few weeks… 🙁


    It’s Friday, all the chores are done, my belly’s full of pizza and I’m going to curl up & read a bit before going to bed. Happy days!

  • Irma Jurejevčič

    My day is going great! It’s Friday after all. And my daughters deserves to be spoiled a bit so I bought her a new phone and she loves it 🙂

  • Fe M.

    It has been great so far. We’re very excited because we get to attend a two-day seminar tomorrow and we’re looking forward to learning a lot of things.

  • clojo9372

    Feel much better than yesterday. Taking it easy though. I wrote a short book review, and I plan to do some more reading today. 🙂

  • Irma Jurejevčič

    My day is going good so far. Helping my daughter with her homework isn’t helping but when we’ll finish it’ll be so much better.


    Winter has arrived! It’s cold, dreary and damp with a chilly wind but stick a woolly hat on my head & I’m ready for anything!

  • Mai T.

    I want to loan money for my first apartment but thinking long term gets in the way. I’m so discouraged by a hard future of payments ahead of me.

  • Fe M.

    We’re very excited today because this is the first day of our eldest son’s On-The-Job training. We had to wake up extra early because traffic can be terrible and we don’t want him to be late for his training.

  • Audra OHara

    Today was great. Hubby is home for a few days. We had some great Mexican food. The smoke is finally clearing out of our mountain area a bit from all the wildfires.


    All I’ve done today is changed the bed linen and a bit more tidying/sorting of Dad’s room/office. I keep finding old photos, like when he was in the army in Egypt (Suez) that make me nostalgic and a bit teary.


    The super-moon is huge! A wonderful sight that filled me with awe till I worked out that I’ll be in my mid-seventies when the next one comes around 🙁

  • Audra OHara

    I feel like I need a Snickers bar today. I’m really short on sleep. I’ll be happy when it snows, but this frost-in-the-mornings thing is for the birds. On a positive note, everything is going well and thank goodness everyone is over their cold!

  • Sarah L

    I’m going crazy trying to live in two places. What ever I want is at the other house. We’re breaking high temp records here in Colorado today.


    I had geared myself up for an early dentist appointment but she rang to re-schedule. The silly thing is that I feel a bit let down as I had my day planned. What’s wrong with me? Let down because I don’t have to go to the dentist?

  • clojo9372

    Got a lot work done today and was able to fit in some strength training in. I feel a bit tired but like I accomplished everything I set out to! <3

  • clojo9372

    It’s Sunday yay! It’s my fun day. I’m playing behind my computer listening to iTunes. Gonna curl up with a book later. I’m so behind on my reading… Gotta catch up!! 🙂


    Today’s weather report from Ireland can be summed up in just one word: grey! Despite this I’m out gathering Autumn leaves, berries & moss for preserving & will end up as part of the Sarsfield family Christmas wreath next month.

  • Audra OHara

    My day’s going good. I sure hope we get rain soon. There are so many fires here in western NC. There’s been smoke in the air for a week. This evening it’s so bad it’s like a thick fog. To make matters worse, I’m reading they suspect some fires are from arson. Really sad that anyone would want to do that.

  • clojo9372

    I didn’t do much of anything today. I did some low impact cardio kickboxing, vacuumed the floor and flopped around the rest of the day.


    How can one little room contain so much stuff? I’m on my 3rd day of clearing Dad’s office/man cave and nowhere near the end of it!

  • Tamra Phelps

    My leg is a lot better today, still numb, but I’ve had pinched nerves before so I know how that goes. It’ll be numb for a while. I’m just glad the pain has passed!


    So far today I’ve fitted 2 new toilet seats (and felt quite proud of my handiwork!), went to Dad’s grave with fresh roses and had a bit of a chat with him, then into town for catfood. I popped into a charity shop to dodge a shower and ended up buying a practically brand-new, gorgeous floor length black coat for 25 euro (about $27) so I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself!

  • clojo9372

    Got quite a bit of cleaning done. I am struggling more today than yesterday but I can’t let this sinusitis stop me. Gotta keep on going! 🙂

  • angie lilly

    Confusing day. A FB friend of mine commented on a post I made about the election and I am at a loss. I thought we were of like minds and voted the same but his comment comes across as the opposite. Waiting for clarification and hoping his comment was actually sarcastic and not hateful.

  • Audra O'Hara

    Had a nice day. Celebrated my mom’s birthday with family. So glad tomorrow is a holiday. Yay! Might do some online shopping for my daughter. Always like a sale. Remember to hug a Veteran; there’s several in our family.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve managed to do something to my right knee. I think it’s actually a pinched nerve since it goes down my thigh (which has that weird numb feeling & hurts behind the knee. So, I’m hobbling around for a few days until it eases off. (Had ’em before. Know the drill, lol.)

  • clojo9372

    Got a lot of work accomplished today, but I am tired…. I’m still not over this sinus thing completely, but I shall persevere! 🙂

  • Audra O'Hara

    Today was great! 🙂 I had a lot of work to finish, but it’s nice to have work. I’m enjoying the evening browsing around on the computer. I’m glad we have a three day weekend coming.

  • Tamra Phelps

    This has been a weird day. At least the campaign ads have come to a halt. I can’t say I’m happy with the election results, but I’m glad all those ads are over!

  • clojo9372

    So glad the election is over. I hope the negativity will die down but I sincerely doubt it will. There are too many deep divisions within the country. 🙁


    I’m tired after staying up till 4am watching the election results. Still there’s plenty of chores to be done so a good, strong mug of tea & I’ll start my day!

  • Audra O'Hara

    Going good so far. Feeling better. Dentist appointment went well (whew). I’m glued to the TV waiting on results. I’ve bitten all my nails and gone through a half bag of chips.


    Well, the day has finally arrived and we’re all hoping that a certain candidate doesn’t win the Presidential election in the USA. Other than that, just rain, rain, choir practice and more rain!

  • clojo9372

    Today is a very rainy morning so I might have to change directions with what I was planning to do today. Wondering how the election is going to turn out…

  • clojo9372

    I got a lot of work done today. I really have to catch up because i was so sick. I did have a pounding headache earlier but Advil relieved it for me. 🙂


    I’m covered in bruises from assembling my new office chair but oh, it was worth it. My back is whispering ‘thanks, Kate’!

  • Kelly O

    My day has gone well. I am restoring some old furniture and I am loving how great it is turning out. Always makes me smile to see plans come to fruition.

  • Tamra Phelps

    well, no school tomorrow (teacher in-service day) or Tuesday (election.) So, my youngest nephew decided to stay here tonight. He’s zonked out now, so I get to change the channel from SpongeBob, lol.


    I finally got my new office chair & not a moment too soon. I wheeled the old one into the hall and it fell apart! Could have been nasty.

  • clojo9372

    Had a good day today! A slight headache but some advil took care of that. Had dinner and my mom and I watched FOX’s version of Rocky Horror Picture Show..

  • Audra O'Hara

    Feeling sicker today. I’m guessing it’s bronchitis. So I’m not doing much today except a few giveaways and watching some TV. I’m feeling like I need a Mucinex IV drip.

  • michele

    Glorious Sunday… aside from doing some pressing I am taking the day off.. wait.. don’t I take the day off everyday?? LOL Have a great day all

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Well, I am still having trouble with the Giveaway Tool it won’t let me enter to do my daily tasks on here. Feeling kinda bummed

  • Audra O'Hara

    Today I was a total bum and it was nice. 🙂 We went out for Mexican and I’m stuffed like a tick. I’m in NC too (Hi Jeanette above). I bet we’ll have snow in a few more weeks. I’m actually ready for some. And I’m SO ready for this election to be over.

  • clojo9372

    Feel good today! Back on my sinus medication and was able to hit the weights. I have a lot of cleaning to do so I am gonna get to that in a little bit… 🙂


    It’s a beautiful day out there and I have the choice of a 3 hour round trip to buy a new office chair or just pottering about in the garden – bit of a no-brainer really!

  • Margaret S Porter

    my day was very long and tiresome. I took my hubs to the airport in Atlanta about an hour and a half drive. left at 100 and got home at 530. Traffic was horrible in Atlanta!

  • Krystal Waters

    Today is going okay, I went to get a pair of shoes with good arch supports in them and I didn’t know it would be so challenging. The shoes now days are so cheaply made and high priced. I will be looking online now for a good pair.

  • Dawn Monzu

    Well…my day is going “ok”. I was sick all night with my stomach feeling crappy, so not fun. Today I feel like I was hit by a truck. haha It could be worse though! God bless everyone!


    Hi all, I’ve just had one of those days when I never seemed to stop but now that I’ve got a chance to chill out, don’t seem to have achieved very much!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am really fighting this virus going around. Not enough to be sick but enough to just make me feel funky. Hope tomorrow is a better day. Also Giveaway Tool is not working for me.

  • angie lilly

    Today is going well, although I do have a headache suddenly. I am not sure if it is because I just got off the phone from a 2.5 hr convo with my mom or because of the weather change. hahahah!

  • Sue E

    TGIF. Looking forward to see a few grandkids this weekend. Celebrating our Cubbies winning, but will probably skip the parade. It’ll be a madhouse. I’ll watch on TV.
    Good day! ?

  • Tina Buhrman

    Woke up about a half-hour ago, but i don’t need to be up for another hour & a half. I’m heading back to bed to try to catch a few more z’s before my day really needs to start!

  • clojo9372

    I spoke too soon… Yesterday afternoon I had sinus pain behind my eye but it didn’t last very long. Maybe I overdid it? I don’t know… Today I have some paperwork to go over so I am gonna be quiet and not overdo it like I might have done yesterday. Hope everyone here has a great Friday!! 🙂

  • Audra O'Hara

    Crazy, crazy day. I think I spent half the day running errands. My mother-in-law, well, how do I put this…she’s a nut. lol And I still feel a little sick. Blah


    I bought myself a pair of shoes today! My first pair of proper shoes & even a little heel since my knee op last February. Bye bye Crocs!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am doing just fine today. Got to spend the day with my husband and even had lunch out. Nice to be back home, just a little cold. Think one of us better go down and throw another stick on the fire. Hope you day is well.

  • clojo9372

    I’m back! A little stuffed up but that’s it! No headache pain or discomfort behind my eyes! Thank goodness! Did some light cardio this morning and I am back working again. 🙂

  • Audra O'Hara

    Today went great…until about an hour ago when I started feeling sick. OH NO…I am hopeful it’s only allergies. I despise being sick this time of year. Time to go drink some hot tea.
    Oh gosh, I just saw the post from Sue E above me. Sue, if you see this, I hope you heal quickly. The dentist is the worst.

  • Sue E

    My day is going a l lot better than I expected!!
    I had oral surgery yesterday. The dentist took out one of my front teeth!! I am embarrassed now to smile! But the surgery went well and I actually ate something soft today – after starving all day yesterday & the bleeding stopped! So I am thankful ?

  • shannon fowler

    Mine has been a little stressful honestly. However, my family is visiting me from out of town, so thats been awesome.

  • Tamra Phelps

    We had another 80 degree day, which is odd but great! Tomorrow is going to be in the 60s & raining, though…so, here comes November!


    Today was a very long one: up early to drive Mum to Dublin for a meeting with her surgeon, blood tests & a CAT scan. Her prognosis is looking good and we stopped off for a meal on the way home & then shared a bottle of wine to celebrate. Well & truly ready for bed now!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today is a busy one for me as I have my 8 month old granddaughter and she is a busy one. Not very contented with things for very long and grandma forgets how much energy little ones take. LOL Oh no, there she goes again, talk to you tomorrow.

  • clojo9372

    I am about 92% back. Still feel some sinus pressure but it’s completely manageable. Gonna try to work today and hit the weights… I don’t think I have the strength or stamina for any intense cardio. I’m glad October is over, wasn’t too crazy about it this year. I hope November will be better! 🙂

  • Audra O'Hara

    My day’s going well. I got a lot of work finished (yay). Now I’m doing laundry. Well, I’m entering contests and doing laundry. lol It’s been so warm here for Nov 1st that it’s weird. I’m kinda ready for cooler weather. 🙂

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Good afternoon! How was your Halloween? We only had three little ones come to the house and they were three of my grandchildren. They others live too far away. Hope yours was fun!

  • Tina Buhrman

    Today has been a good day, & I’m determined to accomplish a few errands before spending time this evening celebrating a birthday with family. So last night, Halloween candy???, & tonight birthday cake??…my sweet tooth is going to go into overdrive! ??

  • michele

    not moving too quickly today.. slept in and that is always my downfall – I don’t want to do anything but lie around and read…

  • Lissa Crane

    My day is going great, however, I am so tired from Halloween yesterday! I had class parties, two parades, and then hours of Trick or Treating with my four kiddo’s! It was super fun, but very tiring! I can’t wait to do it all over again next year!

  • Stephanie Phelps

    Well today is going great for me. I have my granddaughter who is nine days shy of her first birthday and is standing here helping me type. She is the sweetest but the most independent little person I have ever met! I hope your day is going just as well!


    I had to get up in the middle of the night ‘cos the wind changed and started blowing the flap that covers the letterbox. It sounded like someone was trying to get in – perfect for Halloween!

  • clojo9372

    I am almost back to normal! I am so glad! I have never had sinusitis before, it’s horrible! I can’t believe it’s November already. Christmas is just around the corner and they just started playing Christmas music today! 🙂

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