June 2017 $50 Your Way #Giveaway!!

Okay, here is June’s update. First, the cold. Holy Moly! We got rid of the cold only to be hit with STREP a week later. Yup, disease free for all of a week. So, June will be better. It has to be!! To start the month off on the right foot today (June, 1st) my Granddaughter Lil’ Miss Alice turns 6. Can you believe it? She is growing like a weed and now she is SIX! I am truly blessed to be able to spend my days with her. She is SO MUCH FUN!!!

Not much else for updates; truly being sick for two months not only put me behind, but made us stay close to home day after day after day……….. so boring!!

Oh yeah and for those that are following the postcards saga?  They stopped. If you don’t know about the postcard mystery just know it was the most brilliant joke for MONTHS as in over a years worth of mysterious postcards from all over the world with one or two lines of my most hated song EVER.  Not signed. Unrecognizable handwriting. No hints. Funny and now possibly done?
On to the Giveaway!! My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! I hang out with a SIX year old ya know!!)

The June Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going to Amazon from my blog does not cost you any additional money!!
AmazonWin $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon

Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!


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    next ѕubmit, Ι will attempt to ɡet the grasp of it!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, thunder and lightning are starting to roll in out there. It’s about 12:30 a.m., so I’m hoping the lights don’t go out!

  • michele

    Have to get moving early.. muck out the animal stalls then off to shop.. groceries, feed , odds and ends… will be good to get out and about….

  • เย็ดหี

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    have a nice holiday ԝeekend!

  • xxx

    Great post. I used to be сһecking contіnuously this
    bⅼog and I’m inspireԀ! Eҳtremely usefuⅼ inf᧐rmation particularⅼy tһe ultimate section 🙂 I handle such information much.

    I used to be looking for this certain infօrmation for a long time.

    Thanks and good luck.

  • Susan Smith

    I had a good day. I took my daughter to the zoo. We spent the whole day there and my feet hurt so I’m just relaxing now.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My 8 year old nephew stayed here last night & I swear he had a sugar buzz going, lol. I went to bed about 1 a.m. & he was still climbing the walls in the living room with my Mom (his Granny!) I’m exhausted today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Our summer appears to have gone! Today felt as cold as November & it rained all day so we called a halt to clearing Dad’s workshop and actually did very little.

  • CJ

    Another scorcher today. I guess it’s not that the temp is very high but awful humid… Makes me not wanna do anything out of fear of excessive sweating…. LOL. 😛

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. I learned that I could renew my plates online without going to the DMV. The $2 processing fee is well worth the time it would take to do it in person.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I spent another couple of hours emptying out Dad’s workshop. It’s so sad. He was a war baby so never threw anything away but really time passed him by. I mean he kept so much stuff that no-one uses anymore. Today he would have been 84 so we sang Happy Birthday to him and made a cake!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        It’s seems such an awful waste. All that effort and for what? Ah, well, gloomy thoughts aren’t going to get the job done. I’ll go and visit him tomorrow and have a wee chat and tell him the heartache he’s causing!

        • Tamra Phelps

          My Grandma never threw out anything either. She had boxes & boxes of old material & clothes that ‘someday’ she was going to use to make quilts, every pair of glasses she ever owned, & where some people have a junk drawer, she had a junk room! I used to tease her…& of course now I see myself tossing things in a drawer or box & saying, “I might need that some day!” Uh oh! Well, we never really know what the most trivial thing might have meant to someone, though, I guess. My other grandma was sorting through her cedar chest once & I started to pick up an old gum wrapper from the bottom of the chest & she jumped & said, “Oh, don’t throw that away! That’s the first thing your Pa ever gave me!” (They were walking to church together as teenagers, lol.) She still had it over 60 years later.

  • Tami Vollenweider

    My Day is going great! Just got news about grand daughter’s test results and they turned out great! She’s only 1 ,but she hasn’t been gaining a lot of weight. It’s some kind of genectic problem about not being able to absorb sugar in what she eats and theirs medicine out their for it!

  • michele

    My dear niece emailed last night to tell me that she got a great job teaching high school computer science…she has been struggling to find the right job since she got her masters degree… so proud and happy for her…..

  • Tami Vollenweider

    I’m hoping to have a great day! I volunteer at a local thrift center every Tuesday,to help them out. We have lots of things for people to get for themselves for FREE!! I enjoy it and get to see many people their!

  • michele

    Trying to figure out my day… should I change drapes in the living room?? should I re-arrange the guest room?? Maybe I am just making work for myself that is not necessary and pick up my book and read!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I only managed about 3 hours sleep last night & then had to leave for Dublin at 6a.m. I did try to have a nap when I finally got home but just couldn’t settle. It’s now nearly midnight and I’m starting to wake up!

  • Kristen

    My day is in upheaval! It’s not even 9am and plans for today are getting changed….then changed some more….

  • CJ

    Working on a project with my Mom today… she has a lot of paperback books so we are sorting through them. Keeping some and getting rid of the ones she doesn’t want anymore.

  • michele

    Before you know it July will be here.. where did June go ?? when I was young time seemed to go so slowly, now times literally does fly….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a bit of a lazy day after all my decorating & clearing of the loft during the week. I’ve got a hospital appointment in Dublin first thing on Monday so I’ve got to leave the house at 6a.m. AGH!

  • michele

    A rainy Sunday … Rainy Days and Sundays..great song but I digress… a day to just unwind, relax, read and let the events of the past week go…. new week starting and it promises to be one of positive vibes only….

  • CJ

    I love Sunday and it started raining again. I am gonna enjoy curling up and reading my book and drinking coffee! 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I spent three hours in the loft handing down bags & boxes full of my niece’s childhood! She’s 21 in a couple of weeks and decided the time had come to let Barbie and her cohorts go, thank heavens! The heat up there was intense – I’m sure I’m a couple of pounds lighter!

  • CJ

    First let me say Happy Birthday, Connie!! Hope you have a great day. Today isn’t going to be very exciting. I have a bedroom to clean and other than that I don’t wanna do much… LOL. 😛

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been torrential downpours & a few tornado watches (no warning in our area, thank goodness.) Actually, though, it has been a pretty good day (indoors, anyway!)

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Poop-a-doop! I had to go back to the dentist for emergency treatment as an infection has set in in one of my cracked back teeth. This is what years of eating disorders result in 🙁 Still the rest of me’s doing ok apart from aches & twinges!

  • michele

    Bought a new paperwhite….yes that is big excitement for me.. makes me smile and when it gets here a device just for all my books….at what point did I stop buying paper books and start buying e-books?? Thank goodness our library is filled to capacity otherwise there would be empty shelves now…..

  • CJ

    Got a lot of work done yesterday and last night I stayed up late last night chatting with my BFF. Now I’m kind of dragging but after a nice cup of coffee I will perk up and get stuff done! 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Went to the gardens for a sensory garden tour, but the group never showed up. Too hot this morning but a cool front came through.

  • Kristen

    I”m finding it hard to get anything done today because it’s SO HOT! Usually I like warm weather, but today it is just making me sleepy all day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Rain, rain, rain. Well, if that’s the extent of my gripes, then I’m doing okay. It was a slow day around here, mostly because I just didn’t do anything.

  • Birdie Skolfield

    My day is goin well its cooler today !!! Ill be goin on a bike ride soon that should top off a lovely day !!!

  • michele

    There was no surgery for husband….The interventional radiologist informed us that there was no room at all for a biliary stent.. the cancer had grown over the common bile duct and the only surgery would have been a catheter maybe 2 drawing bile from the liver and the gallbladder into a bag on his stomach… irreversible…I had taken care of my mom’s colostomy bag so I was prepared to do it but this one would have been there as long as….his quality of movement and life would have been compromised so his answer was no……so we move on with alternative therapies and hope in our hearts….

    • Tamra Phelps

      Michele, I’ve read your thoughts on here & just wanted you to know that I hope you find the right therapy & maintain that hope! You certainly have my admiration (as does your husband) for the way you’ve kept moving on through what has to be a struggle. If it helps, know that every time I read one of your posts here, I ‘throw up a prayer’ as my Grandma used to say.

      • michele

        Thank you also…. When you are married to a man for 47 years you never ever give up hope…..it’s always been he and I and we shall continue to be so….by the way I so enjoy reading your posts and in fact all the posts here at Connie.. there are times you ladies make me laugh or nod my head in agreement….

  • CJ

    We had another power outage today that lasted HOURS… but it’s all fixed now. I plan to do some house cleaning, I’ve gotten behind on a lot of my work and I need to catch up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I just watched my nephews doing something in the driveway that I cannot figure out, lol. They were laying down on a skateboard & looked like they were trying to ‘swim’ down the driveway. Crazy boys, ha. Endless entertainment when they don’t know you’re watching.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m loving the hot weather but it does bring more work: this morning I spent over an hour watering everything in sight & I’ll have to do the same again this evening.

  • CJ

    The sun is out finally… I am gonna go out and do some work that I am behind in. Then I have to await my parents return home from the hospital…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Nothing much going on here today. My Mom’s favorite TV show, The Haves & The Have Nots, starts up again tonight…which means I’ll go to bed early, lolol. If you haven’t seen it, it’s like a 1970s soap opera, by which I mean every story is so far-fetched I want to throw something at the TV. But Mom LOVES it. Oh, well, she sits through my crazy Ghost Hunting type shows (yep, I love those shows!)

  • michele

    Tomorrow is my husbands surgery at last…..hopefully it will relieve the jaundice and all the nasty things that go along with it….I know it is just a comforting thing for him but we shall never give up the big battle….its funny one day the phone rings and your daughter-in-law tells you your son has passed away…one day the doctor tells you your husband has inoperable cancers that are moving quickly throughout his system….I am not going to answer the phone or go to the doctor for a long while….If I don’t laugh right now I shall cry…..

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Keeping everything crossed for you all. I wonder if Connie realises just how therapeutic this ‘journal’ is?

      • michele

        I hope she does.. there are times you just need to share or vent and this place is a wonderful one for me.. I also read what others are experiencing and like their joys and sympathize with their challenges….

  • CJ

    Just like yesterday the weather is awful… we even lost power during the night. Not going anywhere today, thank goodness… Gonna cuddle up and eat ice cream and binge on Netflix.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m still up that ladder painting. Wonder if it’s possible to go snow blind from all this white paint?

  • CJ

    It is pouring!!! I am cuddled in my house. I would hate to have to be on the road in weather like this. It’d be a nightmare….

  • michele

    Sitting here waiting for Wed surgery date …… very antsy ….. just want all the help I can get with my husband.. it is all I think about….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m really missing Dad today. Just want to curl up & have a little cry but that’s a bit hard to do when you’re up a ladder with a paint roller in your hand!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Sorry you’re having a rough day. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let yourself have that cry, you know. If it gives you some relief & makes you feel a little better, I say cry.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Nah, it’s not something I do easily but I did sing my head off while painting so let it all out that way 🙂

  • CJ

    My dad is home from the hospital and spending Father’s Day at home with his family as he should. God is good and I am grateful.

  • michele

    Well today is Fathers Day and I stop to honor my father who was by far the most wonderful man I have ever known…I miss him so much…

  • Tamra Phelps

    We’re not even technically at the beginning of Summer, but man, it has been hot this week. Well, at least I’m not out in Arizona. My cousins in Phoenix are expecting temps up to 120+ this week. Can you believe that?? I don’t care if it is a ‘dry heat’—that’s too dang hot!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Da da da da da! The Irish sun came out, the Irish turned pink & complained about the heat – can’t win!

  • CJ

    The sun is starting to peak out, so I am wondering if after two days of rain we might get a break. I have some things to do outside and having the sun out would be helpful! 🙂

  • michele

    Today is a rainy quiet day…thinking about all the ramifications of how my husbands life will change after his surgery and then the cancer treatments after.. It is so hard to see him like this

  • Tamra Phelps

    My niece & nephews are visiting my Dad & his wife this weekend in the Southern part of the state (the oldest nephew has a baseball tournament there & the other 2 are excited about spending the weekend at a waterpark.) So…I have sort of a mini vacation, lol. Of course, the truth is I’ll go stir-crazy because it’ll be too quiet!

  • CJ

    I am still reeling from my horrible cold. It rained a lot yesterday and I was outside at the time it started so I don’t think it helped. Bleh…

  • michele

    Today is off to visit husband in hospital.. He sounds good on the phone so I hope we add to his good spirits….

  • Birdie Skolfield

    My day is going great its very hot here today 98′ its supposed to be 107′ by Tuesday so I need to get the grocery shopping done SOON !!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Finished painting the utility & moved on to Mum’s ensuite then the weekend off and start on the hall. I may have to sleep in the car tonight!

  • michele

    I am so very glad that my husband was finally admitted to hospital….They will not operate until Tuesday but at least he is in and being cared for….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, I feel half sick today. I’m pretty sure the swimmy headed feeling is sinus congestion, but then I went & ate ice cream & pasta & pretty much everything else, lol. Yeah, I blew my diet! So, that’s my day: dizzy & bloated, ha.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I couldn’t sleep because of the paint fumes, the cat threw up & I swear my Mum is high as a kite! At least it’s not raining so I can have doors & windows open.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Oh, you made me laugh (but poor kitty & poor you, too!!) Lord, I always hated painting. The fumes will give you a headache & the next day your shoulders ache like crazy. But at least the house looks brand new!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        I was really beginning to worry about having to sell the house when Mum dies (morbid I know but will have to be done) but we’ve decided to take advantage of my niece being home from College for most of the summer. This month it’s decorating & next we’re clearing out the loft, workshop/garage & shed. HUGE weight off my mind and shoulders – phew!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of painting walls & ceilings. I don’t mind emulsion but gloss gives me an awful headache even with all the windows/doors open but ‘she-who-must-be-obeyed’ wanted gloss so gloss is what she’s got!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      You need to take more care of yourself so you can be strong for Mum & Dad. It’s really hard to watch them go through it every day and of course the pain that you’re feeling too. I got really run down to the extent that I got everlasting cold sores when Mum was undergoing radio & chemo treatment. It’s too easy just to grab a sandwich on the run & that’s when you actually have any appetite. So from now on it’s regular healthy meals, plenty of water, fresh air and sleep, d’ya hear?

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had to actually drag myself out to the bank today, which I hate doing, lol. There are always lines, right? And I pick the wrong one. But it turned out I got to go right in, get my business done (while SITTING!!!) & leave. Wow.

  • CJ

    The day started out good but I have a terrible headache, gonna lay down in a few minutes and hopefully it will go away.

  • Shannon Mitchell

    It’s way too hot here today, I’m feeling HOT! I helped my son out today, his truck broke down over the weekend. I hope we can get it fixed soon.

  • Tracy Robertson

    My day went well. It’s Sunday night now, I visited family and ran some errands. The weekend went way too fast though!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’ve just got back from the blessing of the graves and thankfully the rain held off! I put a roast in the oven before we left so chillin’ for the rest of the day (hopefully) :0

  • michele

    I have no idea what this week will bring so I plan on taking a “me” day….reading, listening to music and chilling out….where is the wine?? oh too early yet.. later on…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    There’s a blessing of the graves and celebration of the lives of those gone before us tomorrow. I spent a good hour with Dad, tidying up, putting his favourite roses on his grave and having a chat!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, I think I got about 3 hours sleep last night. So, I feel draggy today. Well, maybe I’ll go to bed early tonight…but that never seems to work out, you know.

  • CJ

    Like my mother said we are having company. It will be nice to see the family, we don’t see them as much as we should.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I never should’ve bought that big box of York Peppermint Patties, lol. (Yeah, sure, Tammy, you totally got them for your niece & nephews.) Guess who’s eating most of them. Yep. Me. Well, never again! Unless I see them on sale again. Then…I’ll cave, again. I can’t help it! I’m weak when it comes to chocolate in any form!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another sleepless night (well, about 3 hours). I think it’s just that with Father’s Day and what would have been Dad’s 84th birthday approaching my head’s full of all those ‘if only’ kind of thoughts. He’d have loved having Trump as President – plenty of excuses to write indignant letters to The Times!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I think your Dad would’ve been good to know. I love a well-written, indignant letter to the editor! I’ve always wanted to meet those who write the really good ones!

  • michele

    I am very down today… every day my husband looks thinner and thinner…yesterday he ate so very little and w/o the help of Boost he would have had no caloric intake at all.. Hopefully today will be better….

  • Sarah Chandler

    It was a rough day at work ( I’m a Preschool Teacher). I lost my patience at one point and felt terrible about raising my voice with the children. Took a nice walk with my sweet boyfriend this evening which was nice!! 🙂 God bless!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The cat (who remains nameless after 2 years!) wouldn’t come in last night so I stayed up till 2am then went to bed. The thunder & rain woke me up but still no sign of him … back to bed. At the unholy hour of 6am he arrived on my windowsill like the proverbial drowned rat and absolutely starving. He’s been asleep most of the day while I’ve spent my time just yawning!

  • michele

    Trying to get going today but I have no energy to start….Just need a few minutes to get motivated then I will jump to the chores….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been a long day. I woke up too early & couldn’t go back to sleep, so I just got up, lol. Now, it’s just before 9 p.m. & I’m already exhausted. And usually I’m a night person, up at really late hours.

  • michele

    Sitting here thinking about how life works and feeling philosophical about all of it… the road nor traveled etc….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I just got the car valeted! Honestly it’s only now when I see the difference that I realise how dirty it was! Anyway, the rest of the day will be spent doing chores & popping into town to get some colour swatches. Yes folks, Mum’s finally ground me down into promising to redecorate the utility & ensuite. I’ll have to get it done sooner rather than later or the nagging will start! Hope she never sees this!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Mom is driving me nuts today, lol. She is the type of person who wants things done NOW–I’m the type who says, ‘I’ll do it later.’ She wants every dish done as it hits the sink, I say wait until the end of the day & then wash them all. She’s on oxygen, trailing tubing along, trying to turn this light off, get that dish washed, etc. And she isn’t feeling well (nauseous & dizzy today.) So, I’m saying, ‘Sit down! I’ll do it before I go to bed.’ Argh!!! She fell a few weeks ago when she got dizzy. But she just won’t listen. She keeps moving from room to room. Lol, ah, OK. She finally sat down.

  • michele

    Spoke to a very dear friend today and found out she will be coming for a short visit… Happy to see her….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve got a whole load of chores to do and errands to run but I don’t want to get started! So tired…

  • CJ

    It’s kinda rainy and I don’t feel like going out… but I have to. Bleh. When I come home I think I am just gonna read. I don’t have a lot of energy to do much of anything.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    June Bank Holiday and the choir & I were booked to sing at a summer féte in the grounds of the local hosptal. Well, it poured down all day so they organised marquées and we sang in the rain till the roof blew off! Talk about raising the roof!!!

  • CJ

    I woke up to thunder and lightning… and now it is POURING…. Thank God I don’t have to leave the house today, I would hate to be on the road in weather like this!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Did you ever have one of those days where you feel extra clumsy? I think I have dropped every thing I picked up today! Honestly, I need to go to bed early just so this day will end.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    For the first times in weeks I slept till I woke naturally. Sheer bliss apart from the dawn chorus at 4am (Have these birds no home to go to?).

  • michele

    Taking the day for myself…. after I finish cooking I plan on reading.. listening to music… and watching Grace and Frankie…

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Today is starting out pretty good. Sun is shining and we will be heading to church for an anniversary pot luck lunch.

  • michele

    It has been one helluva week and I am ready to just sit down and relax….Have to do a few more chores and thats that….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve been having a very lazy day so far but will get moving soon as I’m singing in Church this evening.

  • michele

    Trying to keep my husband comfortable.. thats about all I can do until we see doctor on Monday… The weather is overcast so at least it is cool….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Robbie Burns had a lot to answer for when he wrote of ‘the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men …’ as non of my plans have come to fruition this week! We were going to go out to lunch, go window shopping in town and for a drive to the seaside but between the lousy weather and just general fatigue, we haven’t done any of them. Ah, well and ho hum!

  • CJ

    May really flew by. I am glad June is here. May was a hard month for me and my family. I am hoping June will be better! 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    I can’t believe it’s June. Honestly, time seems to fly the older I get. Not much is going on around here today. My youngest nephew blew through & left a trail of pixie stick ‘dust’ through the house, so we got to clean that up, ha. That was as busy as i got today.

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day is going great so far! I just got back from visiting my daughter and granddaughter in Texas. I loved seeing them! They are moving here to Omaha, Nebraska in the next 2 weeks. I’m SO happy to have them back home with me again. I hope you are having a good day as well! God bless everyone!

  • Sarah L

    Got an excellent massage this morning. Got email that I won pair of tickets to SeaWorld or Busch Gardens theme park. Have to see who can use them since I’m 2,000 miles away.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Today is going much better than yesterday, had a horrible migraine. So far today I am pain-free & have been able to get some errands done. Hope your day is going well also.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, I’m back after a wee computer-meltdown break & rarin’ to go! Up to my eyes lately with choral music at various Churches in the locality. Other than that, not a lot else apart from the weather which is dreadful for this time of year although the farmers are loving the rain!

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