$50 Your Way July 2017 Giveaway!

It’s time for July’s $50 Your Way Giveaway! June went by so FAST!! Some of the highlights were meeting Blythe Lipman of Baby and Toddler Instruction. Blythe was so fun to hang out with; what a blast we had. Even Alice was sad when it was time to go. I can’t wait for her to come back this way again. She is probably going to kill me for this….. but yes, that is Blythe sticking her fingers in the cow’s nose. Alice still talks about this! It cracked us both up. Seriously!

Birthday/party backdropThe 24th of June I celebrated my 59th birthday with a wonderful family dinner.

On to the Giveaway!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! I hang out with a SIX year old ya know!!)

The July Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going to Amazon from my blog does not cost you any additional money!!

Amazon deals

Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Sarah L

    Whew! Your site was down when I first tried to get my last entries in. Tried again and YEA!
    Thanks for all the great giveaways you have and for all the pictures of Alice growing up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My brother came over and we went over the list of places that needed to be notified of Mom’s passing (is it weird that I have trouble writing/saying death when I talk about her?? I’m usually a very practical person, not overly sentimental.) Anyway, we made calls and took notes on who needs certificates, etc. Mostly, I’m fine. Until, suddenly, I’m not, you know? Anyway, I imagine I’m getting through as well as I can. I wonder if there’s ever going to come a time when I don’t approach every task by thinking, ‘This is the first time I’ve done _____ without Mom in the World.’

  • Nikki Ooi

    Day went pretty darned well as I managed to get a lot of errands done so lots of checklist items checked off! Yay!

  • michele

    Well more good news, husbands best friend has decided to stay until the end of the week.. He also asked me for a list of things I would like him to repair or look at or even power wash.. what a guy!!…He was the first person my husband introduced me to way back in the summer of 1970.. so we do go way way back……

  • Rosie

    It is a gorgeous day, and a Sunday. I’m at the town center, they have a band here getting ready to play this afternoon. I’m looking at fabric flowers on etsy.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have my younger nephew today (he doesn’t like sitting through his brother’s baseball games, lol) & my niece (she often stays home on her own. I suspect she might be on ‘keep Aunt Tammy occupied duty.”) I’m not complaining. It means someone is in the house. I had gotten extremely used to Mom always being around, it’s hard to suddenly be in an empty house.

  • michele

    Well the reunion went very well.. up until 2am chatting and laughing.. it did my husband a world of good.. now to make our guest a full pancake breakfast with ham and eggs….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m just catching up with chores as I’ve had a bit of a cold & haven’t felt well for a couple of days.

  • CJ

    Finished all my chores and now I am sitting down listening to a podcast. It’s extremely warm today so I don’t want to do anything that will exhaust me. I am prone to get bad headaches when I overheat.

  • Rosie

    It is going OK. My fan just crapped out, so I’m online seeing if I can fix it and looking for another. I was going to get one ahead of time in case this one broke, but didn’t, so now I have to wait for it! No way to get to a store.

  • michele

    So today company arrives.. husband has not seen his best friend for 10 years..texting is not having someone right across from you….so guest room gorgeous chocolate on the pillow cooking a special meal and just sorry that his wife could not come also….

  • Tamra Phelps

    This has been one of those months that just leaves you feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck. I look back at my early comments, & I just thought it would be like every other July, hot & muggy & filled with baseball games for my nephews. It became a month of hospitals and a funeral home & a cemetery. You’d think I’d lived long enough to know that you can’t take anything or anyone for granted. So why are losses like this always so shocking?

    • michele

      You are so right.. live every day to the fullest.. tell people you love that you love them.. compliment and validate people as they deserve…trust me no matter how much life you have lived there are things that shock you out of the box….In 2012 I waved goodbye to my son and grandson at the airport and watched them thru the gate.. never ever did I think that would have been the last time I would see my son…then 3 months later a phone call….my side of the conversation to my daughter-in-law are you telling me my son is gone?? Yes at 38 years old passed away in his sleep..heart….so my dear Tamra things can come anywhere at any time and you have to get up.. be very strong and continue…..by the grace of God we all do…..

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Girls, you’ve got me crying now. It really is a bitch, isn’t it? And then you see morons who are in the public eye spreading hatred and mistrust and wonder where it all went wrong … sorry, had a couple of gin & tonics earlier and feeling maudling now.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Michele I had no idea about your son. So very sorry to read your post above. It’s one thing losing a parent but to lose your child (at any age) must be horrendous.

        • Tamra Phelps

          You’re both right. There are some ‘life lessons’ that I think I could happily go my whole life without learning, you know? Michele, I didn’t know you had lost your son. That had to be gut-wrenching. I’m so sorry!

  • Tamra Phelps

    We buried Mom today. I don’t even know what to say about that. I can’t believe that we will never see her again. I just feel completely exhausted now.

  • michele

    Talk about grateful… after 2 years and 3 surgeries my eye is in great shape… macula sealed.. retina fully attached and all is well.. all scar tissue gone… sometimes I look at doctor and he is shocked at how well it all turned out…2 years ago it was high drama..the rush to the eye institute told I had to have immediate surgery on my left eye.. right eye sight gone totally….the surgery and the time period when I was totally blind my wonderful daughter took such fantastic care of me….she is a gift from God …I cannot express how much she means to me…..

  • CJ

    Went to the doctors with my mom. The doctor said she is ok! Then we went to the grocery store it was crowded and there was soooooo much traffic. So glad to come home.

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. No rain in the forecast! I got up and went to the stairwell, and sure enough, the fire door was kept open all night again. I’ve been trying to catch this person with my camera, but haven’t so far. I can’t just accuse them without proof.


    My day was fabulous shopping with hubby and a nice lunch now layin low as the heat is not going away its 6:00 93 ‘ YIKES !!!!!!

  • Nancy C

    Oh my, I”m having a great day! My mom took the kiddos for me and let them swim in their kiddie pool all day so I actually got to take a nap. That’s my idea of luxury these days, lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I sang at a funeral this morning and all I could think about was Tamra’s mom Jo. It’s so hard to lose a parent especially when you’ve been their carer. Suddenly there’s this huge void.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, we made arrangements yesterday. Friday we will bury Mom in the cemetery most of our ancestors are in, next to her first baby, who died soon after birth. I want to tell all of you how much it has helped to vent on here, and thank everyone who said a prayer or just threw good thoughts out into the Universe or whatever your personal beliefs led you to do. It really did help me get through.

  • michele

    Oh gosh still thinking of Tamra and the loss of her mom…remembering when my mom went and how hard that hit me…so very sorry for her loss….

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. It is a little bit cooler, but we are supposed to have thunderstorms this afternoon, so it means I will have to run home to manage the leaks and the buckets.

  • Jan Lee

    My day is going alright. Had applied for 4 programs to help me out yesterday and found out I was approved for one of them. Not bad considering I expected none, lol Got my chores set up for tomorrow, and it’s supposed to be cooler here tomorrow finally, yayy. I’m glad it’s been nice out, but cooler weather will be nicer overall 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So sorry to read of Tamra’s mother dying – it’s such a horrible time to go through – and here’s me complaining ‘cos I’ve got a headache. Shame on me.

  • Kelly O

    I have had a nice day. The weather was perfect and I spent the day harvesting peas andpotaotoes from the garden. Then I made a great dinner with those items. Yummy.

  • Rosie

    Prayers for Tamra and her family. My condolences on the loss of your mom. I’m having an OK day, I’m enjoying not having to worry about the leaks since it is sunny.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Mom passed away a little before 7 last night. Yesterday was horrible & today will be more of the same. We are heading to our hometown, a few hours from here, to make arrangements. Prayers much appreciated!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh, Tamra, I am so very, very sorry. It’s going to be so hard but please know that you are not alone. Take care xxx

      • michele

        Oh Tamra all my deepest sympathies go out to you and yours….So very sorry and sad for you…What can I say but my prayers for your strength and will light a candle for mom…

  • CJ

    It’s a beautiful sunny day… I think I want to spend some more time outside and get fresh air. Perk myself up a bit.

  • michele

    Yesterday was a really stressful day for my husband….pain…vomiting that was so violent he actually raised the divan he was lying on… hope today is better.. he is down to 130 pounds and cannot eat.. thank goodness for Boost and Ensure and Ovaltine…those are the only things keeping him going….

    • Tamra Phelps

      I’m thinking of you guys & praying your husband gets through this, Michele. Also, praying for strength for you.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Dentist first thing again. I don’t understand how anyone can work with teeth or feet but my sister trained as an oral hygienist and loved it – yuch!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been bad. I was encouraged by Mom being awake more yesterday, but today they told my brother it’s time to think about taking her off the machines. So…I am getting ready to go to the hospital (as soon as my nephews are picked up by their other Grandma.) This is going to be a bad day.

  • Rosie

    So far so good, no rain! Finally! It is cloudy and looks like rain, and around 60 degrees, much better than a few days ago in the 90s!

  • michele

    Sitting here trying to figure what to do today….of course the regular chores but I need to give myself a project to keep me from thinking what the immediate future could bring…Maybe I will bake….

  • CJ

    This morning I did not want to get out of bed.. but I did it… lol… My neck feels better. I have a lot of cleaning to do because we are going to have company this weekend and I want it to look presentable…

  • Tamra Phelps

    A bit of good news today: Mom was awake & alert for 4 or 5 hours this morning/afternoon. Previously, she was briefly waking up for minutes then she was back out. My brother was there & he said she seemed to be watching the TV with him. (Still on ventilator, so can’t talk, but nods.) I hope this is a good sign!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Nothing much to report from this tiny corner of Ireland. The family’s well, the weather’s lovely and I’m just getting ready for bed. I’m back at the dentist (again) in the morning though – ugh!

  • CJ

    My neck is killing me I don’t know what I did. I guess I slept funny or something. But I still was able to get some work done, it was just harder to.

  • Rosie

    It has been raining and raining. I put out more plastic, towels and buckets where I felt drops coming down on me in a new place yet, the ongoing leaks in my place. They are probably ruining the roof underlayment by not fixing it.

  • michele

    Have you ever awoken and felt like you never slept at all…..Its 6am and did I actually sleep?? Well up and at um and soon enough I will figure it out that I am really up…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have done lots of little jobs today. You know the ones where you’ve actually been busy for hours but not so you’d notice and then you think why did I even bother!

  • Kelly O

    My day started out great! Had a lot of fun with the family. I have become overtired though and now I am keeping away from people so I don’t put my foot in my mouth. Long day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today. they decided to put a ‘port’ into Mom’s chest & start dialysis. It will be slow, continuous dialysis rather than the usual aggressive, periodic type (they think her body wouldn’t tolerate that well.) Hopefully, her kidneys will start working better, take some of the fluid off her heart. They said it might be days before we really know if it’s working & if kidneys will bounce back from all this. Waiting is a nightmare but at least it gives you hope.

  • michele

    Some news this morning.. my husbands best friend for 59 years is coming to see him….taking the flight later on this week.. the past days have been challenging to say the least….it is all I can do to see him like this and not cry….I am not even sure that the treatments are working.. I do believe in hope and miracles but I am also realistic….going to relax and enjoy my Sunday as best as I can….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, the right side of Mom’s heart is far bigger than the left (should be the left that’s bigger, apparently.) So… they need to get her kidneys to do better & that will help with this heart issue. My brother texted me that that is their goal today (I’m home today babysitting nephews.) I had let myself forget what a special hell it is when someone you love is very sick, in the hospital, etc. I think I’ve cleaned everything I can just to occupy my mind ’cause if you just sit here & dwell on it, you’ll feel yourself going nuts. But I refuse to give up hope. If nothing else works, I do believe in God’s miracles.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Nothing much happening here. The cat somehow got himself tangled in barbed wire & came home in a bit of a mess, but I’ve cleaned & tidied up all the cuts and he’s now sleeping it off. Unfortunately it’s something that happens when you live in the country

  • CJ

    I finally finished my outside work that I started yesterday. It was difficult because it poured this morning but it’s stopped raining and I completed it. I am gonna relax for the rest of the weekend. 😀

  • michele

    I have decided that I am done for the day… enough work is enough lol… going to relax read listen to music and veg…

  • Rosie

    Day is going ok. Got a call from a relative at 7 am, she is distressed about her adult daughter making bad choices and now blocking her on FB (she lives several states away) and cutting her off from her life. No real happy answers, but she was glad to have someone listen and we had a prayer.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I spent the better part of the day sitting in an ICU room watching all the numbers on the machines Mom is hooked up to. Oxygen looks OK (but she’s on a ventilator), bp needs to go up a little, pulmonary numbers are way too high (but she has COPD anyway so they were not good to begin with.) It just makes your head spin trying to understand it all. I guess it boils down to this: we still have hope but we know the reality is she might not pull through. She is fighting hard, though.

  • CJ

    Kinda tired today….. I was outside most of the morning doing yard work and it was really hot and humid. But I got half the job done and I plan to finish the rest tomorrow! 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I spent most of Wed. with taking Mum for a check-up in hospital & then an early start on Thurs. taking my niece to Dublin Airport for a flight to Croatia to stay with her best friend from College for 2 weeks! So today I slept till lunchtime!

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. May have more thunderstorms later today, so I have to keep an eye on the sky to see if I need to rush home to navigate the buckets and leaks.

  • CJ

    I went to the post office and picked up a thoughtful care package from my best friend. It really means the world to me to be so highly regarded and to have such a caring friend.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I feel like I’m on the World’s worst rollercoaster ride. One day, you’re up because things are going a little better with Mom, the next you’re down because you get bad news from doctors. Today is mixed. On the one hand, she’s still fighting & understands commands when she’s awake. But the doctors say her prognosis is still poor because 3 organs are effected. (Heart, lungs, kidneys.) Heart & lungs are the main concern. If those work better that will help the kidneys. All prayers are appreciated!

  • Kelly Kimmell

    I just had oral surgery yesterday, so my jaw is a bit sore and I’m extremely tired & hungry. Hoping tomorrow will be easier.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I don’t want to tempt fate, but Mom seems to be doing better. On Monday, they basically said she had close to 0% chance of pulling through, but today she has opened her eyes, followed commands & her tests results are better than expected. Now, we are just hoping she can continue to fight hard!

  • michele

    Rain stopped but the skies look grey so probably more to come….My husband ate a little today and for that I feel truly blessed….going out tomorrow so better finish up any housework and make give my lists a final look over….

  • Rosie

    OK. Predicting more thunderstorms with heavy rainfall this afternoon, that means I have to go home to watch out for my leaks and buckets. I have to wait for them to approve fixing my leak at the next board meeting, one month from now. Too many games they play. In the meanwhile, on top of ruining my place, the roof is getting serious structural damage – do they care??? NO!

  • CJ

    It is pouring this morning and it was very hard to get out of bed… I am drinking my coffee and trying to perk myself up to begin my day…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, things do look better today for Mom. (It would be hard to get worse than yesterday, when we really thought we were going to lose her.) Her bp, heart rate & oxygen levels are all looking better. She opened her eyes & followed commands. She’s still not out of the woods but at least she’s better than yesterday!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    There’s so much sadness in the world, even just among us Whiners, that today has been a count-your-blessings-reality-check kind of day.

    • Tamra Phelps

      I definitely know what you mean. Some days just serve as a real kick in the ass about what really matters, you know?

  • michele

    Spoke to a very dear friend this morning…told her about my husband and of course she was totally shocked.. to go from healthy before Easter to his condition now she cannot believe.. Wants to help, positive vibes is all he needs ….what a great friend she is….

  • Tamra Phelps

    This has not been a good day. They had to stop Mom’s surgery when she ‘decompensated’-which seems to mean everything went wrong. They finally got her bp & heart rate to ‘acceptable’ levels, but her oxygen levels are way too low, in the 40s (they need to be at least in the 80s.) She is in ICU, critical condition. They asked if we want them to resuscitate if she goes into cardiac arrest. I guess we have reached the point where they say you have to think about quality of life: has the oxygen level caused harm to brain function? The next 24 hrs. will answer that, they say. I’m worried that it means she will die in the next 24 hrs. They don’t give us much hope…but I guess we hold out hope until it becomes impossible.

    • michele

      Tamra I am praying hard for you and mom….what can I say that will help you along..only I can do is say I am sad and hoping for the best for all.. I have been there with my mom and I was granted a miracle by grace so maybe you will get one also…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My head hurts from the extraction last Friday & it’s stopping me sleeping properly, so I’m tired, grumpy, too hot & bothered, fed up … did I mention grumpy?

  • Cheryl Chervitz

    It’s going good so far today. Got the dogs walked, house cleaned and laundry done! Now for some giveaway time!

  • michele

    Here we are at Monday….laundry then who knows what……making lists for the bulk and regular grocery on Thursday.. leftovers.. well I guess I could find a corner and read…..

  • Rosie

    OK. I called our state’s fire marshall and talked with him about the fire code violation at our complex and what I can do about it. Now I have to work up the courage, as the management are like raging bulls to gore you forever and ever you will be black marked, as I’ve seen them do that to many others. Nothing can be anonymous. I am working on moving out of this hell hole, I was going to list this spring, but going on six months I’m still waiting for the leaks, buckets and plastic all over your floor is not good staging.

  • CJ

    I swear Monday morning comes waaaaayyyy too soon. Didn’t want to get out of bed this morning at all. Oh well… I better face the day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m really tired & getting just a tad fed up with all this redecorating & changing furniture around. Mum wanted some shelving taken down, which I did & filled the holes etc. Now she’s changed her mind! Hey, ho, that’s my bitching over with!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s just me & my youngest nephew here today. Mom is in the hospital (supposed to have surgery on broken leg tomorrow), my brother went to visit her & see the doctors, my sister-in-law took the other kids shopping for back to school clothes. But my youngest nephew is just 8. He couldn’t care less about clothes shopping when he could stay with Aunt Tammy (who lets him eat way too many popsicles and play computer games to his heart’s content, lol.)

  • Rosie

    OK. Last night someone kept propping open the fire doors, I closed them several times, finally made three 2″ x 4″ sign saying fire door, to keep shut. I noticed they stopped propping all three floor doors. this morning I saw the board president ripped the signs off, he has a raging temper, they can’t get people to serve on the board. I hope he doesn’t know I did it. However, I am looking up fire marshall, to see about making violations complaints. I see from looking on line deadly fires from leaving fire doors open, the fire gets into the stairwell and increases dramatically, like a chimney, in heat and size. This is why ppl die in complexes, they rage if you want things right. They don’t care. I just read Good Housekeeping about the mom who was saved with her kids in an awful fire, they almost died. I don’t want that to happen to me, I can’t WAIT to get the hell out of there.

  • michele

    Well after all that with the frig it is up and working well…. forget the nonsense
    of frost-free no matter what the paperwork says or how new the frig is every 6-8 weeks I plan on shutting it down and drying it out then re-starting….on to bigger and better things.. Wow many moons ago ( when I worked) the conversations were about the samples from women from all over the world being tested for cancer….E1 E2 E3 Dhea Androstenedione studies…..life sure does bring changes…..

  • CJ

    Ever have so much on your mind that you spend more time thinking than actually accomplishing anything? That was definitely one of those days for me….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was feeling a bit sorry for myself today after having a wisdom tooth out yesterday so I took it easy, ate ice-cream & chocolate (purely medicinal of course) and watched Venus Williams lose the Wimbledon Final.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it looks like Mom will have surgery on her broken leg on Monday. Physical therapy starts the next day. I’m really hoping & praying it all goes smoothly for her. No ‘complications’ please!

  • michele

    So my day was moving along pretty well.. did the animals, husband resting quietly then I notice the frig isn’t cool on top.. freezer on the bottom fine..so I shut the thing down.. unplug everything… wait a few hours turn back on.. freezer going full blast no frig cool air…. so now I have shut it down again.. waiting until everything in the freezer seems to have defrosted and then I am going to blow air thru the top vents and hopefully unplug anything around the fan.. if this doesn’t work…. well.. I am not dealing with that scenerio as yet…

  • Rosie

    Just so so. I totally hate where I live. There is someone who keeps the fire door open, b/c they don’t like the sound of it closing. That person is a hoarder, and I’m terrified she will start a fire, I’m right over her. They NEVER do anything about anything. Two people died in a fire in this complex a long time ago. I hate being labeled the “complainer,” as instead of thinking the perp is the problem, they think YOU are. I’ve GOT to get out of here, hopefully alive. Ughhh. I’m trying to figure out what to do next.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Rosie, I think you’re right to complain. If the building people won’t take it seriously, try complaining to the fire authorities (wouldn’t it be a violation of the law to mess with the fire door?) You might point out to the building owners/supervisors that hoarding also draws rats, mice, cockroaches, etc. It might be difficult to attract renters to a building overrun with any of those. I feel sympathy for the hoarder, but ignoring her problem isn’t helping her and it is putting everyone at risk. —I hope you find an answer. I’ve lived in places I hated, too, & it just makes life miserable, I know!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it’s been a long day. I watched my nephews today, and waited to hear if my Mom would be having surgery on her broken femur this weekend. They need for her blood to thicken first (she usually takes blood thinners.) It’s starting to look more like early next week, I guess. I did talk to her on the phone, & my nephews talked to her (her grandsons), so that cheered her up.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another early morning dental appointment, this time to remove a bothersome wisdom tooth. Quite honestly I’m beginning to think that the gradual loss of my wisdoms is the cause of my eccentricity!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I cringe at the mention of wisdom teeth, lol. Mine came out when I was in my late teens. The dentist decided to pull all 4 on the same day. OK. That would’ve been fine. But he broke 2 off & wound up having to cut them out. Ugh. We went for pizza afterwards. My mouth was completely numb, I could’ve been eating my own tongue & never knew it, but no way was I missing Godfather’s Pizza. (Don’t know if they’re in Ireland, but it is amazing pizza! And they weren’t in my hometown, so I was taking advantage of the dentist being in a town that had it!!) Anyway, sorry for the dentist horror story—but your visit will be over by the time you read this!

  • michele

    Done for the day…We are going to sit down eat lunch and flop for the duration.. I have reading to catch up on and I can sit with my husband keep him company while he rests…

  • Rosie

    A little better. They finally got a roofer to take a look and they found a hole, the property manager had to admit it. Now I have to wait for them to fix it, and lots of t-storms this weekend. Then I have to wait to see if they send me the bill, as that is a scam they do to older people like me, they know many of them just pay up instead of fight and hire a lawyer. I sooo want to move!

  • CJ

    Woke up early, had some Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and began some outside yardwork. Got quite a bit done! Taking a break before I go out and finish up.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    With the garage almost finished Mum has now decided to rearrange the sitting room & Dad’s office. I spent most of the day going through dressers and drawers, taking down shelves and tomorrow I’m off to buy paint. Oh, and I have to go back to the dentist AGAIN – ugh!

  • michele

    Another rainy day.. had to tell the sheep and goats that inside it is again… eat pellets and pretend it is grass…live in the same reality I do…

  • Rosie

    Just OK. I left another message for the property manager about the leak. May have t-storms today and tomorrow, I may need to rush home again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, last night was not good. About 10:30 last night, Mom went into the kitchen & suddenly I heard a loud crash. I thought her walker had fallen & maybe hit something, but she had fallen. It was horrible. She fell in a sort of tight space between the fron of the fridge & the ‘peninsula’ counter. It pushed her leg out in a very unnatural position, bent at the knee & out to the side. She was in a lot of pain. My brother & sister-in-law came over (from across the street) & the EMTs got here quickly–but it took some time to get her moved without doing more damage. –So, her left leg, already damaged from a fall 4 years ago (nerve damage, necrotic damage that led to a chunk of skin & muscle being cut out, foot drop), is broken. It broke at the femur, just above the knee. She’s in the hospital, waiting to schedule surgery. I know it could’ve been worse, she could’ve hit her head, but this is going to be very hard on her after all the physical rehab she went through after the last time she fell.

      • Tamra Phelps

        Thanks Michele. So many people have told me they’ve gone through this stuff with their parents & it does actually help to know others can relate!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh, Tamra, I’m so sorry. Not wishing to make light of it but having parents is hard work. Do wish her well and you get as much rest as you can before she comes home again.

      • Tamra Phelps

        It is definitely hard work! It’s sometimes like having a giant toddler who won’t do anything you tell them to do because you’re not the boss of them, lol. Oh, well, she’s not in pain (heavily medicated) & it looks like surgery Saturday or Monday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My baby sister had her 56th birthday today! How is this even possible? And what age does that make me? Time, it is a-ticking …

  • Rosie

    OK. I tried calling the Housing Authority about my leak situation, 5 month and nothing but baloney. They are closed today, so now need to wait more.

  • michele

    Off and running.. it is pouring so the sheep and goats stay in the barn today but their houses still need to be mucked out… glad I started the day dancing !!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have finally finished clearing the garage – I spent another 7 hours on it today! Years & years of hoarding and now it’s all either gone to the dump, been recycled or given to friends/neighbours or charity shops. Sad really.

  • Sarah L

    Fun sort of day. First a good tour with the SPARK group at the gardens, then a $1 hot dog, 2 free 7-11 slurpees during my travels and then a free medium pizza from Papa John’s.

  • CJ

    Back to my in-house chores again, I’ve been slacking off on it because of work projects and outside work I had to do.. I put on some 90’s pop songs and got to work and sang along. 🙂

  • Rosie

    OK. Last night I spoke with the property manager, and then called him again this morning and left a message about my leak. There is a huge problem in the other building, multiple people, too.

  • michele

    Well great news.. my wonderful daughter doesn’t have glaucoma.. her second test after the baseline has stayed the same so no need to come back for another 6 months….My husband has never called me when I am out and he called 3 times yesterday.. this illness has made him so different.. he never had problems being alone before.. now I believe he likes someone home all the time….Not leaving again for awhile…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    Geeze, I woke up at 6 a.m. & knew I had to get up by 7, & there was no point in trying to sleep for an hour, so I just got up. Long story short, by noon I was ready to fall asleep sitting up. Oh, well, maybe I’ll sleep good tonight…but it never works out that way, lol.

  • michele

    Off to the eye institute for a vision field test with my daughter…On the way home a quick stop at the bulk shopping store…..A day out….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, this weekend sure disappeared quickly. I’m sitting here wondering if a weekend even happened & where did it go? Well, Monday is on the way now.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a very productive day today: fixed the leaky sink but still have to seal it when it’s dried out, cleared & tidied more of the garage & it’s beginning to look like the end is in sight, baked a pie, stripped & changed the beds, made smoothies & froze half (yum!) and even did a bit of sewing! Phew!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        No, Michele, wish I was! What I am is a master at putting things on the long finger & taking ages to motivate myself to actually get down to do them, that’s why, when I do I’m like a whirlwind and end up exhausted!

  • michele

    Well it is Sunday again… reading and listening to music and I do have a bit of paperwork to get done.. All is good…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m pretty busy still clearing the garage etc. and now the bathroom sink has started to leak so there’s another job – this to-do list is never-ending!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s Saturday, which means my older nephew has a baseball tournament. It also means my younger nephew is here because he is not a fan of road trips, lol. (At least not to watch someone else play ball. There has to be something for him at the end of a long drive to get him in the car!!) So, it’s just another Saturday around here.

  • michele

    I keep on trying to be positive and smile but today is such a hard day for my husband… he is so thin.. tired…dry heaving….I cannot watch but I cannot go away…. tomorrow is another day….

  • Rosie

    Saturday is going good. Not raining, glad we don’t have a drought, but the rain has my anxiety on high alert with the leaks. Could have thunderstorms later afternoon, tonight and tomorrow. Ahhhh!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s storming here right now. we spent the entire day waiting for the storms to hit, I think. Now I’m just hoping the power stays on!

  • CJ

    Hot and humid today but I finally finished a project I was working on, and now I will be ready to start my next one! 😀

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s already Saturday here but on Friday Mum celebrated her 84th birthday. She was born at 7 minutes past 7 on the 7th day of the 7th month! I bought her a new shower cap (family joke) and all she’s done is eat chocolate, drink wine and watch Wimbledon!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Wow, talk about having no doubts about what her lucky number should be! Happy belated birthday, Kate’s Mum!

  • michele

    So proud of my lovely niece after getting her Phd and a position at a fine university she is now a the lecture tour.. so very proud….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    All my sleepless nights caught up with me last night and I didn’t wake up till lunchtime but with a splitting headache. Can’t win!

  • CJ

    Today was a better day than yesterday. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day… and I feel good too. I’m in a good state of mind. 🙂

  • michele

    Just came back from running errands….even though he is weak husband came for the ride and enjoyed getting out and about…

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. I finally caught the property manager, he had been avoiding me, and not responding to my calls about the leak. He says roofers will be coming to the site in a few weeks as one of the other buildings is having problems, so we’ll see.

  • Susan Smith

    It’s been a good day. Took the kids swimming and then did some shopping, just finished with dinner and now it’s time to relax.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The electrician said he’d be here at 8.30 a.m. and yes, you’ve guessed it, after just 3 and a bit hours sleep I ended up waiting till almost lunchtime for him to turn up. I am not a happy bunny today!

  • Birdie Skolfield

    My day is suuuuuuuper great got all the grocery shopping done early and with my hubbys help he’s so good stearing the basket LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dan Dykstra

    My day has just started. I am entering your contest so if I win my day will be even better. Not much planned today maybe some yard work.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My brother took Mom to look for a new lift chair today (big July 4th sales, lol.) So, I spent the day with my younger nephew. He’s a breeze, really. He just wants to play his games, watch You Tube videos of others playing those games (someone explain that fad to me, please) & watch SpongeBob. Fine by me, lol.

  • Rosie

    My day is going well. Beautiful weather, and I’m not going to worry about my leaks today, for one day try not to think too much about it.

  • CJ

    Today is the 4th of July and I am relaxing today! Mom and i are gonna have a BBQ and watch movies and enjoy ourselves! 🙂

  • michele

    Happy 4th to all the lovely women I have met here on Connie….You are all funny, smart and I enjoy a glimpse into your everyday….

  • Angela Saver

    Having a good day at home with my hubby on this long 5-day weekend! Hope you have a great 4th with your family!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my diet went off the rails today when I discovered those new Oreo candy bars, lol. Hey, I had a coupon! I gave it to my brother (he was headed to the grocery anyway!) I thought it was for a normal candy bar but he came back with one of those dang family sized candy bars! (I didn’t read the fine print on the coupon.) So, I tried it & liked it a little too much. Yeah, I sent it to the kitchen. Told Mom to hide it. ‘Cause if it stays in here with me, it will never see tomorrow morning!

  • Robin Abrams

    My day is going great. It is beautiful outside and we are getting a lot of yard work done. It is looking good

  • Rosie

    OK. I tried calling the property manager, left message, no response still. I waited all weekend to get help about the leaks. My condo fee is $520 p/month, such lousy management. I can’t wait to move.

  • CJ

    4th of July weekend reminds me of two things… King Kong and The Twilight Zone. Let me elaborate. When I was a kid TNT always played King Kong, Son of Kong, and Mighty Joe Young back to back. And another channel (Sci-Fi channel wasn’t around yet) used to have a Twilight Zone marathon. So even as an adult I find myself always wanting to watch it this time of the year. Brings back great memories….

  • michele

    Planning the BBQ for tomorrow… no company just us and that is so fine by me… trying to make this a nice celebration….I do miss my mom at these times.. she was such a happy “lets party” person…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, the weekend is pretty much over (Sundays have always left me feeling kind of blue.) Even though I don’t have to drag myself out of the house tomorrow, my youngest nephew will be here about 7:30 because his Mom & Dad both have to head to work, so it’s going to be up early for me. Like Kate, I’m not good at going to bed early–I just lay there & read & listen to the radio. I am definitely a night owl!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I went grocery shopping and that’s about it really. We’ve an early start in the morning so it’s an early night & I’m not good at those!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I think Connie means the bit at the beginning of each monthly giveaway post where she highlights the events that have taken place during the previous month.

  • Dana

    My day is going great. I’m about to get into the pool and relax although I should be doing stuff around the house.

  • CJ

    I am not doing anything today. Just messing around on my computer and listening to 48 Hours. I used to watch the episodes religiously on Saturdays but since the episodes are now put online to listen to on iTunes as a podcast I do that instead.

  • CJ

    Can’t believe it’s July already…. Did some work outside but could only stand the heat for so long before I had to come inside and do work in there. Tomorrow is Sunday and I shall rest all day! 🙂

  • Judy Thomas

    It is pretty cold today so I am wrapped up well and on the couch.We have a channel devoted to Game of Thrones and I am binge watching the first 6 seasons 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Starting my 10 day ‘Steve sitting’. He’s 98 years old with a fun sense of humor.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s July?? But it seems like just a few days ago that kids were getting out of school…that was a month ago??!! And in another month they go back…and then, oh my, it’s Christmas. Lol, I’m in some crazy time warp where time is either creeping by or flying by, there just seems to be no nice middle ground.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another month has gone and passed me by; I must be getting older (but no wiser, I hear you say)! I should have gone shopping but I’m just too tired; as long as we have cat food, toilet roll, pie and wine then there’s really no urgency 🙂

  • Debra Guillen

    My day today is going well. It has been a productive day. I am doing some serious cleaning for a birthday party I am having for my husband’s birthday on the 4th of July.

  • Rosie

    Just so so. My leak is still leaking, I had two buckets out with water coming down last night, and more t-storms today. The property manager hasn’t fixed it since winter.

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