Let’s Help Mitch!!

Dear Peanuts and especially the New York Lottery Winner! Ya never know……. maybe the winners are big fans of Peanut Butter and Whine. RIGHT?!?! It could happen!! In fact I am really hoping that my little Peanut tribe will forward this post to as many people as possible. Keep reading and you’ll find out why we should Help Mitch.

I want to introduce my little sister Lea. I actually want to gush about my sister. She raised her 3 kids and then in 2009 inherited 2 bonus children. As a single PARENT to boot!!!

Let me tell you, this is one strong woman!! This is one GOOD person. My sister is the person I want to be when I grow up. (I know…  IF you grow up!!) Her bonus children are Mitch and Amber. Mitch has Cerebral Palsy which is a nasty disease that no child should ever have to deal with.

Raise money for Mitch

It takes a very strong parent to stay as strong, happy and balanced as my sister. When you tackle CP and teenagers you HAVE to keep a sense of humor!


Raise money for Mitch

Mitch is an amazing young man, who has Cerebral Palsy. Yet, I’ve never seen Mitch without a smile. He’s a fighter!!

When my sister started dating Mitch’s dad in 2009, she instantly felt a connection to Mitch and his sister Amber.

Raise money for Mitch

Within the year, both kids were both calling her Mom. The relationship between Lea and Mitch’s dad didn’t work out, but Lea never lost her connection to the kids, despite living in a different homes. Lea had visitation and took the kids every chance she got.

Eventually Lea fought (and WON) custody of both Mitch and Amber, making their family official on paper. However, anyone that knows my sister, Mitch and Amber know they’ve been a strong family with deep, loving bond since 2009.

Raise money for Mitch

Seriously, HOW AMAZING is my SISTER!?!??!

Mitch is unable to walk on his own and was given an amazing power chair to help aid his mobility. While this amazing chair gives Mitch the ability and freedom to get around, he is limited by the family’s current vehicle.

Raise money for Mitch

The power chair doesn’t fit into Lea’s van. Mitch is forced to hoist himself into the van and be carried out by Lea; because of this, Mitch ends up using a hand-me-down adult wheelchair; which Lea and Mitch are very thankful for; but it doesn’t fit his body and it doesn’t allow him the independence that a 16 year old kid desires.

That’s the reason for the GoFundMe page. To help raise money to buy a van that would have the capabilities of putting this amazing power chair the State of Texas has given them to good use.

The funds raised here would help a young man feel independent. He would be able to do things many of us take for granted every day, like use the restroom independently and move with ease where he wants to go.

Mitch and Amber’s lives have already improved so much since being Lea. Amber is in the high school marching band, just got braces to enhance that beautiful smile. Mitch participates in Special Olympics from bowling to basketball. The kids are encouraged to be KIDS!  Which of course means Lea is in the car a LOT!! The addition of a vehicle that’s able to transport a chair that fits Mitch’s body would greatly help this family.

I know that money is tight everywhere!! Trust me, I feel it too!! From Mom’s medical bills, to the big move to Idaho. I KNOW money is tight. But, here is what I’m thinking…. if everyone forwarded this post to their friends maybe the post or this GoFundMe would go viral. Maybe that lottery winner or even a van dealership owner would bless this family with a great gift BIG or SMALL!!!

Amber, Mitch, Lea Preston

Okay Peanuts. Let’s get to work. Please??!!??

Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom!! Please share this post! The share buttons are off to the right ⇒♥⇒

Raise money for Mitch









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