10 Questions That You Need To Ask Your PPC Agency

Small businesses are growing their outreach and improving their revenue with the introduction of digital advertisements. In common terms, PPC ads are what everyone knows digital advertisements as.

Hiring a PPC agency is one thing and assessing if they are truly reliable is another. To assist you with your online advertising campaign, here are the top ten questions that you should be asking your PPC agency before hiring them.

  1. Ensure their rapport at the very first step

As with hiring any outsourced partner, ensuring that the agency you partner with has a recommendable reputation is important. An easy way to do so is to seek help from their previous clients. You can easily find your prospective agency’s previous clients through their reviews. Alternatively, you may ask the agency directly to share the contact information for their previous clients.

PPC Agency Business meeting

Have a word with their clients. Ask them what they require, and how the agency helped them to achieve it. Get to know about the agency’s after-sale services. You may need to stay in touch with your agency on a regular basis. And for this reason, having good customer support from the agency is in your favor.

  1. What is their reporting module?

The second question that can affect your overall experience with the agency is its reporting module. You need to know what work is being done for your online promotions. The tasks which are undertaken for your PPC campaign would affect your overall budget, as well.

Since, the PPC campaigns are projected on the number of clicks and impressions that your ad receives, the bill for your monthly campaign may vary. Make sure that you have a clear word with your partner about how they will report you and would you be billed every month or are you to pay a fixed amount every month.

  1. How many years of experience do they have?

An important factor that can alter the effectiveness of your campaign is the expertise that your prospective partner holds. Of course, expertise depends on the years of experience that they have in the field.

Hiring a newcomer may save you on budget, but the overall results that your campaigns would bring in would also be affected. On the other hand, having an experienced agency by your side can ensure that you don’t have to stress over the results. Usually, an experienced brand would provide handle the complete campaign from design to product launch.

  1. Do they offer flexibility in packages?

When prospecting the best agency for your PPC campaigns, as already mentioned, your budget is a crucial factor. You wouldn’t wish to burn holes in your pocket, purchasing a highly expensive PPC agency.

Usually, agencies provide flexible packages as per the clients’ needs. You need to ask your potential PPC ads agency if they would charge you a fixed bill every month or would they bill you flexibly. Your budget would decide the extent of reach of your ad campaign.

  1. Make sure your agency covers competitor analysis

Running online ad campaigns require ranking your ad for specific key terms or keywords, as they are commonly known as. As mentioned on this page, managing keywords for your campaign should include competitor analysis. Once you know the terms your competitors are ranking for, it becomes easier to identify the target audience. And thus, relevant semantic keywords.

You need to consult with your agency if they conduct the competitor analysis. This is crucial, as you’d be competing with these online ads to fetch a portion of the same target audience. Knowing how your competitors are making it to the top ranks in Google search, can help you design your own campaign.

  1. How do they prospect the appropriate keywords?

For keyword research, competitor analysis is one thing, whereas you cannot be ranking for all of the keywords overnight. So, what are your options? Usually, a genuine agency would carry out thorough research to look out for the most appropriate keywords.

Starting with the least competitive search terms, your agency would suggest to gradually focus on the highly competitive ones. The keywords that are selected for your campaign should be relevant to your industry as well as your services. A major portion of these search terms is region-specific, which helps rank your ads better, locally.

  1. What are their standards for delivery?

Marketing and advertising are two aspects of the business which can never be absconded. Since, these two mediums help educate your audience about your brand you cannot ignore any of these two. But keeping an eye on the quality of these campaigns is equally important at the same time.

In other words, you need to ensure the quality of work your agency delivers. A clear report of the efforts put in for your campaign and the results delivered can be helpful. Once you figure out the benefits of your campaign in terms of return of investment, you can better decide if the agency is right for you or not. Try to take a full estimate of what they may be charging you and what they’ll be delivering.

  1. What are the ad extensions set up for your account?

Just like websites, PPC ads also require extensions to provide an enhanced user experience. For example, if a user visits your ad, they should be able to know more about your business. Furthermore, providing a proper mode of communication is also important, because your customers may wish to contact you before they actually purchase from you.

Consult with your agency about the extensions they will be providing you with. Some of these extensions may include a link to your website, a call or message button, a purchase button, and alike.

  1. Who will manage the content for your ads?

For every online activity, where communication to mass media is necessary, content comes into play. This is the reason; content is considered as the true king in the digital domain. And for obvious reasons, you need the best content for your ads.

The best content can ensure more customer engagement and lead conversion. To ensure that you get the best quality content, you need to know who manages your content. Usually, a reputed agency would provide you with high-quality content as well. Otherwise, you can choose to write your content.

  1. Are there any augmented services available?

You have all the necessary information to choose the best agency which can help you achieve the desired market through online ad campaigns. You’ve already decided on the budget and the strategies that they’d be following to deliver the best quality results.

If you’ve been following the aforementioned steps until now, you must have curated yourself a list of potential agencies. The final step to decide which agency you should be hiring, is to ensure the augmented services that they provide. Compare what are the extra miles that these potential agencies are ready to take just to make you, their customers.

Savvy PPC agencies can promise on delivering the highest quality returns for your investment. But, deciding on which one suits your needs the best requires a little effort. Having asked these questions from your agency can help you minimize the risk of hiring a grey agency.

There is no doubt that the marketplace is full of plenty of fraudulent and novice marketers. And avoiding them, totally, is not possible. But having clear communication with your agency and getting to know the process that they’d be following is one sure way to hire the best.


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