3 Ways To Improve Your Chances Of Success In Retail
Have you taken a walk along your local high street recently?
Like many high streets across the country, you might have noticed a far-too common sight. And by this, we are talking about retail stores with shutters across their doors and windows, and other signs that they have been forced to close.
Life has been hard for retail business owners, and this is largely thanks to the competition posed by online sellers and supermarket giants. Should you be thinking about opening up your own retail store then, it might be that you have cause to rethink your plans. And if you are in retail already, then you might be more than a little worried.
Still, failure isn’t an inevitability. You can improve your chances of success in retail, and we have some suggestions within this article. Read them, heed them, and then take the steps necessary to keep your business open.
#1: Open in a central location
If you are still in the planning stages of your business, this has to be of primary importance. To attract customers into your store, they need to know that your store exists. If you have positioned yourself away from the footfall of local shoppers, then you are obviously going to struggle. Therefore, when using sites such as PropList.com, find a property that is situated amongst the primary shopping areas of your town. You are guaranteed more custom if you do, although you do need to adhere to the next point too.
#2: Do something different
If your local shopping center is deluged with businesses that are similar to each other, it is inevitable that some will do better than others. To succeed, it is important to offer something different to the consumer. This doesn’t have to be a different product necessarily, as you might be able to provide a shopping experience that other stores aren’t offering. So, you might have a rest area for tired customers, or you might have a demonstration area set up in your store. Of course, if you can come up with a product idea that isn’t common to your locale, then this might also secure you a greater chance of success if there is a market for it.
Once you have come up with a new and innovative idea, you then need to work on your business strategy to ensure that you make the most of this unique selling point (USP) in order to attract new customers, keep the old ones returning, and boost your bottom line. You can make use of tools like this retail strategy platform to enhance your chances of success in this area, as this will allow you to use data to identify trends and see what parts of your business need work.
#3: Focus on the customer experience
As we have said before on our website, your store needs to be easy to shop. If your aisles are overly-cluttered, and if product areas aren’t sign-posted correctly, then you are going to frustrate your customers. Another way to frustrate your customers is to offer poor customer service. If your staff are less than helpful, and if you are nowhere to be seen when your customers need to speak to you, then they are hardly likely to spend long in your store. So, focus on the layout of your store, perhaps using these design ideas for inspiration. And ensure your staff has customer service training behind them, so as not to alienate the people who enter your store. By taking these steps to improve the customer experience, you might see an upturn in people using your business.
We hope these suggestions have been useful to you, but let us know your thoughts. And if you are working in retail already, and if you have found some degree of success, be sure to share your suggestions with us too.
Thanks for reading.

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Kate Sarsfield
Sometimes a little bit of common sense goes a long, long way!