$100 Your Way Giveaway December 2020 #giveaway

I decided to do one more $100 giveaway. It may help someone pay down some of those holiday shopping bills. January I will be going back to my normal $50 giveaway.

Being stuck at home means my monthly update is, well REALLY boring. I skimmed through my pictures for the month, pfffftttt nothing that I haven’t posted on Instagram!

We did learn via the weather channel we should expect 86″ or MORE of snow this winter. During our last FaceTime chat I had Alice (9 year old Granddaughter) grab the tape measure and measure out 86″.

Alice ” Okay? So?”

Me “That’s how much snow Non’s gonna get this winter”

Alice “HOLY CRAP”   with VERY large eyes she slapped her hand over her mouth.

I’m not certain which she was more surprised by; the snow or her mouthy slip. She is soooooo my Granddaughter!

Christmas Shopping

I am DONE! Done, DONE, D-O-N-E, done. Packages mailed to the kids. Presents under the tree for The Husband…. hello…. The Manly Man Company® a veteran-owned small business that makes manly gifts including Beef Jerky Flowers, Bacon Roses, Manly Gift Boxes, and Meat Card™.  I mean hello! They had me at BACON ROSES!!??  Okay, they had me at the company name, I mean really guys, that is GREAT company name!  Ya gotta check shop @ manlymanco.com out. (COME on! Bacon roses?!??! AND check THE stocking out!!!)

The Husband isn’t the only with his eye on The Manly Man Company®, they’ve already been featured on over 30 major outlets including Good Morning America, The Today Show, and USA Today.

Okay, now on to the REAL reason you are here:

$100 giveaway


I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. I am blown away by your support!!

My monthly $50 (which I am upgrading to $100 for December) giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!

This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Laura DeLaRosa

    Happy New Year! I’ve been watching the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy. I love the show.

    May 2021 be a damn bit better than 2020.

  • Teresa M

    My daughter and I are in quarantine. She was exposed to the virus when she was with her dad’s family on Christmas. So we are well, just relaxing this New Years Eve.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, sayonara to 2020! It will not be missed, lol. I hope we don’t look back on 2020 from 2021 and think, ‘wow, 2020 was much better.’

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Happy 2020 is on its way out. Another friend (really good friend that spent 3 months with us last fall) left this world. I can’t take anymore.Here is to a much happier 2021

  • heather

    I am doing pretty well today it doesn’t really feel like New Years Eve here but I am excited to say bye bye to 2020! Happy New Years to all and best wishes in the New Year.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. I’m making my New Year’s bean soup – it has beef, lima beans, kidney beans, string beans, baby spinach, lots of Hungarian sweet paprika, carrots, celery.

  • l p

    it’s a good day – made it to the end of the year and tomorrow brings an opportunity to ‘start over’ as ot were. with 2021. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So, that’s another year almost over. Good riddance, although on reflection you know, it could have been one heck of a lot worse. So here’s hoping …

  • Michele Soyer

    Well here we are at the end of 2020.. so devastating for so many…sitting here remembering all my NY Eve’s and some great memories and some very sad ones…I think the most telling was the year that my husband and I decided that after many years of staying home.. living there but never going to Times Square…spending the few days with his best friend we decided to go to a very fancy NY party…spent way too much on outfits..way too much on the tickets…way too much on the hotel… then after less than one hour.. not even waiting for the star singer we finished our cocktail, got up and went home!! A very costly lesson.. anyway Happy New Year to all the peanuts here!!

  • Peggy Damon

    My day is going well. Took a 3 and a half mile walk, straightened up the house and now relaxing waiting for my husband to get home from work

  • Michele Soyer

    Looking at the weather and deciding to either go into the garden or take another day off… I think another day off has won!!!

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. The only constructive things I got done was a Feb. appointment with my Rheumatologist and putting in a grocery order to pick up tomorrow.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    There were about a gazzion leaves and acorns in the yard from all the wind and rain. Got it all cleaned up and looks much better!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, I walked to town today, and did some errands and stopped to pick up a few things at the grocery store, then carried it all home!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We lost power a couple of times since Christmas Day due to Storm Bella but things seem to have quietened down now. Hope you all had a good day! Today would have been Mum & Dad’s 64th wedding anniversary.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well the Christmas ham is done so I better get back in the kitchen.. Roasting a turkey breast then making some stuffing later on….steam some veggies, make a salad then relax for the remainder of the day…Getting used to this easy going life!!

  • Sarah L

    Did my Saturday errands today. Stopped at Arby’s for the Bronco special since they managed to get one touchdown. (still lost the game…)

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Hard to get back in the swing of things after 2 days off. But I managed somehow (though I really wanted to go back to bed)

  • Rosie

    Wow so many comments!!! Day has been going good, catching up with relatives via phone, and having leftovers that are still pretty darn good.

  • megan allen

    Today we will be watching Christmas movies we didn’t get the chance to watch! My fave is National Lampoons Christmas!! Ohh and The Santa Claus!

  • Michele Soyer

    I could really get used to these “me” days…Actually was able to sit and finish my book and move on to a new one.. this is unheard of when i am doing my chores…Today though i have to break with the holiday tradition a bit and sanitize the aviary and bathe Miss Delilah….after that well back to my chaise and my book!!

  • Annmarie Weeks

    Our day was nice. We spent a wonderful few days with our son celebrating Christmas. Then drove home, unpacked, watched football and relaxed here at home. It’s nice to be back!

  • megan allen

    Yesterday was my moms Christmas. After being up ALL NIGHT Christmas eve wrapping presents..cooking on Christmas day and opening toy for the kiddos and then my moms Christmas yesterday…whew! I am wore out today!!!

  • Rosie

    Another nice day out, and sunny, so I did so some cleaning. And make some gingerbread bars with raisins. Just took them out of the oven.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Today is going well, went to the grocery store and have been able to get some things done around the house today. Hope you are doing well.

  • Michele Soyer

    A great day planned… virtual mass then reading, relaxing and enjoying this Sunday.. Music already playing and my peppermint mocha coffee in my hand.. Happy Sunday all!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I hope everyone had a reasonably good Christmas…or at least as good as can be expected in 2020. Hopefully, 2021 will be better for all of us.

  • Sarah L

    Had a couple of errands I was going to do today. Did not do any of them. Maybe Monday.
    Tonight’s dinner is leftover salmon, asparagus and potatoes.

  • Rosie

    It is sunny and warm out today! Moving things around, and for the first time ever, I tried making roasted cauliflower and roasted string beans. Wow, they are so good! Been missing out by steaming them!

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Took the Christmas tree & decorations down this morning. Sad to see it go. But it has been a productive day so far. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas!

  • Michele Soyer

    My vacation continues….when my husband was alive Boxing Day we always spent with his brother….now I spend the day reading and catching up on all the paperwork I leave on the desk…no cooking today plenty of leftovers so it is truly a me day….Happy Boxing Day everyone!

  • Sarah L

    Merry Christmas! Had a lovely dinner with my best friend. Salmon cooked on the grill, fresh asparagus and oven roasted potatoes. Very yummy..

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Were just sitting around and eating great foods and pie which we ordered. Missed going to Moms house but we talked to our family by phone today just glad they are all ok.

  • Nancy

    I have been having a nice day. Merry Christmas! It has been quite cold here, although not as cold as in other places around the country.

  • Rosie

    It is a good day, even though we are all watching out for safe distancing. The huge storm that started last night should start tapering off in a few hours, it was high wind, but all rain, it would have been a lot of snow, glad it wasn’t! Getting some cooking done, started on dishes, and am taking a break.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Home again after a lovely lunch with my sister & niece. They did really well for their first attempt and I’ve got leftovers for tomorrow’s dinner as well! Hope you all had a wonderful day x

  • Michele Soyer

    Merry Christmas all! Somehow we made to this time of the year…I am so grateful for all i have on this holiday…a roof.. food and drink and the love of my family…from my wonderful daughter to the new additions a new granddaughter-in-law to a new great-granddaughter! There is always some sunshine thru the storm clouds…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s snowing here. I guess that’s what most people want on Christmas Eve…and it’s not supposed to pileup or anything, lol. So, at least it’s going to look like an old-fashioned, TV movie Christmas!

  • Sarah L

    So different than other years. I would be at my friend’s house helping cook a big dinner for her son and his family and other friends. More fun when there are kids to enjoy Christmas. Sigh.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. The biggie storm doesn’t roll in until tonight, it will melt the snow on the roof, and lots more water, so I need to be prepared. Right now I’m watching UPS “follow my delivery” and it is cat-and-mouse, every time I think the truck is almost here it turns! I’m ordering toilet paper now, even though it costs more, after the time I ran out and had to get 3 rolls from church, now I don’t want to take a chance or try to carry home 30 rolls from the ride service!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Sunshine after all that rain so I’m washing windows. No presents to wrap this year, or food to prepare other than sprouts as I’m going to my sister’s for lunch tomorrow. She’s never cooked the big meal before and refuses to touch sprouts so I’m bringing my own! She only lives down the road and hasn’t left the house since her surgery a couple of weeks ago so we should be ok.

  • Polly Hall

    I have had a very good day, the hospital changed it’s policy of not visitors to one per patient so I got to spend the day with my hubby for the first time in 10 days

  • Sarah L

    SQUEAL!!! Just found out I won a Apple MacBook Air. What a great surprise. My laptop is 10 years old and doesn’t really work so this is wonderful. Merry Christmas to ME!

    Connie, I still could use $100 for groceries…. hint, hint…

  • Nancy

    My day is going fine. We got a surprise business gift of six hot chocolate bombs which will be fun to try. We wrapped some presents. I am starting some Christmas meal cooking prep.

  • Rosie

    Soup is almost done in the slow cooker, beef with potatoes and fresh string beans and other good things. Just got finished listening to a message on the phone from the power company, a big rain storm with wind up to 70 mph coming, expecting power loss, so we can get prepared. oh oh, safe traveling, for those who will be on the road, Lord.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Oh, sweet mother of all that is holy, it is pouring down and really squally outside. All last night as well. There’s a couple of trees down in the village but no real damage. Hope it doesn’t freeze tonight.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not much is going on today. I’m watching Drunk History, which is a hilarious if you’ve never seen it. This episode is about Christmas Eve when Washington crossed the Delaware River, lol. The show is two guys telling the story of an historical event…but they’re drinking to the point that they’re drunk. They really are drunk. And the actors are re-enacting the event using the words of these drunks. It’s a riot.

  • Rosie

    Just got back from getting groceries and putting things away. I had bought stew beef and couldn’t find it anywhere, even called the grocery store to see if they found it. Wouldn’t ‘ya know, I found it put away with the flour I had also just bought and put away, that is what happens when you talk on the phone while you are doing chores… woops. At least I found it while it was still good.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I need to go to the grave but just can’t face it. Maybe for their wedding anniversary on the 29th. As for today, a bit of painting until it gets too sore and then I might have a nap.

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Beautiful out 77 today perfect weather for a bbq and planting flowers it was delivery day which is always a hassle unpacking all the food.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, if the weather stays decent, meaning no big snow, I have a knee aspiration scheduled for Thursday. Lovely way to spend Christmas Eve, lol. But then I’ll know for sure if there’s any infection left in the right knee. And we can proceed from there.

  • Michele Soyer

    I have decided that today is my last day of outside work….cleaning the patio and garage area… laundry then some transplants…Tomorrow I have to do a last minute village shop and bake bake bake….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s really misty out there so I’ve done a bit of housework instead of going out. You’d think that with just me now there’d be a lot less work to do – not so! I’ve never known such a dusty house.

  • Rosie

    Snowing and cold today, and I just finished most of the dishes for doing some holiday baking. Sure smells good in here! Makes up for the dark and gray day!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Christmas always gets to me, lol. It’s like I turn into a human rollercoaster, one minute I’m up and cheerful, the next I’m blue and hating the holidays. What is it about this time of year that makes your emotions go haywire???

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s a gorgeous day out there but I’m taking a day off. Was up half the night after eating a very garlicky pizza – trapped wind really hurts 🙁 I did enjoy the pizza, tho’!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it’s been a slow day. Right now, I’m watching one of those ‘paranormal’ unexplained phenomena shows. They are literally showing a lady who married the ghost who haunted her house, lol. She says he’s a pirate from the 1700’s who looks a lot like Jack Sparrow (in other words, Johnny Depp.) I think she delusional!

  • Kelly O

    Today has been a nice day. Normally Saturday’s are very busy doing chores and such. However, we instead are just hanging out today. Getting ready for Christmas. It has been really nice. I love relaxing days.

  • l p

    It’s an interesting day with Mother Nature – rain, snow, sun’s out and it’s getting pretty windy. So it’s a good day to get lots done. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yee ha! The sun has come out so madly working my way through a mountain of laundry. The daffodils are breaking through already. Better times ahead (I hope)!

  • Michele Soyer

    Baking today…house smells like heaven….waiting for the lawn man to come .. he is late today…. 6am is gone..when my baking is done working on recipes for my granddaughter-in-law….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I was looking at the stuff from The Manly Man place in your post, Connie. Is it wrong that I, no man, really think those would be great gifts!! I mean, hello, bacon! Come to Mama, lol.

  • Kelly O

    A glorious day. Spent the day making cookies for our neighbors. Will deliver tomorrow. I love making cookies for friends. And I must say…they are delicious.

  • Rosie

    Wow, where did this day go? It isn’t that late, but so dark out! Looking up recipes, and did a lot of chopping today, preparing things to make tomorrow.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I may forget which day it is, but there’s no mistaking where I am. Rain, rain, wind and more rain – yes, it’s Ireland!

  • heather

    My day is going just alright today, just got home for the grocery store and it wore me out trying to dodge people who were coughing and looked sickly.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim today. Then a stop at the library to pick up a book. Tried to get a swim time for next Wednesday, but it’s full already (only 10 people at a time). I was able to book a swim on Tuesday.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, The orthopedist says my knee is complicated and in bad shape, probably from recent infections (MRSA) that got in there, but he believes he can fix it. But we will only get one shot at it, so we have to be sure we get it right from the start. First, on Dec. 24, I go for a knee aspiration: they want to extract some of the fluid that’s supposed to be in every knee to test it for any remaining infection. We don’t want any infection left in there before surgery. Then, we proceed from there.

  • Michele Soyer

    Up here late due to a major creative bolt from the blue.. yes a Uranus moment.. decided to take an old flower bed and make it a holiday one.. filled it with green plants and some succulents with red flowers….so festive and now I am happy. wait a moment jolly…..

  • Rosie

    We did get a boatload of snow, and now the sky is blue and pink puffs of clouds. Our first real big storm for winter, so it still seems new and fun!!!

  • Kelly O

    Happy December. I saw that someone else wrote that. It made me happy. So I will follow suit. Happy December 🙂 My day is going well. My husband is playing his guitar while I type this. I love music. He is so good and it is a joy to listen to him. A perfect day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s 5pm and I’ve only just got up! I had a bad night; just couldn’t get comfortable at all. So when I woke to let the cat out I went back to bed & watched ‘The Bishop’s Wife’ on telly then fell back to sleep. They don’t make ’em like that anymore! Right, time to make a start …

    • Tamra Phelps

      The Cary Grant version? I love that movie! I watch every Christmas at least once. The more modern version, the one with Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington, is okay, but I love Cary Grant.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Yes, Cary Grant, David Niven & Loretta Young! God, I bawled my eyes out when Archibald Alexander Leach died. No wonder he changed his name!

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    I’ve been working on my contests this morning. Just about finished. The kingsumo contest forms haven’t been working for me for the past couple of days. Very irritating.

  • Sarah L

    My friend came by to pick me up to take me to her friend the lady barber.
    We both got all our hairs cut. Sun is out, but a cold wind blowing.

  • Rosie

    Getting ready for the storm coming in – woops – I have to get the flashlight… got it. About a foot coming, and wind, so could lose power. Last week I tried making candied organic lemon peel, now I’m making candied organic orange peel dipped in chocolate. Good thing it won’t be completely done until tomorrow, as I don’t want to have too much while the wind is roaring and there is a full container of chocolate treats here in the dark.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Woke up with an awful headache, one of the worst I have had in a while. Hoping it will go away soon and then the day will be better.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I went shopping last night. The shop was practically empty so I felt relatively safe & it was nice to be out. Got enough food to last a month for the cat & me as well as some goodies like chocolate brazil nuts and a bottle or three of plonk. As soon as the painkillers kick in I’ll do a bit of painting.

  • Michele Soyer

    Have my paintbrush in hand and going to do some outside painting while the day looks sunny.. Just a few more touchups then I just might take the day off and play with the dog and cats…my book is calling and sometimes work is overrated….

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Shopping today for the family online so I spent hours looking at gifts to buy. Love buying plants and items for the garden.

  • Jennifer Carroll

    Well, I am on my third 12 hour night shift right now. I am really tired and ready to go home but the night just started. I am however off for four nights after this shift so there is that!

  • Kelly O

    My day is going very well. I didn’t have to work today so I spent the day getting chores done and now I am relaxing. It always makes me happy to be caught up on chores 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Got to pick up my grocery order after I figured out why it wasn’t there yesterday. 2 inches of snow over night but the sun is shining now.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, you haven’t lived until someone has plunged a long needle into your knee and rooted around for fluid. There was none (this is the good fluid they want to be there.) So, I’ll have to go have a scan done to locate fluid they can then test for infection. Well, at least the orthopedist says it’s complicated but fixable. I have to go through several steps before surgery but in a few months I will likely be getting a knee replacement.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Why didn’t the use ultrasound to locate any fluid before wiggling around inside you? Still, what do I know? At least there’s good news of sorts. Stay safe!

      • Tamra Phelps

        He was hoping he could locate it quickly, but it didn’t work out that way. I go for a knee aspiration Dec. 24, and they’ll use ultrasound to locate fluid first.

  • Rosie

    Nice and sunny, but bbrrrry cold. The ride service is picking me up pretty soon, going for groceries, big storm coming in tomorrow, supposed to be the biggest in many years. Yikes!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve just printed out the vouchers from all of my surveys this year – enough to buy one extremely good bottle of champagne or feed me & the cat for a month! Decisions, decisions!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    An inside day today..organizing recipes for the holidays..cake and cooky orders….lists for additional supplies also.. then outside for a walk around the garden….

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    Today, December 15th, would have been my parents 53rd anniversary. Unfortunately, they divorced many years ago and each remarried. Dad will have been gone 16 years next month. Mom has been gone 4 1/2 years.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I have an appointment tomorrow with an orthopedist, so hopefully I’ll find out if something can be done for my knee. Fingers crossed for good news.

  • Nancy

    My day has gone well today so far. We had some rain today and it was good to be inside at home. After dark we drove around some nearby neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights. That was nice.

  • Sarah L

    Went to pick up groceries from a different store. They had no record of my order. So I continued with my planned stops: Arby’s for Bronco special (Connie did you see that they actually won a game); then Circle K for a free coffee I won. Then home to figure out why no grocery order. Finally figured it out: User error. Did not see the little red message saying to check my credit card. Fixed it and will pick up the order tomorrow.

  • Rosie

    Day has been flying by!!! Rain and snow, so didn’t go out. Our very first Covid vaccinations in the state were administered today, for nurses and medical personnel at the hospitals. Very happy for that.

  • Francine Anchondo

    Yesterday we went to go get our christmas tree. Every year we go to a christmas tree farm and pick one out. Day is going okay so far.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m going to try to get up a ladder today to paint the hatch door to the attic. It’s really bugging me as the rest of the ceiling & walls are perfect now.

  • Michele Soyer

    Rainy grey day so perfect to work on something for my daughter-in-law… she is putting together a family cookbook as a gift for her daughter-in-law .. gathering the best of the best here and sending them on..a really nice idea …

  • Dawn Monzu

    Today was actually pretty good. It’s Sunday, so I did pretty much nothing! I slept a lot and watched television. I have quite a busy day tomorrow though, so I’m glad I took it easy today. I have LOTS of blogging to do tomorrow, but I’m ready. God bless and Happy Holidays everyone!

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It is sunny and warmer out, but didn’t go out. I learned that the technique I used for bread yesterday is called tangzhong. So cool, and am excited to try it again next time!

  • Michele Soyer

    going to take a day for myself today.. have to bake an apple pie then relaxing for the balance… Tomorrow is the eclipse and trying to calm my mind and set my intentions for the month and the year to come…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I started making some Christmas candy this evening, mostly to make myself feel Christmasy, lol. I made some peanut butter fudge…tomorrow I’ll try peppermint fudge and chocolate fudge. Anything to bring on a little cheer.

  • Rosie

    Quiet day so far, rainy and dark out, so I got to bread baking. I just took two loaves out of the oven and they are cooling off, wow, the fresh baked smell wafting through the rooms. I used various whole grain flours, seeds, a little barley malt syrup, and a cornstarch glaze. Should be good for sandwiches.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I wasn’t going to make a Christmas wreath this year but it was such a lovely day I spent a couple of hours filling hanging baskets with foliage & berries and they look lovely. They’re for the back of the house where only I’ll see them so win, win!

  • Michele Soyer

    Funny kinda grey day…so baking cookies and gingerbread this morning….the house will smell so good and I will stay out of trouble!! Put that stereo on….

  • Sarah L

    Had a lovely evening with my friend at the Denver Botanic Gardens Blossoms of Light. I think they outdid themselves this year. Then we stopped at Popeyes and picked up dinner.

    I hope the GT form comes back. It’s been gone for the last 3 hours.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have done absolutely nothing today – well, I mean, obviously I have, but that’s how it feels! I don’t know, I’m just tired.

  • Rosie

    Getting ready to walk to town this morning. Going to the library then to do a few chores. No rain or snow, so taking advantage of the good weather!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is bath day for Miss Delilah so out comes the puppy shampoo.. very glad that she likes her bath…then who knows.. but one thing is no heavy land work today….

    • Kate Sarsfield

      My sister’s dog has showers as she’s too big & heavy for H. to lift. All’s well till H. tries to have a shower herself – Lolly practically batters the door down trying to join her!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I found out that one of my Dad’s first cousins has died from COVID-19. She had a cough but just thought it was allergies. She woke up in the middle of the night with breathing problems and was rushed to the hospital, but she died within hours. We weren’t close, she was quite a bit older than me, but it is still a shock how quickly this can happen.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      That’s just horrible. We hear of all these terrifying numbers everyday but it’s so different when it’s one of your own. So sorry, Tammy.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with friends. Now off to see the lights at the Denver Botanic Gardens Blossoms of Lights. Hope the snow holds off til later tonight.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good, I made my first chili with hominy (and beef, etc). I like this hominy! And it doesn’t take that long to cook like giant dried corn. I gave some to the two workers doing some repairs here today, with masks and safe distancing, of course.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More cat puke everywhere. There is nothing on this planet that matches that feeling when you step in cat vomit, in your bare feet, and it’s still warm! UGH!!!!! On a brighter & more festive note, I took a trip into town yesterday and the Christmas lights all the way down the main street are beautiful!

  • Michele Soyer

    Going to do some outside painting if the weather holds.. some touch-ups here and there.. other than that weeding as usual .. quitting by noon an early day for me…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I finally got my appointment ride to the doctor approved, lol. Geeze, it only took a week and a reschedule to get referral forms faxed correctly to the public transport bus so insurance will pay for it…otherwise they wanted $80. That’s crazy.

  • Kelly

    My husband woke this morning with the inability to taste his coffee. Maybe it is just a fluke but we are now in self-isolation. Good times. lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    Went out shopping yesterday.. started out at half past 6 ( grateful that some shoppes open by 7am) hit 2 groceries, large hardware, plant shoppe, pet shoppe and wholesale egg man….back home by 1….today baking then some transplanting of flowers….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Right today is Wednesday & I had to get up early for the cat, Idris, who was crying his head off. Didn’t get there in time – he vomited hair balls all down the hall carpet. Nothing like clearing up steaming puke to set you up for the day 🙁 !!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m one of those people who tends to get a little blue this time of year. I’m not sure why. But, I always seem to find myself running short of Christmas spirit, lol.

  • Sarah L

    Went to the grocery store to pick up my order. So grateful for King Soopers having curb side pick up so I don’t have to go into the store.
    Today is Colorado Gives Day. I donated to some of my favorite local charities. Then I got email saying I won $50 Paypal. I give and I get back. Karma is good.

  • Kelly O

    Today is a good day. I have a bit of a migraine but overall feeling better than yesterday. I am hanging out on the couch with my puppy laying on my lap. Can’t do much better than that.

  • Rosie

    It is a good day, cold and a little dark out, but I’m in for the day! Making some very thin flatbread, going to add some seeds, etc., to go along with hummus.

  • Nancy

    My day has been going fine. I just had a quiet day at home It is cold now and getting colder in the night, into the mid 20 degree range.

  • Sarah L

    I went out today for the sole purpose of going to Arby’s for the Bronco special. $1.08 for their classic roast beef sandwich. At least the Broncos made one touchdown, even if they lost.

  • Rosie

    It was nice and sunny today, and it seems like the first day that winter is here, temperature-wise. So I stayed in, not even bringing out the trash! I have to buck up to going out there, I don’t know how Connie does it!!!

  • Kelly o

    Well you said I could ramble… So I am dealing with Menopause and I am not enjoying it. So my day is not going great. I was up all night and today I am run down and tired. That being said, I know I am blessed so I try not to “whine” (tee hee), but that’s how my day is going.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, the bus I use to transport me to doctors’ appointments never could get their stuff straightened out this week. So…my doctor’s appointment has been moved to next week. So, another week of wondering what he’ll want to do about my right knee.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    How is anyone supposed to remain sane with the cold, lack of daylight and now freezing fog for the last 24 hours? Ah well, take a deep breath, pop something cheesy and fattening in the oven and just keep at it!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I wonder how people who live in places that go dark for months on end manage?? I’d go bonkers. I’d be buying sun lamps and keeping the on all day, lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    Spent the morning in the garden raking out a new flower bed for the holidays.. with all red flowers amongst green foliage.. now checking all my lists for shopping tomorrow…going to be out all day …..

  • Rosie

    86+ inches of snow??? oh wow! I’m wondering that is about the height of the first floor of many homes. I think that is about how long my looongest tape measure is! Alice cracks me up, she seems very smart, funny, and savvy, too, esp for her age! Hmmm I wonder where she got that from…… the Non?

  • Sarah L

    Fun swim today. Lots of people, but keeping good distances. Then we stopped at McDonalds for her sweet tea and my hamberger.

  • Dawn Keenan

    We had a great day! We were able to have a quick (covid style) visit visit with my daughter who lives close, but we are separate due to Covid. It was wonderful!

  • Michele Soyer

    Another day to relax.. same as yesterday.. virtual mass.. books.. music then a lovely afternoon movie….once again grateful for the life I have…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, this has been a slow day, and mostly dark, lol. It gets dark so early now. It feels like daylight only lasts a few hours.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It took me 3 hours to get the nerve to get naked & have a shower. The temperature has been around freezing for the last couple of days & it’s going to last for the week 🙁

  • Iliana B

    I am recuperating from surgery yesterday, doing good, icing and no pain, just discomfort, passing the time by entering sweepstakes and watching Hallmark Christmas movies for upbeat spirit.

  • Francine Anchondo

    Feeling better today. Watching some football so far my team is doing well but It is Nebraska so they will screw up somehow haha.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is a me me me day !!! already fed and walked the dog…enjoying some Cinnamon Dolce coffee then reading, listening to old school R&B that brings back all those memories..might even take out old photo books.. champagne later.. what a wonderful day that I am so grateful for….

  • heather

    My day is going pretty well I am getting reading to send out my Christmas cards, yes, I love to send out real Christmas cards via snail mail they are more meaningful.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s colder than a penguin’s bum!
    It’s colder than a polar bear’s tum!
    It’s so cold my nose is numb!
    Any wonder I feel glum?

    Time to wrap myself around a mug of soup!

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Didn’t sleep well last night, my jaw is hurting from the dental work I had done yesterday. So, kind of a rocky start to the day.

  • Shelly Peterson

    Chick-fil-A just opened up here on Tuesday and today my daughter and I braved the line. It took us a little over an hour to get through it. It was good. Glad to finally try it

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with friends. Then a trip to 2 different libraries to pick up books I had on hold. Denver Public library system is different than the one here in Jefferson county. Sometimes they don’t play well together. Now I have 3 new books to read that are not electrons.

  • Michele Soyer

    Finished the painting touch-ups and moved on to the gates.. done.. painted the doghouse a nice bright white while Delilah watched and approved… she said it was looking faded .. moved on to some flower transplants..
    Today finishing the outside lights and the garden calls….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Red tape is so annoying. I have an appt. with an orthopedist Tuesday and I’m going to take the FTSB bus, which is public transportation–which my insurance pays for in the case of medical appointments. But—since it’s not in a neighboring county, I have to get a form filled out by the referring doctor. She has to state why it can’t be done here. (Well, because my knee is ‘complicated’ to say the least, lol.) Sigh. There’s always red tape.

  • elicia p

    My day started off good then went down and came back up by the end of the day.
    It definitely was a roller coaster day! Hopefully a better day tomorrow.

  • Sarah L

    I sent you a message about the form before I read the posts so Tamera said it already.
    Had my infusion today and then treated myself to Smashburger.

  • Dawn Monzu

    Well…I could just be fake and say, “it was great”, but I’m not going to do that. Last night I was up all night with panic attacks so that lead to a not-so-great day. I’m hoping tomorrow will be better, but I am going to try like crazy to make it better! I’m sorry for the “Debbie downer” comment, but I think we all need to be more honest about our mental health. God bless everyone!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hey, Connie, just wanted to let you know that the link in the ‘Daily Word’ entry is missing. At least it is for me, so I guess it is for everyone, lol. I just entered the URL myself today, but I’m lazy so it’s easier to use a link, lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    wow we are att he end of the year and what a year it was…had some people come to the gate. masked and sanitized to pick up some cakes they ordered.. other than that painting the kitchen downstairs. rather touching up spots in the kitchen….

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