What To Know About THC CBD Oil

The use of THC CBD Oil has been on the rise in the past few years. This can be attributed to its many benefits some of which are very unique. 


It is a multi-purpose health product that is not only of great value to human beings as topical CBD oil for pain, but can also be used on pets. The fact that it comes from the cannabis plant makes it a controversial product. 

Some people believe that it has the same effects as bhang, which is not true. Here are the details to clarify on this and other common misconceptions. You can also find more information by clicking on this link https://cheefbotanicals.com/how-much-thc-is-in-cbd-oil/. 

What is it?

CBD oil is manufactured using extract from a strain of the cannabis plant. This makes it rich in cannabinoids among other contents hence its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system to the benefit of the consumer. 

As such, it also contains THC. This is a psychoactive agent responsible for temporarily altering the normal way that the brain functions thus resulting in symptoms such as hallucinations. This is the reason why some people claim that the oil has same effects as marijuana. 

Contrary to that belief, CBD is safe for consumption and won’t have such effects because the level of THC in it is highly regulated. The maximum permitted percentage is 0.3. This is just enough to produce desired effects such as relaxation and pain-relief. 

Is it legal?

As opposed to marijuana it is totally legal. The contents have been scientifically tested and proven to be safe for consumption. 

However, this only applies when the level of THC is restricted to 0.3%, otherwise, it is illegal. Thus, you should be very careful while purchasing to make sure you buy the products right for you. THC products are prone to misuse. 

Drug dealers can use it as a commodity whereby they sell oils with very high levels of THC to drug users. Unless you have a doctor’s prescription that clearly indicates that you require high amounts of THC then you can get in trouble with the authorities for using such oils.

If you are looking for a different experience to THC, try magic mushroom edibles. You can learn more from the Magic Mushroom dispensary blog here and from many different websites online before trying them.

What are the benefits?

  • It is nutritious

The oil contains essential nutrients required for good health. Apart from the fatty acids obtained from the extract it is fortified with various minerals and vitamins that makes it a good supplement for the usual diet.

  • It is medicinal

The wide variety of cannabinoids that it possesses have lots of medicinal properties. They are particularly effective for management and treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system. For instance, anxiety and epileptic seizures can be minimized by regular consumption of CBD. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that are very helpful in management of chronic pain caused by conditions like arthritis and CFS.

  • It strengthens the immune system

The interaction of cannabinoids with the endocannabinoid system also results in enhanced immune system that is very effective in destruction of pathogenic substances. 

This is very important, especially, during epidemics and pandemics. Animals that have a strong immune system are not easily infected by contagious diseases and if they do get infected, they recover quickly. 

Besides that, the cannabinoids help lower the resistance of pathogens to antibiotics hence making them more susceptible to the action of drugs.

  • It promotes good health of the joints

The oil is not only capable of relieving arthritic pain but it can also help treat the condition. It promotes growth and regeneration of joint tissue thus restoring the joint. 

By doing so it increases the range of motion and consequently flexibility. This makes it a unique product since regeneration of cartilage is something that doesn’t happen easily. 

There are lots of professional athletes whose careers have ended because of worn-out cartilage which eventually causes joint problems. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you include CBD in your diet as you work your way through the path of joint rehabilitation. These are just a few health benefits that one can enjoy when using CBD Oil.

What do you need to consider while buying it?

There is a wide variety of such oils that are available on the market. You need to be careful while purchasing to make sure that you buy the right one for you. Here are some of the things that you should look for.

  • Vendor’s reputation

You should buy from a seller who has a good reputation and is trustworthy such as wccannabis. Otherwise, you might end up purchasing fake goods that are a waste of your money and can also turn out to be harmful to your health. 

Other than that, make sure that they are registered and have a license. Ask to see the license to make sure that it is not forged. 

Absence of such important documents is an indication of fraudulent business activities that you should stay away from.

  • Safeness of the product

You must make sure that it is safe and won’t cause any health complications. It should have a mark of quality to show that it has undergone the standard test that proves it is safe for use. Furthermore, if you are browsing through the products that a company like purple penthouse dc has on offer, you must be sure that you have thoroughly read all of the information that accompanies the product on the page. If you are still unsure as to how safe the product is, don’t be afraid to contact the dispensary you are using directly to ensure its safeness. Once satisfied, you can proceed with your purchase.

  • Price

To avoid getting overcharged you should find out the standard market price before you set out for shopping. Click here to see some more pointers that can help you purchase the best product.


The importance of CBD is one of the many rewards that have come from medical research. Further studies are still being conducted to unveil more of its potential as a medicinal substance. The controversial statements being propagated by some sources are just due to lack of the right information. The THC in it is not harmful as some say but is actually one of the ingredients that makes it important. You should do thorough research to find out the various oils available and which one will best suit your needs.


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