$50 Your Way GIVEAWAY March 2023!

Happy March Little Peanuts!! If you are new here WELCOME!! You will find that this is an amazing group of people. The Peanuts (that’s you now!) are supportive and caring! I’m your Head Peanut Connie.  This is a monthly giveaway. I always start with a brief blurb about my past month. Sometimes I have a TON to say. Sometimes I’m pretty boring.

I live on top of a mountain in Sandpoint Idaho. I have a craft room that I never in my wildest imagination thought I would own. I swear it’s bigger than my 1st apartment!  The 2 sets of double doors look out at Lake Ponderay and it’s a STUNNING view!!  Not only am I blessed with this room and this view. I have deer that lick the door when it’s time for their corn ration of the day!! Wild turkeys, bears, and moose too. But they don’t lick the door.

This month I’m working on sublimating more craft items for the craft fair. (TALK about branching out of my comfort zone!) I had several custom orders. One from Granddaughter Olivia that came out so cute. She wanted a pink daisy tumbler. Next was key chains for daughter Selena’s new dog walking customers.

I love my craft room. I would spend every single day and night here if The Husband didn’t need feeding, watering, and attention.  (insert a big cheesy grin here!)

So, February went by so fast. I can’t believe it’s giveaway time again! But, here we are!


March GiveawayThe March Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it.

I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US.

This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a 1% commission.


Win $50 Your Way!  Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!


This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    We didn’t get to grill because of the crazy weather we are having but my boyfriend’s surgery seems to have gone well.

  • gloria patterson

    My day started out OK I was starting to feel a little better.

    Around 11 I get a call from my nother (93) she fell. So I rushed to her apartment (I have keys) she was NOT really hurt. She fell thursday morning/afternoon and she tried to get up but couldn’t so she was on the floor all day/night and finally got to the phone to call me. I called 911 and they send a car took her to the emergency room. Knowing ER’s test etc I didn’t call till 4 pm. Nothing broken everything looks ok but waiting on the dr. Nurse I think they will go ahead and keep her over night.

    I cleaned up her place washed all the blankets that she used.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it started out a normal day. Then I found out my brother has covid so he didn’t get to go with his family to see his oldest son play baseball in Florida. My step-mother’s youngest sister died. And I have to have another mammogram on one breast because they want to look closer at calcification (which is almost always nothing but still I have to do it again.) Blech day here.

  • heather

    It has been a busy day, I was up at 5:00 am and did chores then ran to town to get more stuff done. I’m trying to keep busy after losing my beloved cat this week.

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    My day is ok. It was seven years ago yesterday that my brother passed. It was a difficult day. He was only 41 years old. I think of him every day.

  • clynsg

    It was supposed to be a quiet day, but found myself with a hyperactive (but lovable) grandson instead. Good thing he likes LEGOs. No school today, grandmother supposed to have him found herself going to support a friend for court hearing to get custody of HER granddaughter! Best laid plans!!

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Just waiting to hear from my boyfriend who had arm surgery today to see how it went. Otherwise today is a great day, we are going to grill later tonight and that is always fun.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still coughing up green gloop (sorry!) but better out than in! Today’s highlight: expecting delivery of vaccum cleaner dust bags.

  • gloria patterson

    Have not had a cold in years…………….. BUT this one has kicked my ass. Coughing, nose blowing, hurt all over. Had to add a long cord on to my oxgen needed to wear it all today. Have had several naps. Fingers crossed that I get bettter

  • heather

    I am going through the motions today trying not to cry after losing my cat to mouth cancer yesterday. I will miss her for the rest of my life. I am getting through it one step at a time…

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece spend the day with me saturday and she had a cold. Finally it hit me last night runny nose, coughs etc. I have Dr apointment later today (general yealy inspection to get my preescriptions) going to have him give me a couple of steriod prescriptions. I have COPD and don’t want it to get in to my lings.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Slowly beginning to feel better. These chesty colds are rife in Ireland at the moment, hospitals packed with cases etc. My sis has it too & had a panic attack when she couldn’t stop coughing so her anxiety is triggering asthma, which is worsening the anxiety… Anyhow, the weather’s turned wet, cold & windy so I’m not going anywhere today.

  • gloria patterson

    Ran some errands for my 93 yr old mother. I think I am coming down with a cold don’t feel bad but don’t fell good

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    It’s an ok day today, a bit chilly in here. I’m arguing with myself about turning on the heat. I also desperately need a nap.

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    It’s an ok day today. It’s a bit chilly in here, and I’m arguing with myself about turning on the heat. I also desperately need a nap. Zzzzzzzz

  • heather

    I am having a nice day so far today just had blueberry pancakes for breakfast and they were so yummy. Now it is snowing so it’s a stay home day for sure!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Didn’t get anything done today apart from sleep. Just need to get better soon & get back to the house – money’s running low.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had a visit from my niece today. She’s in college, studying to be a teacher (elementary age kids)–and she has a 4.0 average, so she’s doing well. She seems very happy, so that cheers me up, lol.

  • heather

    It has been a crazy busy day been during a ton of running around and just got in the door. I am getting things ready for some serious weather headed our way tonight.

  • gloria patterson

    Don’t know why but I just don’t have a lot of energy. Slept good last night but around 10 this morning I needed a nap, 2 hours later. Just not in the mood to do anything just being lazy!

  • Polly Hall

    A great day, went to brunch with my nephew, his wife, their 2 yr old and 2 month yr old, then my 3 girl friends are coming over for dinner and cards tonight.

  • Polly Hall

    Had to run to the grosery store this morining to pick of ingredients for dinner tomorrow night. I dislike going on Sunday, it’s always a mad house.

  • heather

    It’s been a busy day for me lots of cooking and cleaning. I am taking a huge break right now. Hope you are having a blessed Sunday.

  • gloria patterson

    About 5 pm yesterday our power went out!! Major wind storms and powere was out all over town. I was prepared had a phone charger and a nice bright flashlight. I was able to read till about 7:30 and it got dark. So I decided to try to go to sleep which I did AND about 10pm ALL my lights came on, the TV so I was wide awaike. Back to sleep about 11 pm. WIDE awake at 5 am so got up dressed etc and got my laundery together. All done and put away by 8 am Had some chicken breast so stuck those in the oven. And I am getting sleepy so may have to take a nap.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Fell asleep 8.30, woke at 2am, turned over & slept till 12.30. Going back to bed again soon, just can’t keep my eyes open. Pity ‘cos it’s a beautiful day after a week of really heavy showers.

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece 6 spend the day with me. Mommy dropped her about 8 am We finger painted , then to dollar tree. Told her she could pick out 10 items last time she had trouble picking out her 10 items not this time. Several things she looked at and picked I told her they could go in my basket educational. Spent $24 Then off to IHOP for late breakfast… 2 dippie eggs, 4 slices of butter toast with crust torn off and about 1/4 of a small pancake.

    Then to Walmart she looked at a lot of big $ items and I said NO when it was her birthday we would go shopping and she could pick out what she wanted.

    They were selling girl scouts cookies outside walmart so we bought 2 boxes.

    Then home to go through play with everything she picked out. Mommy picked her up at 4

    Mommy / daddy always tell her to BE GOOD when they leave her. And I tell them she is always good.

  • heather

    My day has been super busy so far this morning. We are getting hammered by snow right now so just trying to keep the house warm.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The steroid buzz has disappeared & now I want to sleep, sleep, sleep. Was going to go to the house tomorrow but will wait till Monday.

    • Tamra Phelps

      I got a steroid shot after a bad allergic reaction once. I felt AMAZING for several days, lol. My knees were like a teenagers! Man, I wish steroids could be an everyday shot.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    I think I am going to work on a paper bead necklace today that I have been putting off and also some no knead bread.

  • Tamra Phelps

    My hair has reached that point where I start to think I should just cut it, lol. I always think I’ll grow it out but then I hit this wall when it just looks so bad!!

  • heather

    My day has been a busy one just got in the door had to run to town to get some emergency ear wax remover hope this one works.

  • gloria patterson

    Busy morning draging really thinking about taking a long nap

    8 AM I was in the Dr office getting steriod shots in my right wrist and right knee. He did them in differrent spots and they hurt for all of 4 seconds. I watch him till he is ready to put the needle in and I turn my head. Not afraid of shots just don’t want to watch them stick a needle in me. He adds a numbing agent in the shot so those place feel ok. The shots last me for 3 months.

    Then to krogers, poring down rain so I didn’t get a lot. Then on to COMCAST they changed overnight ALL of the channel numbers. So I picked up copies of the new channel # for me and my mother.

    Then I had to explain it all to my mother………………… at 94 it is a job getting her to understand

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Had my ECG & seems not to be too bad. I’ve always had a ‘blip’ & so did Mum so I wasn’t too worried. Steroids have kicked in & I’m itching to get busy, busy, busy but mustn’t if I know what’s good for me. Mentioned to the Doc that both Dad & my sis had/have to have B12 injections so if my levels don’t improve after a month of supplements he may recommend jabs for me. Going for a lie down now otherwise I’ll start doing something vigorous!

  • Polly Hall

    I’ve been working on plans for the family reunion I am host this summer, had to help another cousin book a VRBO, I ended up renting it myself for her.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went to the Doc: I have a lung infection, my B12 is low and I have to go back tomorrow for an ECG as I have an irregular heartbeat. On steroids, antibiotics & supplements (:

    • Tamra Phelps

      Oh, mercy. Well, I’m going to think good thoughts: it’s good that you know and are being treated!! Slow down a little and get well. That’s what really matters the most.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty so far. I was up at 4am and got a bunch of stuff done and then made a grocery store run before we get hammered by a snowstorm this evening.

  • gloria patterson

    Rainy day but the temp is almost 60

    Meeting my sister in law and we are going to have a long lunch and catch up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I had a mammogram today. Geeze, it will take my boobs a week to recover…I mean, they really manhandle those suckers! No wonder women dread that, right??

  • gloria patterson

    Well I got one of those calls and decided I should play a little.

    Man called May I speak to gloria


    He I am so & so and it about her student debts loans……………………….

    SORRY she is dead no student loans to pay and hung up!!

  • Polly Hall

    I bought 2 packages of hamburger at the grosery store this morning. The cashier put it into a plastic bag while the person bagging was using my bags. The bagger never put the plastic bag into my cart and I did not notice until I got home I then had to drive all the way back to get it.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good make a big country breakfast this morning it was yummy. Now we are just getting ready for more snow here.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Drove Viktor to the dentist this morning – we shared a pizza at the weekend & somehow he chipped a front tooth. They did a temp. job so at least he can smile & talk without being self-conscious! Back again in April for the permanent work.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to physical therapy today. It’s tryingto warm up a little, which is nice. It’s supposed to get up in the 70s by Thursday, but then it’s going to storm, of course. Well, at least Spring might be creeping up on us.

  • gloria patterson

    Going through my closet………….. was surprised at the things that I have not worn in years….

    Deciding keep or throw in the goodwill bag

    Got a new book the last in a series of 7 stories. Going to reread starting at book 1

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door and am taking a break from running around for a little while. Pizza for dinner should be yummy!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ended up driving one of the Ukrainians to work yesterday afternoon (bus didn’t arrive) along with 2 others who came along for the ride! Only took an hour but I was exhausted afterwards and slept till 2 this p.m.!!!

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Well my boyfriend and I are upset because we are not going to see each other in a very long time. It has already been a long time. It really sucks.

  • Michele Soyer

    Busy busy…called 3 plumbers to do some fixing for us and scheduled 3 estimates…having a walk thru of the property today late afternoon. leaving for small shopping – hardware etc….then beginning another tile change for the weekend….

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    I was watching the episode titled TENNESSEE BOUND from I Love Lucy and in the credits the announcer mentions Aaron Spelling as the gas station attendant. I did not realize that was him! For those that don’t know, Aaron Spelling was a successful film and TV producer.

  • gloria patterson

    I have been in my apartment for almost 9 years. Has white wall and no we cannot paint them. i was happy with the things I put on my walls. I have some canvas on my walls with pink/purple hibiscus that I still like. BUT the other stuff has to go.

    Searching on line but have not found anything yet!

  • heather

    I am having a nice day the sun is shinning we were supposed to get snow today so I am super happy. Happy first day of spring to you. I so love this time of year it’s the best!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    At last I’m beginning to feel a wee bit better so got my laundry done. The car’s chugging a bit but I’m hoping it’s just from sitting idle for nearly 2 weeks. Tomorrow, If I’m able, I’ll go for a drive to give the engine a blow-out.

  • gloria patterson

    I am in the mood to get rid of stuff. I will pull open a drawer do a fast go through and pull out stuff. Some of it I am trashing but other stuff I am putting in the giveaway pile.

    I want to make some changes in my apartment…………… NO painting NOT allowed to do

    Have found that sometimes just the little changes make a different.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ireland won the 6 Nations Rugby with a Grand Slam! They’re now the best team in the world! Spent the day in bed feeling bleh – just can’t shift this head cold.

  • heather

    I am having a pretty nice Sunday hope you are too. I did a bunch of chores this morning outside and inside the house before the rain comes in.

  • Michele Soyer

    Had a lovely evening watched The Committments which is one of my favourite Irish films – then Belfast which I have been waiting to see…still not sleepy so once again Angela’s Ashes – today only reading and music!

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    I got a call from my aunt, my mama’s sister, last night. It was nice to catch up on things. With both of our health issues and being well over 1000 miles apart it’s iffy on whether we’ll see each other again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What kind of day has it been? Well, I ate jelly beans for dinner, lol. It’s cold. I’m sleepy for some reason. I don’t feel like cooking or even making a sandwich.

  • heather

    It is so nice here today and while driving I saw several daffodils already in bloom that makes me so happy. Did a lot of running around shopping this morning and now I am done for the day need to rest.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still feeling rotten but watching the last matches of the rugby 6 Nations & the last game is Ireland vs England in Dublin on Paddy’s weekend. The atmosphere is electric! If Ireland win they’ll have won the Championship (sorry Mum!).

  • gloria patterson

    Yesterday at 6 am it was 50 this morning at 6 am it was 28 Our temps just go up and down

    Little cleaning and on the laptop

    Headed out to a late lunch with some old friends

  • Michele Soyer

    Evaluation report came in last evening – Calling the lawyer on Monday to handle any agreements that need to be made – have a person waiting to do a walk-thru asap….taking the weekend off…feel very unstressed which is an odd feeling for me!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s rainy and cold today so I’ve just stayed inside and watched TV or played games online, lol. So, just a boring day.

  • gloria patterson

    It was 50 this morning at 6 am …… they say temp is going down down

    Quick to krogers to pick up a few things SURPRISE SURPRISE A dozen Large eggs was 99 cents!

    I still had half dozen but at this price I picked a carton. Will boil the older eggs and make egg salad.

    Just feeling lazy its raining……………………………

  • Polly Hall

    I twisted my right knee a few days ago yesterday I thought it was getting better, today it’s very swollen, wish it would heal it’s self so I do not have to go to the doctor.

  • heather

    Happy St. Patricks Day to you. I will cooking corned beef and cabbage today and having some ale! So far it is a great day!

  • Michele Soyer

    I do love St Patricks Day! Another lovely holiday for me to celebrate! Irish or not for today I feel Irish..have the corned beef etc cooking and the cake frosted…thank goodness for trade agreements otherwise I wuld not be able to get a lovely corned beef here….Late on a single malt and a movie…I could get used to this relaxation mode very easily…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I feel all up in the air and restless and just ready to throw something and spit, lol. I don’t know. Is Mercury in retrograde or something???

  • gloria patterson

    This is my lazy lazy day! Got a new JD Robb book so good time to do nothing. I have frozen food in freezer when I get hungry

  • heather

    I had a burst of energy this morning and cleaned the house and now I am worn out and resting my tired legs. The house sure smells good though I love the smell of bleach!

  • Molli Lillian Taylor

    yesterday a lot of hard stuff happened and I’m recovering today, but we’re going to see carrier underwood tonight!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s a beautiful day and I’m itching to go to the house but I (reluctantly) know I mustn’t start back too soon so instead I’ll get my laundry done & tidy the room, plants TLC etc.

  • Michele Soyer

    Evaluator called report will be done by Friday – I plan on letting neighbour (s) take a walk through of the house if they would like – they cannot (LOL) walk the property unless they choose to brave the bush – put on your tall boots and go for it! making a list of everthing that stays with the house – partially furnished and all appliances large and small stay… all farm lawn equipment etc…I really should just get sticies in different colours….

  • heather

    It’s been a busy day just got in the door and am now taking a serious break. I had a lot of shopping to catch up on as we have been snowed in.

  • gloria patterson

    Still fight with the time change………………………………. Slept late and have already had a nap. Out side temp is 35 but I keep turning the heat up and then off because I get to hot

    This is my lazy do nothing day

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Thanks for the get well wishes and yes, Michele, you know me too well re. going back to work too soon. It’s a constant battle!

    • Michele Soyer

      Please take my advice – I know from experience and do not want you to fall into the traps I do.. you MUST take care of yourself before anything else!

  • Michele Soyer

    Two of my neighbors came to see us yesterday to talk about the property – both have family in the UK looking to sell and re-locate here….had to tell both of them until I get the evaluation report I cannot discuss price.. today is 14 business days so hopefully I will get the report. – if not on the phone tomorrow about it….It would be a true blessing if one of them bought the property….a true miracle….fingers crossed….

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    I woke up to a cold apartment this morning. It was 65 degrees in here! Yikes! I turned on the heat to 74 degrees and it is just barely taking the chill out the air. Had a couple of corn dogs for an early breakfast. (Listening to My Immortal by Evanescence)

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the grocery earlier today and just about froze. I mean, it is freezing out there now that March is here, lol.

  • heather

    They said on the local weather to expect some rain today – instead we in the middle of a major BLIZZARD!!! I am just shaking my head who knows how long we will be snowed in.

  • gloria patterson

    It was 24 this morning at 7 am and spitting snow. Accidents they closed the insterstate tractor trailer wreck.

    Car appointment 10 AM with the weather I better call AAA by 8:45 am. Good thing I did they did not arrive 9:35am. Lucked out it was the guy that has been jumping me & replacing batteries for the past 14 months. So a least he knew most of the story so just added a few things.

    Pulled up left the car running key in it since it had only been running for less then 15 minutes. Told them again problem and they remembered. I was set for a wait. Now you know you get cold when you wait in the repair shop. I had a large HOT HANDS packet I opened. Had bottle of water, and pretzels if I got hungry. Sat there on my phone 20 or so minutes the guy came in……

    Gloria your car is ready. I just looked at him with my mouth open and said MY CAR?? Come on out and I will explain

    Long story short version – That NEW battery (Jan 10) they put in was DEFECTIVE! They have had a few problems with that battery. So I have another NEW BATTERY!

    So I still don’t if there is a problem in my car or if it has been the batteries all a long!!

    I told my niece I think I am becoming a CAR HYPOCHONDRIAC

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Woke up with a broken blood vessel under my left eye, probably from sneezing, not a good look. Other than that, feeling a bit better.

    • Michele Soyer

      Glad you are a bit better – you have been working outside as well as in the new house and the cold and the hard work has taken a toll on you…Don’t go back to work too soon or you will relapse! Take care please…

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    My boyfriend ended back up at the hospital due to pain. Other than that I made some vegan peanut butter swirl brownies that were crazy delicious.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the doctor today, just a follow-up. And when I came out IT WAS SNOWING! What???? I mean now that it is March, it has turned into Winter, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Every day that I walk out of my apartment building and head for my car I start saying “PLEASE START PLEASE START!

    NEW battery January 10 ———————————— DEAD battery March 13

    Have appointment to go to a different place tomorrow. I am so tired of worring about IF my car is going to start!!!

  • Polly Hall

    Looking forward to dinner and cards with my girlfriends tonight, the best part is having someone cook for me for a change.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still feeling bleh … managed to get up & go outside in the fresh air for 10 minutes and I’m fit for nothing after that.

  • Kate

    My Monday was going great and I had big plans for today… and then it started snowing and sleeting. That means I’ll be stuck inside today but that’s okay because I’ll be making plans for a party with my daughter. Should be fun deciding on the menu with her. The good thing is that spring is soooo close! 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    This is the week the evaluation report comes in…Waiting with total impatience…Laundry and pressing today….a few more seeds to plant then back to that documentary….

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    My boyfriend is accident prone and ended up in the ER for pulling a ligament in his arm after working on a tiller.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It seems like everyone is feeling puny today. Even my brother has gone to bed with some kind of sinus thing. And I feel sort of blech too. I think we all have one of those colds you get when the weather changes–and our weather is changing back and forth every day!

  • gloria patterson

    I though I was feeling better so last night about 9 I loaded my wheeled laundry cart and downstairs to do laundry. It takes me 1.5 hr to wash/dry/fold and place in my cart. Then when I get back unload, put away, hang up was done by 10:30. Was asleep again by midnight.. Awake at 7 shower etc. Time I was dressed I was exhausted. Recliner her I come, I woke up at 2. I am so tired even a energy drink didn/t help. But I am making myself move around and do simple things. Tomorrow will be better!!!

  • heather

    My day is sooooo looking up fixed the Internet issue and that make me so happy. Now I can enjoy the rest of my Sunday. Hope you are getting use to this time change I am all messed up.

  • tammy ta

    Like every day today has gone by so fast but even faster cause it’s the weekend. Especially sucks cause lost an hour to my weekend too.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still in bed coughing & spluttering. I’ve spent 16 out of the last 24 hours asleep. No temperature, no appetite.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Hello! Today I slept in because I was up last night talking to my boyfriend after he got out of the ER. He is ok.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today the handyman is coming to finish grouting the tile then the rest of the day is studying my languages…reading and maybe an afternoon documentary…

  • gloria patterson

    I was not on here yesterday, somehow on Thursday I caught a bug…………….. that kicked my butt. Lets just say it has been 2 interesting days. I have got a lot of sleep, and have started to feel better. Today I even fixed scrambled eggs for a late lunch……………. NO problems so I am feeling better!


  • Laura DeLaRosa

    My day is ok so far. I had turn on the heat to take the chill out of the air. It’s cold and gloomy outside. (Listening to Love So Right by The Bee Gees)

  • Elizabeth

    I’m out running errands in the hopes of dodging the next storm…it’s a little damp and cold for walking around, but I just had a nice latte at my favorite cafe!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good even though my Internet has been down for two days. I so wish we had a better choice of Internect companies where I live!

  • Michele Soyer

    Sitting here thinking of what I can do to get in trouble today….finished the weeding. trimmed the bushes, planted some more flowers. inside clean and closets sorted out….Will probably finish my still life and relax for the rest of the weekend….oh and of course cook!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am thin king that I wnt a quiet weekend with lot of sleeping in and doing nothing, lol. Yep, sounds good to me.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More snow & more sleeping for hours! Woke up at 2.30pm with a sore throat & swollen epiglotis. Not sure if it’s from snoring (my sinuses & nose get blocked after my ‘cold’) or just a bad throat. Time to gargle.

  • Michele Soyer

    Wound up going to the thrift yesterday and leaving some outfits – then on to the vet to pick up tick pill for Delilah – the season is beginning here and don’t want her to get any! Sunday our handyman is coming to do some replacement tile work in the bathroom….

  • Tamra Phelps

    We had a few really nice days, and a few bad ones with hurricane force winds. Now they are saying it’s going to drop below frezing and maybe snow. Spring can’t get here soon enough.

  • heather

    It’s been a busy morning for me getting everything put away outside ahead of the 70 mph winds that we will be getting this afternoon that should be a lot of fun!

  • gloria patterson

    Had great niece (6) last night from 4:30 – almost 9. We finger painted on paper, used water color paints on a canvas, painted a white ceramic pc that was rainbow and clouds. She does so much better ever time we work together. I finally have her decideing what size brush to use based on what she is painting. She ate mac & cheese and pears and later hot dog, FF, potato chips and LOTS of ketchup. and she loves whip cream out of the can so we had it several times. Always tired when she leaves but ready for her to come back.

    SO today NOT doing much of anything!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    SNOW!!! Granted only a tiny bit and it’s turned to sleet now. I woke at 8am, breakfasted, emails, went back to bed to stay warm at 10 and woke at 4pm.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had to go to physical therapy today, so I’m tired, lol. Other than that, it’s been a slow day, and we are back to Winter here in KY.

  • heather

    Busy day finally was able to get my kitty to the vet now we are just hoping for the best she got a bunch of antibiotic shots. Boy driving in the snow this morning was terrible! Oh I foget to mention the ice and FOG too! I am so having a drink tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gloria patterson

    Had to run a few errands brought lunch home. Got a text from niece could great niece come over after school till mom (beautian) got through for the day. Sure she is always fun to have

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Hello! I was up this morning cleaning. I also made breakfast and lunch, so I have been pretty productive.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today I plan on going through the closets and making decisions on what to take to the thrift shop…so many dresses that are good quality that are just too big now…my neighbor is a seamstress. so thinking about having them altered..need more coffee to make that decision!

    • gloria patterson

      Do you like those dresses that you are thinking about getting altered? If not get rid of and pick out some new that you really like,.

      • Michele Soyer

        Gloria they are classics – “little black” dresses and some traditional Asian cocktail dresses – I could never afford them now – going to see how much she would charge me…I did bring some outfits to the thrift yesterday..

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    My day is starting out ok. I woke up with a bit of a runny nose, but after a few minutes it has cleared up. Ever since I had Covid in December 2021 (asymptomatic) I’ve had a problem with a runny nose. I’m glad that seems to be my only side effect. (Listening to Last Dance by Donna Summer)

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Heading out to the house in a bit – time to scrub another ceiling & paint another coat on the bathroom ceiling.


    My niece is a beautian and she offers haircuts ( $20.) one day a month from 9:30 – 12:30 in my senior building. She is starting to get people to come down. Today she had 7 people which is very good. And even have a few that want her to come to their apartments to cut some people that cannot get out. So I went down to visit with her for a little bit and got to see my great niece little cousin who was spending the day with her aunt. Told her to come visit I had a minnie chair of zays to give her. They did it was nice to have a little toddler running around.

    Then my mother had some legal stuff she needed to do so ran her around and got all that taken care of…………………….. ONLY PROBLEM IS I DID NOT GET MY NAP TODAY LOL

  • heather

    It has been a busy day for me so far and I was up at 3:45 am so I am tired tired tired. I should sleep like a little baby tonight that’s for sure!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Day off today as Viktor has English classes and the sun’s shining so going for a walk to loosen up my hip a bit. Then I’ll wash the car.

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    I’ve had a bit of a late start on my contests this morning, didn’t start until around 5:00 this morning. I am a cat-napper throughout the day, an hour here, a couple hours there. I’ve been this way for years and it works for me. (Listening to Send Her My Love by Journey)

  • Michele Soyer

    Got everything done yesterday in record time – the energy of todays full moon was obvious yesterday – people were agitated and for me that is an indication of move quickly and get home…
    Decided to change some tile in the bathroom that looks like it is about to lift so tomorrow back out again to purchase some tile and have our handyman come on the w/e to install…
    Once again full moon today with the added energy of Saturn moving from air element Aquarius to watery Pisces….once again change is upon on – the very positive thinag about saturn is that whatever change he makes in your life slow, deliberate and hard working is long lasting ……

  • Tamra Phelps

    Nice sunny day today, about 70 out there. But snow is on the way, lol. Geeze. The weather is making me crazy.


    Helped my mother (94) with some legal phone calls and paper work. Then had to pick up some stuff . Got home more paper work for her to do. Tomorrow will have go get ever thing nornotarized and then to fedex to get the paper work to TN.

    glad the day is over

  • heather

    My day is goin so so we are getting more snow right now and I am a little tired of it. Hope you are have a nice Monday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went on my own to the house & worked inside as it’s cold & drizzly. Did the 1st coat of the bathroom ceiling with anti-mould paint – looks better already – and scrubbed down one wall in the hall. Met the gas man, Willie. He’s cut the bill down a bit & will include 1000L of gas as well so I’ve told him to go ahead. I’ll worry about re-wiring another time. Sooner the pipes are down, the sooner the floors can get finished and the sooner I can get the furniture out of storage.


    Just a day of doing nothing, but I was busy all day…………..

    Got everthing to make steak hoagies, made 2 of them. The buns were about the length of your hand. Steak-ums, oinions, roasted peppers, roasted tomatoes, cheese. Fixed them and rolled in foil and warmed buns and all for 20 minutes. Ate one the other in the refrig for tomorrow………….. it was so so good.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I cooked a pork loin, did some cleaning and now I’m eating chocolate, lol. I mean, you can’t be good all day, right??

  • heather

    Cabin Fever is setting in for me we are getting more snow right now and I am a little tired of it. The list is getting longer of the things that I need from the grocery store hope the weather breaks soon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Very worried about running out of money … to avail of any grants I need to be living in the house so heating & hot water are essential but so is electricity … I’m going to try to not think about it today as it’s beautifully sunny but cold so heading for a walk in the park.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Don’t let yourself get too worried. I’m a firm believer that things do work out as they are meant to be–it will all be alright!! You will get what you need when you need it most. The universe is on your side!

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday was a total phone day..and I hate that! Trying to sort out all the rules, regulations and whatnot associated with bringing the cats to Greece…Our vet will do the chips other vaccines needed and the certificate of good health – then we need to take those to the Ministry of Agriculature and Ministry of Health to have them stamped officially – here is always a miasma of red tape – but I know now what needs to be done – the fees associated and the offices I must go to – a day at least for that..
    Rang KLM and found out their fees and rules for onboard cats – also their routes later in the year – POS to Amsterdam direct ( yeah) then transfer to Aegean to Corfu by way of Athens…
    I think I did all needed to know at this point….
    By the grace by the 15th we should have the valuation then put the property up ….
    Today making lists for shopping tomorrow – grocery, hardware, feed and grain, chemist, post box and vegetable man….and the lottery agent! One can only hope and dream… Happy Sunday all….

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    I went to see my mom and she loved her blackberry lemon cake. Besides that I made a great dinner.

      • Michele Soyer

        I have to.. I will not leave here w/o that being done..I do not trust leaving anything behind – the idea of not handling business here before I go would keep me up at night…places are what they are….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Yesterday we had the most bizarre weather. hurricane force winds in KY. It knocked down a tree behind the apartments here and that fell onto a live wire–fortunately my brother saw it and called the fire department and they got here before the tree went up and set a fire. Other trees did start fires around town. Absolutely nuts!


    I slept in till 8AM Worked in my craft room (corner in my bedroom ) and cleaned and moved stuff around. Great niece is going to be lost trying to find stuff

    LONG nap………. now have a frozen pizza in the oven

  • heather

    Well, we are getting another new round of snow today and it will continue for several more days and my kitty is not getting better.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Finally got my quotes together for replacing the gas boiler, radiators etc. cheapest is €5k – eek! Meeting the guy on Monday, maybe I can get it down a bit otherwise I’ll be really scrimping from here on and I’ve still got the electricity rewiring to do.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Today I made some seitan fajitas and made a blackberry lemon cake for my mom who I am going to go see tomorrow.

  • Polly Hall

    Have not done much today, did some laundry, we are eating leftovers so I’m happy that I do not have to fix dinner.

  • Tamra Phelps

    We are having an oddly Spring like day, but it would be a stormy Spring day, lol. It’s warm and the sun keeps shining bright but then it gets dark and storms and the wind goes nuts. Ugh, seems like tornado weather.

  • heather

    We are getting some sunshine today sure need it to melt some of the snow but we have more snow coming in tomorrow. We so need the water here but I just don’t like not being able to get out of the driveway it stresses me out.

  • Michele Soyer

    Received my test back from Art History course…mad at self.. got 2 wrong.. dates of early and late renaissance…was off by 3 years…my daughter told me please relax! in the whole scheme of life how important are those dates? she and I disagree.. anyway with no outside work to do and the house spotless and no more buuble wrap (ordered more from Amazon) to pack the few breakables left I am going to paint….not walls lol. a still life..when it is finished I will leave it with the house….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m so tired. I had a doctor’s appointment about an hour away today, had to wait for transportation back–so it’s been a long day.


    I have worked on at least a dozen different things today. Just now in the mood to do anything for a long period of time.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Agreed! I have so many things I really should be doing. It’s cold outside and snowing so I really don’t want to do ANYTHING! DirectTV has been out for over a week. So, it’s time to dig out my DVD’s. It’s getting pretty boring around here.


        That would be hell! I don’t watch a lot of TV but I like the sound, maybe it the talking. Sometimes music but always TV #1

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    It’s a good day! My husband just returned to work after being off 1 month for cancer surgery. So happy to have my house back to myself – he was going stir crazy!!

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Hello! I went out to Cracker Barrel this morning and it was delicious!!! I am sorry yours is so far away from you.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yesterday we wire-brushed the shed & gave it one coat (forest green). It looks so much better now. Will finish it off tomorrow.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sitting here unmotivated again! All I want to do is study and get on a plane…Sad to say even though this has been my home for 23 years I am totally divested right now – I am grateful for the people I met here and all the things I have learned about those said people and life….time for me to move on….


    Its that time of year have to check in with the Dr!! I have COPD so I had Breathing Test at 8am. I did ok on all the test except one. Some how I could just not do it right this year. Then on to the Dr, all my test were ok so o problems. She changed a few meds around. OK for now so Till next year!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Here’s a question: does bloglovin exist anymore??? I notice it every time I fill out this form at the beginning of the month and I can log in on bloglovin but absolutely nothing will come up, not even my own profile page. And I know I followed this blog so that’s not a problem but even the PB&W page won’t come up on bloglovin. I don’t think it exists, Connie, lol. Honestly, I never used it so I wouldn’t know if it did stop existing.

  • heather

    Well, I am still snowed in and am getting a little touch of cabin fever. I am seeing the sun is out today so I hope it melts a lot of the snow so we can at least get out if the driveway.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus everyone! This time last year was my last day in the family home – really hard to get my head around.

  • Anonymous

    Wow it is March! Where did february go? All I have to do today is sanitize the aviary then the day is mine…covid infections have jumped considerably since Carnival….

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