$50 Your Way Giveaway September 2023!
First and foremost, HOW IS IT SEPTEMBER already!?!?! MAN, this year is flying by!! Did you know it’s only 116 days away from Christmas?? I know, that was mean. Would it make you feel better to know that it’s only 61 days till Halloween!?? NOW I KNOW that means that I can start decorating today.
For those of you that are new here. The first of the month, (every. single. month) I post my $50 Your Way Giveaway. I usually update what has been happening up on the mountain (in beautiful Sandpoint Idaho). Some months I have more news than others. August went really fast. Between all the doctor appointments for The Husband and me. GESH!! Getting older is NOT for sissies. So, I finally have a diagnosis. Cushings Disease and PMR which is Polymyalgia Rheumatica. GESH!!
The Husband had cataract surgery in both eyes. He is giddy with the results. (Can men be giddy?? Maybe I should say SERIOUSLY HAPPY with the results) I sent this picture to the kids and Zachary immediately shot back, WHAT did they do? TAPE his EYE in?? I shot back well the glue gun didn’t work and he cried when I got out the stapler.
In other news. The Grandgirls went back to school. Alice in the 7th grade and Olivia started HIGH SCHOOL!!
I can’t believe how grown up the girls are.
Okay, now for the REAL reason you are here!!
This September Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission.
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course, ME!!
So, GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t forget to keep coming back… month after month….. year after year (you get the idea)
I am sorry, that stupid tweet button still doesn’t work. I’m so sorry!
Adding this giveaway to Instagram, Facebook, or Giveaway Blog posts counts as entries! Take credit in the Giveaway Tools. (Last entry) I REALLY appreciate it!
GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Marlene V.
Day is going good so far. Got what I wanted to this weekend so far and tonight we will have friends and family over for dinner:)
Shelly Peterson
Had a good dinner with my son. Then went to watch my grandkids.
Tamra Phelps
I don’t know what’s up with Chrome today. I had to switch to a diferent browser to access PB & Whine. Oh, well. Usually these glitches work out in a days time.
Amy nick
its been going ok today. a lazy day because we been getting a lot of rain lately here
l p
the day is going well. it’s overcast, chilly with rain threatening but the outside errands got taken care of so that’s great. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today I am just realaxing. But I am going to dinner later with my son.
Having a good day, relaxing and doing things at home.
gloria patterson
Got a new Aero garden delivered yesterday……………. got a great deal on it. This is my 3rd one. I love having fresh flowers so I never grow veggie in them. So I set it up this morning and then took a long nap. Listening to some old movies and on the laptop
Polly Hall
Trying to pack and do some cooking & baking to take with us to Iowa for 4 days.
Kate Sarsfield
I did post a comment but it seems to have disappeared! Anyway, to sum up: after a v.long night and lots of antihistamine & water, naps etc. am feeling much better.
gloria patterson
Kate happy to hear the ghost or what ever it is picks on you to to!!! LOL GLAD YOU ARE FEELING BETTER
Kate Sarsfield
Ta very much!
My day is going much better now that I am home. I had some running around to do this morning and it just wasn’t my day out there seems like all the machines were not working properly that I encountered.
Carolyn D
I could be better. I am in a lot of pain today, but at least I can rest and take it easy.
Hoping to take it easy today…
Michele Soyer
Well last day of the month and boy did it go quickly – I received quite a few phone calls regarding the property with some scheduling site visits after they retain a man of business here – keeping my fingers crossed – did 3 loads of laundry – you might wonder where in the heck do 2 women make all this laundry?? Anyway on the line and French Toast for breakfast – glad I sanitized the aviary already and dumped the compost – now I can read, read, read!
Peggy Nunn
My day is great. The sun is shining and my family is healthy.
Suzie B
Im going hiking today with my partner, Im very excited!
Tamra Phelps
I’m having one of those days when I just feel restless. Nothing is what I want to do or eat or read, etc. Hopefully it passes soon, lol.
Michele Soyer
I have been there – this too shall pass….
Polly Hall
A very tiring day, helped my brother move his things from a storage container to his place.
Better today, at least I’m negative for Covid so far…
gloria patterson
Was at the Dr at 8 am ever thing looks good will check again next friday. I was reading a book and covered up my left eye and the pages looked yellow. Then I cover the right eye and the pages were WHITE!!
Carolyn D
I am not doing too well today. I had to leave work early because I was in a lot of pain.
Having a good day. Looking forward to going to a football game tonight.
I am having as quiet day today just catching up on things around the house and in the yard before the rain comes this afternoon.
Kate Sarsfield
There I was busy planting spring bulbs when I got stung by a wasp, then another and another … got inside, took an antihistamine, jumped in the car & headed for the pharmacist. They were brilliant. Took me to a side room, slathered my legs (9 stings), my arm (1 sting) and the back of my head (1 sting) with antihistamine cream, got ice packs & a glass of water. After about 10 mins I was fit enought to drive. Since then all I’ve done is feel sorry for myself 🙁
gloria patterson
So glad you were smart enough to drive to the pharmacist! Maybe you should take the next few days off and just be lazy. No work just a book or two and some movies…………….. NAPS NAPS NAPS are good things to do this weekend
Tamra Phelps
Wow! Did you accidentally hit a nest? Make sure they’re gone before you go back out there.
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate how that must have hirt.. Glad you had the help you received….
l p
the day is going well. it’s chilly and wet but there’s lots to do inside with the promise of dinner with a friend later. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday! It sure is getting cold here but I refuse to turn the heat on. lol
TGIF! I hope you are doing well and enjoying your day!
Peggy Nunn
I am having a great day. I am going grocery shopping with my husband.
Michele Soyer
I could just sit and read all day BUT the pooch needs a bath and my daughter would like gnocchi today so pooch first then on to cooking – now that I am not chained to outside labor anymore except a few pots of clowers I can do what I truly enjoy and cooking/baking is one of those pleasures!
Suzie B
Its Friday. so I am happy and looking forward to a weekend off
Tamra Phelps
It seems to be storming every night recently. Oh well, the days have been pretty nice.
Whew. What a day. I helped friends move from their house to an apartment. There’s no room to walk in the living room as the boxes are covering the floor. I hope things get settled soon – they’re exhausted.
Carolyn D
It has been a hectic day and I am exhausted. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday.
l p
the day is going well. a beautiful day – got lots of errands run today. now it’s time for a hot cup of tea. thanks
Barbara Montag
I am having a great day!
Getting lots of things organized.
gloria patterson
Got to the hospital early, first person cancel so I got moved up!! This & that…… quick & easy go back Fri am for followup.
Have clear patch over left eye have to use the drops for a while Had a 3 hr nap now playing on the laptop
Having a good day. Ran some errands this morning.
Shelly Peterson
I have errends to run today. But I am waiting on my daughter as usual.
I am just doing stuff around the house today. I did a ton of running around yesterday and I am still worn out.
Polly Hall
Cold and rainy today but I am getting things done in the house.
Day is half gone and has been pretty good so far. Do have to go into town and do the online insurance inspection for a rental house we just bought, but that shouldn’t take long, and the weather is really nice right now.
Stephanie Larison
I am doing okay, thanks. I just took my 2 year old to the dentist this morning and apparently she has crowded teeth and will need braces in the future. Another kid goes tomorrow to get extractions because she’ll need braces in the next few years. Lol, out of my 4 girls, looks like they all will need them at some point. Going to be soooo expensive! My 14 year old is currently in them, sigh.
Kate Sarsfield
Thoroughly suprised myself: Was up & at ’em by 07.30!!! Sorted the shed, scrubbed the animal crate & pet carriers, unpacked the stuff to go in the shed, ordered more paint for collection tomorrow and all before 12.00! Heavy rain due now so going to curl up for a bit.
Michele Soyer
We had 27 “looks” at the property on the international site we posted on – maybe just maybe the coming full moon and then eclipses in October will spark a sale…hope springs eternal…I have been lazy these days reading book after book – it is kinda nice!
Kate Sarsfield
Can you post the links here? I could share them … might help??
Michele Soyer
Thank you! Will post them later today…
Michele Soyer
Got quite a few calls and schediled visits – if none of these pan out I will post here – thanks again for the idea….
Suzie B
Im feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things I have to do.
gloria patterson
today was not a lot done…………… kinda lazy
Got my call need to be at the hospital by 7am thursday …………….. so ready for this one
Trying to tie up as many loose ends as possible while getting over my throat bug…
Gotta make some phone calls before seeing if I can muster up enough energy to run an errand or two…
Carolyn D
I am doing well today. Feeling very tired this afternoon.
It has been a busy day for me so far lots of running and around and lots of driving. I am taking a break right now.
Confusing start to the day. Took election training this morning that wasn’t directly applicable to my position??
l p
the day is going well although it started early. have to get used to the construction crew working on next door’s buildings starting before 7 a.m. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a typical day of dialysis..
Peggy Nunn
My day is starting off great. I am going to see my sister… so great all the way around.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m still surrounded by things that need to go into the shed BUT no point even unpacking them till I get the animal crate & 2 cat carriers out first AND as we’re in the middle of Storm Agnes, that’s not going to happen till the weekend. Might do the second coat of floor paint in the bedroom but I think I might be feeling a bit too lazy to do that today!
Suzie B
I feel a little under the weather today, unfortuantely
Polly Hall
Helped my husband stain the cedar shakes for the siding on the house, it took me almost 5 hours.
Tamra Phelps
I am so fed up with my own health, lol. Is this really what middle age is: one damn health problem after another??? I miss the days when I didn’t even think about my health, lol.
Shelly Peterson
I had an appointment and then went to lunch with my daughter.
Carolyn D
Today has been a stressful day. I certainly hope that things go smoother tomorrow.
gloria patterson
I could not go to sleep last night around 2 I finally drifted off……………………….. and then LEG CRAMP!!! In the back of my thigh … got the pickle jar out pour so in a cup. Then got big ice pack out…… Pickle juice and ice pack and I was out. Wide awake at 6:30
Ran to kroger to pick up some peperonni rolls. Sat down at my laptop and the cramp is back
Kate Sarsfield
Check with you doc if you can take calcium tabs at night. I used to get awful cramp in my feet every night till I started taking them.
Peggy Nunn
My day is great so far. I spent the morning and lunch with friends. I am home resting…. great life.
We got some much needed rain last night and it was wonderful. I wish it was still raining we need it for the widfires in the area. I am being quiet today and jut doing stuff online.
susan atkins
My day is going great ! Itis my husbands 72 nd birthday and we are going to celebrate with a cake and ice cream with the girls and grandchildren.
l p
the day is going well. it started out overcast and very windy. good day for baking treats for the kids and neighbours. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Slept till lunchtime. Ah, me! Those were the days when I could party all night, attend College lectures all day then party again!
Barbara Montag
So far day is going well.
Will be voluntering this afternoon.
My mom caught a bronchial infection and I have similar symptoms, so I’m off to urgent care, sigh…
Michele Soyer
Today is back to work…Starting with a tidy up of the apartment downstairs then a good sweep of the garage area.. ending it with my 6 week malathion spray around the house and garden – one thing about the tropics there is never a shortage of all and sundry bugs and pests…
Suzie B
My day is just starting – but I am already tired as I had a bad sleep last night
Had a good day- worked the Jets game tonight.
Carolyn D
I had a nice day catching up with a few of my friends.
gloria patterson
My plans for today…………….. STAY HOME DO NOTHING!!
That got changed Dr called in prescription for mom and the pharamcy does not deliver till Wed & Fridays. Visted mom and told her I would go get the prescription and she started talking about tomatoes, and they were going to be gone sone. Seniors got $50 worth of farmers market coupons this year. Well mom had not used any of hers…………
I bought $50 coupons worth of tomatoes RED, YELLOW, PINK & GREEN!
It is 68 light rain and the light is fading. FALL is here
Getting a late start to everything today. We are getting some much needed rain here and I love it!
Polly Hall
Heading to dinner and cards with my girl friends
Happy Fall. The cooler weather is perfect for warms drinks. Enjoy your Fall.
l p
the day is going well. working on baking the week’s bread. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
I slept for 10 hours last night! Feeling ok after yesterday’s marathon apart from my lower back. The bones from my coccyx to the pelvis/spine are fused (born that way) so they don’t ‘give’ so can’t stretch to get the kinks out. Might sleep on the floor tonight.
Shelly Peterson
I’m not ready for it to be Monday already. lol. I need one more day off.
I hope I haven’t caught a bug after traveling, sigh…
Peggy Nunn
My day is great. I looks so pretty outside. We have a chance of rain. That would be nice.
Michele Soyer
Today is a bank holiday here. Republic Day so I am taking the day off – I believe in taking any and all holidays! Plenty of leftovers so I don’t have to cook but a dessert was requested so I stll have apples, pears and some figs left from my very expensive splurge in the import section of the grocery – after that once again books etc…Tomorrow I will begin work again…
Polly Hall
We had a nice relaxing day at the lake house with great weather.
Tamra Phelps
Still sitting here watching kid movies. Tangled and Frozen today, lol.
Michele Soyer
These movies are such fun!
l p
it’s a typical Fall day – every type of weather except ice and snow today. good day to dress in layers. thanks
gloria patterson
Today is gret niece’s 7th birthday and her party………….. So much food sister in law and one niece have a bar with food and also do cartering……….. so good cooks. Several family member brought big crocks pots of food. Had pizza you name it, two tables full. And NO I DID NOT cook anything (I don’t do that ) gave niece some money for the party……
In great niece school there are 3 first grade classes……….. Well Zay likes this boy in another class. So she did a invitation for this boy and asked that class teacher to give him the invitation. And he showed up! And they ignored each other. I was sitting in the right spot when Lilly (best friend) came up to him and SAID … ZAY WANTS YOU IN THE BOUNCE HOUSE RIGHT NOW! And off it went!
It was so much fun watching them
It was great party and was so happy when it was all cleaned up and we could go home!!
Michele Soyer
Party sounds lovely!
Having a good day- relaxing at home and watching some football.
Kate Sarsfield
Well. I made it! Left at 7am, got to Monamolin Village & picked up my outdoor plants and popped into the graveyard for a quick chat with Mum & Dad, then onto Gorey where we loaded the van with mostly outdoor & garage stuff. Left Gorey at 1pm & finally got home at 6pm. By 8 we had unloaded everything. All this during an 11-hour storm! Wish I had hot water for a shower but I don’t, so boiled the kettle & had a good hot scrub-down, something to eat & now ready for bed.
Tamra Phelps
Wow! That sounds like a day and a half!
Michele Soyer
Afterall that you now have to take a good rest!
I am doing a ton of cooking today guess I just was in the mood. Hope you have a nice Sunday.
Shelly Peterson
Today I have a lot of errands to run.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. Just taking it easy and catching up on a couple of shows.
Flying home from LA today, a little nervous!
Peggy Nunn
My day is great. The morning looks good. I am getting ready for church. Life is good.
Michele Soyer
Sunday, blessed Sunday! After cooking doing nothing but fun things.. playing with pets, reading and listening to some great music…watched The justice League last night…needed some action entertainment instaed of anyhting deep and dark!
Tamra Phelps
I watched a Disney movie, lol. (Coco.)
Tamra Phelps
There’s not a lot going on today. It’s been a slow weekend so far.
Had a good day. Took my family to Fanfest.
Shelly Peterson
Today is a lazy day for me. Nothing planned.
l p
the day is going quite well. it’s really windy outside so it’s an indoor day. good thing as there’s some roadwork going on outside and it’s rather noisy. thanks
gloria patterson
penny’s laughing at me and stopping me from posting
My day is going ok just got in the door. It is supre smokey here from wildfires in our area scary!
Kate Sarsfield
Off to bed soon as up at 5.30 for the 5 hr drive to Wexford. Been checking the weather forecast all week & tomorrow is going to be bloody awful. Rain, wind, thunder & lightening – eek! The traffic should be ok though, being a Sunday.
Tamra Phelps
Drive safely! Hope it goes well.
Michele Soyer
Please be careful on the roads…
I have to read at my niece’s wedding today!
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I slept in until about 10am and I am taking it easy today.
Peggy Nunn
The day is starting off great. I have coffee and silence.
Michele Soyer
Sitting here deciding on what to do today – making a spinach pie for lunch and some potato cakes thats about it..Have study paperwork on the table to go over then my book.. Have been watching Domina finished the last one in the series so going back to the 70’s to watch I, Claudiius again one of my all time favourites!
Kate Sarsfield
I loved I, Claudius! Jacobi & Sian Phillips were brilliant in it.
Carolyn D
I am doing okay. I am happy that it is Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
I’m just watching that animated movie Coco. I am so entertained by those kids movies for some reason, lol.
I am trying to have a good day but it’s been tough to do! Hope you are having a great Friday.
gloria patterson
I am being lazy for the next 2 days. Not going to do much of any thing just read my new books and naps. Sunday is great nieces 7th birthday party she is so excited.
Having a good day. Looking forward to seeing Seinfeld tonight.
Polly Hall
Heading to the lake house soon for the weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
Up & moving by 7am to get ready for Sunday’s early start. Then (thank you Gloria), napped for 3 hours!
l p
today is going well. there’s a very large ‘to do’ list and items are being crossed off one by one. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Fridaty!! It’s just a day of dialysis for me.
Alisha L
Today is Friday, so it’s a good day! It feels like fall in the afternoons and that makes the day even better.
Donna S
Hello. I’m enjoying the sunshine and warm weather we’ve been having here for the last few days. Nice way to start fall.
Gotta fly to my niece’s wedding today, kinda nervous…
Peggy Nunn
It is a good day for me. I am going shopping and spend time with my husband.
Michele Soyer
Found another global site to advertise my property on so we are now 1 local and US and one global.. there is another great site but budget must be maintained…trying to stay upbeat and positive – for some unknown reason I woke up thinking about coconut macaroons – have many paks in the freezer from the last time I harvested dry ones – so after breakfast I will make a batch – that should keep me out of trouble – pouring rain so I have an excuse to not go out and do land work….
Thanks for asking. My day went well. Goodnight.
Polly Hall
worked in the vegetable garden, and did some laundry not a bad day.
Barbara Montag
I am really tired today.
Maybe because I got a flu shot yesterday?
My day is going OK. I hope everyone that reads this has fantastic evening.
gloria patterson
Ran up to walmart picked up a few things. Bought myself a present that I have been wanting. Received a tower fan that I had order for my mother put it together and took it to her.
Shelly Peterson
I got coffe with my daughter this morning. Now I’m relaxing.
Carolyn D
I am very tired today. Definitely looking forward to a three day weekend .
Trying to help my mom find her ring; she heard it bounce but we don’t know where it landed.
l p
this day is going well. less construction noise sure helps. lovely weather, no smoke, no fog. thanks
This has been a good day. Made some goals and reached them! How is your day?
Chilly morning here I am so happy the season has finally changed. Now if only we could get some rain. Hope you have a great day. I am staying one today and getting stuff done around the house.
Having a good day. Had a nice meeting with a friend over coffee this morning.
Kate Sarsfield
At last feeling so much better and have resisted the temptation to do too much today. Actually had a nice time picking a few catnip toys for when I get (fingers crossed) Loki and Bryn. Sister and niece rang to sing Happy Birthday (family tradition). Very strange to hear it in unison but the singing gene seems to have passed them by! Nice long emails from Dad’s two sisters as well.
gloria patterson
Glad you are feeling a bit better. What the cats to really have fun big brown paper grocery bag and a little cat nap in the bag…………. FUN FUN
Hope you have a great birthday!!
Kate Sarsfield
Got lots of them AND enough cardboard boxes to last till Doomsday!
Peggy Nunn
I am doing good. It will be a good day for me. I hope it is for you.
I’m having a good day. Thanks. Have a great day, too
Polly Hall
My husband & I had a really nice day with his ageing Aunt & Uncle we went to lunch, did some site seeing and hung out at their house
Tamra Phelps
A case manager from the local community serrvices is coming by tomorrow. He’s going to see if he can manage to finagle me a new wheelchair. Fingers crossed but not gonna get to upbeat aboit it yet.
gloria patterson
Have not been out of my apartment today. My lazy day! Read a little, on the laptop a little, crafted a little…..
then took a 2 hr nap!
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I hope you are having a good day.
Kate Sarsfield
Set off for my stint at the animal rescue centre. After about 2 hours started to feel woozy, cold & sweating so sat in the car, ate some candy & began to feel better. My blood sugars must have been low after the days in bed & not much eating. Got a sweet & sour on the way home & ate it in bed. Feel better now.
l p
the day is going well, sort of. having to get used to construction noise. they start early but are finished by dinner time. it’s going to be a good four years before both buildings are completed. out to purchase some good quality earplugs. maybe that will help. thanks
Ken Ohl
Just got home from work my wife and I clean houses for a living she is struggling with her health praying things turn around
My day is going pretty good so far today. I hit the grocery store super early today before the crowds and got everything done and am back home.
Having an ok day so far. Had some discouraging interactions volunteering this morning.
I wonder if the air quality will improve today…
Shelly Peterson
I had trouble sleeping last night but I’m off to dialysis soon.
Peggy Nunn
The is going great. The sun is shining and the birds a squaking… not really singing… just making noise. But it is nice and peaceful out here.
Heather Swanson
Did a big grocery shop for a friend
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a slow day. Nice weather, though. I’ve just been lazy today.
l p
the day is going fairly well. out first thing to help some friends with a project, a bit of grocery shopping, time to put my feet up and have a cup of tea. thanks
Carolyn D
It has been an okay day. I am really tired this afternoon.
Polly Hall
A good day, but nothing happening which is a good thing.
Having a good day. Thanks for asking.
gloria patterson
got my steroid shots today in both wrist. He sprays numbing stuff, and there is numbing in the shot to. Both wrist hurt the same place. He put the needle in and starts moving it around………………… my butt comes off the chair and I make a sound…………. and then its over. Then on to the second wrist…………… BOTH wrist feel so good
Next shots in 3 months
Kate Sarsfield
Shelly Peterson
I picked up a food order and now I’m just relaxing.
I am so staying close to home today still recovering from the joys of my day yesterday. Yep, today I am takin it easy and being good to myself.
Having a good day. Looking forward to another evening at home.
Had a migraine last night, so I’m not 100% today.
Kate Sarsfield
Feeling a wee bit better today, but sleeping on & off all day so far. Have managed to eat a little. Need to get my act together ready for tomorrow.
Donna S
It’s a beautiful day today. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Just lovely.
Fredrick Pauly
I spent yesterday driving home to Myrtle Beach from Murfreesboro, TN and have to work 9 hours today, so I’m a little tired, but good besides that.
Michele Soyer
Yesterday was a bit of this and that…Got up at half 5am to get out by 6am to trim and clean all the bushes outside my gate that border the road – was done by 9am.. breakfast then to call the prospective buyer regarding the property – was not in the country but requested pics etc….did that to find out it was too big a property so ok thats that. BUT in walking around my neighbor who bounds me deep in the bush and just works the land doesn’t live on it told me someone he knows is interested in land but will take a look at the house also – scheduling that now…
Today I plan on baking a bit and making lists to go out tomorrow…
Heather Swanson
Got some grocery bargains always makes my day
Polly Hall
Didn’t do much today I love days like this.
I am having a good day. The weather is divine.
KL Pet
This is a good day. The sun is finally out and is warming us up. There’s still lots to do putting the garden to be for the winter.
I was having good day until someone cut in line right in front of me after I had been waiting for a very very very long time. Oh and yes I called her out on it and barked pretty loud!
Having a good day. Looking forward to a relaxing evening at home.
gloria patterson
Fall is knocking at our door the temp was down to 40 last night. Had a jacket on this morning didn’t take if off till I got back to the building. Did a little of this and a little of that……………… and my recliner keeps yelling at me YOU NEED A NAP!
Just think Nov 5 time will change………….
By 8:10 am on tuesday the Dr will be giving me my Steroid shots in both wrist. Yes it hurts a bit but boy the relieve. I am counting the minutes 🙂
Carolyn D
I am having a good day. Work was decent today.
l p
the day is going quite well. it’s chilly and dull out there so a good day to stay inside and bake my weekly bread. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Our days have really cooled off now. It feels like Fall here in KY. Of course, it could swing right back to hotter than the surface of the sun at any time…
Just fine so fine. Quiet in the house right now,since everyone else is either asleep or at work. I have to do a couple of things later that are necessary but not particularly pleasing, but that is life!
wendy hutton
my day is going ok, major headache and cold
Rhonda Struthers
I am having a good day thus far. I am catching up on emails with coffee in hand. Looking forward to a low key beautiful day.
Donna S
It’s a so-so day. The cat woke me up fairly early. I decided to play a few games on my Ipad. Then it started to rain. It’s overcast now and a bit cool.
Peggy Nunn
I am doing great today. The weather is good. I am healthy…. life is good.
Shelly Peterson
Well I’m up in the middle of the night because I can’t sleep but I’m so tired.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it started off a nice day but now it’s raining out there. Anyway, it has been an okay day. I think my UTI is getting better.
Polly Hall
I’v been working on trying to make sourdough bread most of the day firt loaf will be going into the oven soon.
Darlene Carbajal
My day is going well. I am recovering from my trip to Vegas. Did so much walking! I feel like my legs are going to fall off! 🤣
lisa king
day is going great thanks,hope you had a good day as well,just thinking about going to make dinner and walk the dogs
Kate Sarsfield
Have spent the last 2 days in bed, shivery & sweating, but I think I’m over the worst. It means I had to cancel getting my stuff out of storage but I couldn’t have managed the hours of driving.
Tamra Phelps
Hope you feel a lot better soon. Don’t go nuts trying to do too much!
gloria patterson
Kate hope you are feeling better and off to see your kittys. You are not getting enough nap time. Maybe you need to bring a kitty home with you so it can teach you about naps 🙂 How much stuff do you have in storage? Is there room for all of it at your house? Take it easy BE LAZY
Michele Soyer
Take care Kate and get well!
Shelly Peterson
I have errands to run today but I want to stay home and be lazy. lol
Looking forward to getting together with friends later today.
gloria patterson
The tenp is 63 and I just looked out my window and a tree across the road is changing to orange….
FALL is here
Just did a little of this and not much of that today. Trying to get all my paperwork done and in order
l p
the day is going well. getting things for the upcoming week organised. thanks
Barbara Montag
I am having a great day!
Doing some cooking for the coming week.
A bit of work & it so makes things easier.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I got to sleep in and got a few things done around the house.
wendy hutton
my day so far is good, a cool quiet morning at home relaxing
My day is off to a good start. Hope I can get this comment to post for the second time. I am just doing stuff around the house today and also online.
Heather Swanson
Good day had a nice breakfast & won some lottery tickets
I feel pretty awful today, from yesterday being sick and woke up still the same. I am trying to feel better so that on Monday at least I can feel way better than today or Saturday. However, my hopes are high and I do feel like it’s getting better as time goes on. I hope your day is going well. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week ahead!
There’s a luncheon honoring our priest today; I hope it’s indoors, because it’s so cold!
Peggy Nunn
My day is great. I am picking up a dinette set and going to church…. wonderful day.
Michele Soyer
Sunday blessed Sunday….I have to put the chicken in the oven then sit down and make menus for the week to organize my time – also I have to get out thsi week and do a bit of shopping…after that the sofa, my book some Chopin on the stereo and depending on the time a glass of wine!
Tamra Phelps
Sent off the urine sample to the hospital lab (my s-i-l took it for me) & got a call later saying they rejected it because I forgot to put my phone number on the cup. What??? They literally CALLED me on the phone…I think they have my phone number. But no, it has to be written on the up. Geeze. I mean how does that help with my I.D.? I mean, it doesn’t in any way guarantee that it’s my pee, lol. Oh well. The doctor gave me medicine Friday, this was just to confirm that the med was the right one. If it doesn’t work, I guess I’ll have to go back but I’m not jumping through hoops for stupid bureaucracy.
gloria patterson
Fall is arriving here in WV, nights are really cool (45 last night) Morning for me says you need a light jacket, by noon it comes off. Have not opened my windows in at least 3 days. Made up a big batch of browned hamburg and med hot pepper sauce. Had enough for 3 small freezer bags and for me to eat today and tomorrow. Today I baked a small spaghetti squash, and then poured sauce on it………………. was good. Just doing some paperwork and not much else.
Was thinking this time day next month I will be having my knee replacement surgery.
Having a good day hanging out with my nieces and nephews at our place,
the day is going well. went out first thing to get a few groceries. about an hour after getting home, had to close all windows and doors as heavy smoke has reappeared. hope that doesn’t mean new fires. thanks
Just got home from the grocery store. I am shocked at how much I spent and what little I got!
Shelly Peterson
Today I am going to spend the day with my daughter and grandkids.
Polly Hall
Just relaxing but trying to stay warm, it has gotten pretty cold here.
Still looking for stuff to wear to my niece’s wedding next weekend, eek!
Peggy Nunn
I woke up and I have coffee…. my day is starting off wonderfully.
I’ve gotta pack early for my niece’s wedding, since my SIL wants to take bags down tomorrow…
Michele Soyer
Got a referral of someone interested in my property – calling them on Monday.. Mercury is direct so maybe just maybe things will start to move forward again….
gloria patterson
Question If you sold (finger crossed for you) Monday ……….. HOW soon could you move?
Michele Soyer
I am always on the ready – it would totally depend on when the container would leave the port – we have transfer points even the name of the ship but it will all depend on when that ship could depart here..Gloria I could leave in a month!
Tamra Phelps
I’ll send good vibes your way!!
Michele Soyer
Thank you I need all the help I can get! you feel better..
Polly Hall
Went to the cottage today to put up the snow fences and do some other winterizing.
Tamra Phelps
Back on antibiotics for the UTI. Ugh but at least it’ll be gone soon.
l p
the day is going well. got lots of work done and now it’s time to run a few errands outside. bring them on. thanks
gloria patterson
Had to take my mother an run a few errands. After that to brothers so mom could see his new porch!! It is a WOW and not quite finished. Then over to my sister in laws mothers home. He mother has been in a nursing home for over 5 years (long story). So they finally decided to clean the house and my niece is going to rent the house and take care of it.
They are having a garage sale on saturday. OMG there is so much stuff. My niece knows aniiques so she got all the old worth something and sold it on line. I was overwhelmed the minute I walked into the garage and basement. She has 50+ teapots all shapes and sizes,. And that is just a drop in the bucket of stuff that they are selling.
After looking at that basement the best advice I can offer anybody.
Having a good day. Did some volunteering in one of my kids schools this morning.
Just staying home today and getting things down aroudn the house. Making a ton of hummingbird food today the birds will be super happy.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Testing again. Hello little peanuts!
Kate Sarsfield
I slept for 10 hours! Having another day off today just listening to my YouTube mix & singing my head off1
Peggy Nunn
The day is good. My loved ones are safe. Life is good.
Penny Lebaron
Well, I work from home so in that aspect my day is always good. I have a varied schedule so today started at 5:30 am which I don’t find as good lol
Michele Soyer
According my calendar of do to today is shutting down the upstairs frig vacuuming the back coils etc. blah but doing it as scheduled….why is the only thing i want to do read?? anyway breakfast and better get going….
Shelly Peterson
I had a good day but I didn’t get all my errands done.
Tamra Phelps
I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Bummer. But I probably have another UTI, so it’s necessary.
Sanya H Stern
so far im having one of the most productive days in a while! im moving out of my apartment and making good progress.
Kate Sarsfield
Got my hair cut, thanks to the loan! Readied the car for Sunday & rang Viktor to see if he’d like to come along – delighted! His English needs practise, I need company & I want to give him money (again, thank you loan). Just got off the phone to him & I’ll collect him @ 7am on Sunday morning. Early night tonight to get ready for Sun. early start (need to be up @ 5am AGH!).
gloria patterson
DON’T KNOW IF THIS IS GOING TO WORK TODAY Not showing anything since the 12th
gloria patterson
Guess they are showing up now……………… ONE OF THOSE DAYS
Kate Sarsfield
Connie (the head peanut)
I’ve said it before and I will say again. My site is possessed!!
I have been super busy so far today getting outside work done before it gets to be 100 degrees today. I am soooooooooooooo ready for fall weather to hit our area.
l p
it’s a gorgeous Fall day here. found a farmer’s market that’s open today so it’s off to the market for some fall favorites. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I am having trouble sleeping. So I am up early.
Kate Sarsfield
Shelly, you poor thing. You need time for yourself to rest xxx
Michele Soyer
Patiently waiting for the lawnman to get this cutting over with so I can rake and do some green manure composting – if the new owner whoever they are doesn’t want the compost they can get rid of it….have to do 2 mini tests today in Art History then yoga and my new obsession gong therapy meditation – cannot stand the singing bowls but the gongs I find soothing!
Kate Sarsfield
With you about the singing bowls, although if I ding with my fingernail against the rim, the wild ginger tom cat comes for his food!
My day is good. I got all my laundry done before dinner.
Polly Hall
Spent 3 hours today talking to a window salesman, I can not believe how expensive windows are.
Tamra Phelps
Another UTI, so off to the doctor on Friday. Ugh. I hate antibiotics but they are necessary, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Agh! Sweet Jesus, you’re due a break xxx
gloria patterson
Trying to work on cleaning my car up. Had a couple of car washes (one was free 🙂 ) Finally got the inside windshield cleaned and no streaks in the sun. My poor dash is for so reason stickie! It just the parts that are close to the windshield. Tried several things i had in the car but didn’t help. So going to do some research on line
Cool day almost made 70
Kate Sarsfield
Cat day so lots of cuddles & poo! Then collecting floor paint & sundry other paints etc. I ordered online, then groceries & I went off list and bought some plants. Finally got home at 9pm. Unpacked & finally sitting down, yawning … sleep soon.
Peggy Nunn
My day has been great. I spent the morning with my sister and then came home and took a nap.
hi there (waving) I just did my 2nd cataract surgery the other day yay! I was giddy for surgery on my right eye not so much for the left eye. I’m seeing double today not fun but dr said that should go away soon. Have a nice day!
Having a pretty good day so far. Just got home from going to Walmart and the grocery store. I got it all done super early so that was so nice.
Having a good day. I volunteered in one of my daughters’ classes at school this morning.
Debbie Yoder
Having a great Wednesday! Coffee done,laundry done,cleaned the Bathroom, now the afternoon is free to enjoy!
l p
the day is going well. helping a friend notify friends and family of a new addition to the family. thanks
my day is going well – it is my birthday and those are always special! Having my favorite with my family tonight and then of course, ice cream and cake – Yum!
Shelly Peterson
I’m super tired but off to dialysis I go.
Michele Soyer
Lawnman coming in the ext few days so I must get out and pick up any coconut leaves or debris before he comes..I will not miss all of this at all – but doing it now with a postive attitude!
Kate Sarsfield
Atta girl! Should put a sign up: WARNING: Women with positive attitudes live here!
Michele Soyer
Amen to that
My day has been going ok, shopping around for some chair.
I ran a bunch of errands, tended my elderly dog… not an exciting day, but a productive one.
Tamra Phelps
Where did today go?? I started reading and the next thing I knew it was dark outside. Oh well.
Tracy Robertson
I have a lot going on this week. My other half has covid but lucky I can isolate from him. I’m dealing with dental issues and several appointments coming up to work on that. Getting the laundry done before my shift at work this evening and just tryijng to tackle everything one issue at a time. I’m looking forward to my next day to myself (probably Sunday) so I can just hide inside and watch movies.
I am slowing catching up on my emails and other online stuff after having no internet for almost a week still spitting mad about it!
Michelle Bauer
Started out sleepy, dreary & overcast… Not much better now weather-wise but now I’m awake & in less pain after my pain management appointment this morning.
gloria patterson
It has been a lazy day !! Made a few calls getting my car inspected and oil change on thrusday. Not sure what I have done today must be something since it is 3:34 pm and I have been up since 6 am
Shelly Peterson
Not much going on today. I do have a few errands to run.
Kate Sarsfield
No rain again today so potted up some spring bulbs, fixed the broken seals on the windows & cleaned out the gutters. Made a hair appt. for Thursday, got my stuff ready for cat day tomorrow & am trying to co-ordinate a moving day for the rest of my stuff out of storage.
Polly Hall
I had a dental cleaning today, all is good no cavities and my teeth feel squeeky clean.
Looking forward to going on a hike with a bunch of guys tonight.
I’m having my morning coffee with my 2 cats that we rescued from an underground den in our yard when they were kittens last year,we fed them cat formula with a children’s medicine dropper,now they are our fur babies for life. They are now indoor cats living their lives in comfort.
I”m doing fine today. We’re in the midst of getting ready for a season end yard sale this weekend with our neighbor.
Mariam Alzoubi
My day is so wonderful and so peasce ,love,abundunce and joyful .
Connie: The Head Peanut
What a beautiful comment. Thank you.
Michele Soyer
Finished my Jackie book yesterday – just could ot put it down – today a simple fun cozy read – lived in Cape May for awhile when my mum got cancer so the locations I know….Really should get up and do somethng but my excuse is a meatloaf in the oven for lunch!
Peggy Nunn
My day is good. I plan to meet with friends, socialize, have lunch and enjoy their company.
Tamra Phelps
Doesn’t seem like it has been 22 years since 9-11, does it? An entire generation has been born and now graduated college since then, I guess. And yet, it still seems like it just happened.
Kate Sarsfield
I was still awake at 6am, yawning & tired but just could not get to sleep. Anyway, finally woke up at 10, and went shopping to stock up the pantry, unpacked, sat on the bed to put on work clothes and woke at 9pm, fully convinced I’d done a day’s work and that it was the morning.
gloria patterson
KATE!!!! you are catching what I have…………………………. L O L
Polly Hall
Cold and rainy all day fall is here, I want summer back.
gloria patterson
Have been thinking about this day off and on all day. MEMORIES!
We had just moved into a new office building and two of us were hooking up & setting up desktop computers in our new computer lab. I was laying on the floor when some one walked in and was telling us. It was so hard to believe we turned on the TV’s and WOW We all had tears pouring down our faces. The boss told us all to go home. I spend several hours making phone calls my sister was flying that day. She finally called me she was flying in the southern states.
Having a good day so far. Looking forward to working a concert tonight.
l p
the day is going well. lots of errands to run today and it’s great that there’s no rain or high winds. thanks
Gotta steel myself to make phone calls today…
Shelly Peterson
It’s Monday, heading back to dialysis
Peggy Nunn
It is a good day. People I love are safe.
Michele Soyer
Just spoke to my second cousin who was a first reponder in NYC on this day years ago – he still has vivid memories.. God love him and those who also were there to help and those who passed…..
Tamra Phelps
Well, another weekend done. Another week starts tomorrow along with all the usual chores and gripes, lol.
Polly Hall
I got some yard work done and went for a nice relaxing boat ride it was a good day.
l p
the day is going well. went to a retirement lunch held for a friend – lots of tears and wonderful stories. thanks
Having a good day so far, just watching some NFL football!
Shelly Peterson
Right now I’m relaxing. I’m gong to my daugthers for dinner later.
I am playing catch up on my emails as our internet has been down for like five days! I hate our internet provider so so much!
Kate Sarsfield
More work crossed off the list. Plan on watching an old whodunnit now & relaxing.
gloria patterson
Woke up about 3 am and I could not go back to sleep. Turned the TV on got a old movie that I have saw to many times to count. Watched it and second movie started and I was out! Woke up about 8 feeling good. But the weather has changed had to shut my windows. It is 12:30 and starting to warm up almost 70 and rain. The weeks highs is to be 75
I think I’m going to have to research TV antennas, since the local stations are still in a carriage fee dispute with the satellite company…ugh.
Michele Soyer
Well it appears that the new toliets I just bought and had installed have faulty flush valves – plumber got us new ones ( he dealt with the supply store) and are instaliing them today – a quick easy job! then a relaxing Sunday..
Peggy Nunn
My day is going well. I am getting ready for church and we have luncheon afterwards… oh my goodness these people know how to cook.
Tamra Phelps
It’s like Fall landed today, lol. Leaves were on the ground. Temp dropped considerably and sky was overcast. Of course, it’ll probably reverse in a few days, lol.
Polly Hall
went shopping and to lunch with my brother it was a nice day.
l p
the day is going well. up early and got everything taken care of on my errands list. now it’s home with a nice hot cup of tea. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today I picked up a food order and later going to my daughters for dinner. and out for a drink to celebrate my nieces 21st birthday.
gloria patterson
Finally fell asleep this morning around 2 am and slept till almost 7 and then of course had to had a 2 hr nap. Its only 75 and have had rain off and on all day. NOT going any where got some reading to do.
Having a good day. Got some things done in the yard this morning.
Going to try again with the errands, sigh…
Kate Sarsfield
Doing lots of little jobs today but do have good news: got a small loan approved so I can finally get the rest of my stuff out of storage and my plants (if she hasn’t killed them) from my sister.
gloria patterson
Thats great!!! I am sure your sister has not killed all of them 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Wanna bet?
Tamra Phelps
Good news! nd if your sister shares my green thumb…well, condolences on your plants, lol.
Michele Soyer
That is wonderful news Kate! Good for you…
Peggy Nunn
My day is great. The sun is shining. I am cooking today… it will be a good day.
Tamra Phelps
Slow today. I’m a little bit achy. Yesterday when the bus brought me home, the guy brought the wheelchair lift down and he thought it was all the way down but it wasn’t–so when I rolled forward, the front wheels, the small ones, went off the ramp and hit the sidewalk–and they don’t keep rolling when that happens. They just stop and the chair tips forward. I would have pitched face first onto the sidewalk, but I managed to get my right leg off the foot rest and stop myself by putting it on the sidewalk. But that’s my bad leg–so my knee is aching. (My left leg sort of went forward and wouldn’t budge off the foot rest, likely because the shoe’s non-skid sole was stuck on the rest.) So the left foot is sore and the right knee is aching from my quick responses that were more than they expected to have to do, lol. Honestly, that’s the closest I’ve come to an accident in the chair in a long time. One of my fears of the motorized chair is that I would never be able to control it like that (it weighs 405 pounds–I could never stop it with my feet.) I have huge lack of control issues with wheelchairs, lol. I am a big control freak!
Kate Sarsfield
Crikey, you were lucky! I never fell forward in mine but did go backwards once & banged my head. Own fault, I’d overloaded the handles with shopping then hit a bump.
Polly Hall
Spending the weekend at the lake house haven’t been here for over a month.
It’s a good day here. We’re looking forward to a lovely, warm week-end for a trip to the farmers’ markets.
gloria patterson
Trip to kroger, then to another store because they carry the olive oil I like. Then has free car wash had to use or lose. Home and everything put away. Just lazy mood………………… I still have 5 new books from favorite authors…………. Which one will i start next
Our internet has been down for like four days now and I am about ready to freak out am using a friend’s to check emails.
Kate Sarsfield
More sunshine – always the same when the cheildren go back to school! More outdoor work & finished the back door. Lay down with a damp towel on my forehead & slept for 2 hours.
gloria patterson
Kate you are learning to like those naps LOL 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
I am! Feeling better for them too.
Didn’t have a good day because my shoulder pain was bothering me most of the time
Peggy Nunn
My day is starting off good. I feel good. My friends are up and moving. I am going shopping with my husband…. life is good.
Michele Soyer
The house still smells of apples and cinnamon from yesterdays baking….makes me miss fall as I have for the past 23 years..long time … well today is a little bit of this little bit of that day….tidy up the study and move on from there….
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, I remember that smell! So evocative!
gloria patterson
Michele where do you life that you don’t get the fall smells?
Michele Soyer
In the Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago… retired here 23 years ago but selling and moving to my dream Corfu Greece!
gloria patterson
WOW you can say you are seeing the world one stop at time.
Cathy L
Today is my husband’s birthday. We’ll have a nice family dinner with our grown daughters tonight. We are all looking forward to it 🙂
Shelly Peterson
Today is my Bithday. I went to bday dinner with my family yesterday. Since I have dialysis today.
Cathy L
Happy Birthday! It’s my husband’s birthday today, too. Enjoy your day! 🙂
Heading north to run errands, probably shouldn’t have waited for Friday…
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Birthday, Shelly xx
l p
the day is gonig well. had a few appointments and then made necessary phone calls – all went the way they were expected to. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Good news at the doctor. The medicine has kept the cancer in check, possibly slightly reduced it. Very slightly, but that’s fine.
Michele Soyer
Wondeful news! So happy for you….
Kate Sarsfield
gloria patterson
It got cool last night and stayed that way till around noon. Had to run some errand with my mother. Have done a little bit of nothing all day. What I want to do is set down with my new JD ROBB book and read it straight through. BUT I have another one that I have started and should finish. Maybe this weekend
Having a good day. Did some shopping this morning.
Kate Sarsfield
Got a headache from the muggy weather but at least it’s not raining. Got some outdoor work done & napped!
Shelly Peterson
Today I have no plans. Just being lazy.
Still gotta find shoes for my niece’s wedding, maybe today?
Michele Soyer
100% today..After breakfast a quick tidy of my bedroom then out to sweep and tidy the garage area and the walkways..back up to make Italian Toamto Soup and an Apple Galette and get back to my book!
Tamra Phelps
Off to Lexington to the doctor tomorrow. Hoping for good news. Heart monitor is finally off and my skin is so irritated by the adhesive bandage it was such a relief!!
Had a good day- I sent my kids off to school this morning.
gloria patterson
well some reason it ate my post :-((((
gloria patterson
Had a dr appointment to make sure I was in good shape for my cataract surgery. I switched to a new Dr after 25+ years of the same family dr. And I really like this new Dr. I passed inspection one step closer to my surgery.
When I left the Dr I was just across a parking to walmart so yes I had to go shopping. Bought some new clothes NOT real sure if I will keep them. And you know the rule at walmart if you see and don’t buy it might not be there thge next day.
I stole this from Kate —- humid, still, heat is tiring I finally gave in and had 15 minute nap
Kate Sarsfield
You’re welcome!
Polly Hall
I got 3 more loads of wash done today, every thing is clean until I take my clothes off tonight.
Peggy Nunn
My day has been great. I spent the morning with my sister. We had so much fun.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh boy, I am physically exhausted! 3 hours of cats & kittens in humid, still, heat is tiring!
It is a groggy day for me so far. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night and then can’t get back to sleep.
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a typical day of dialysis.
I should make some phone calls today, blah…
Michele Soyer
Had a small relapse Monday evening but I think I am fever free and well…must admit this took a lot out of me…Taking it easy today just tidying around..
Kate Sarsfield
Good to hear! Take it easy for a few days more please x
Cathy L
My day went well today. Still picking tomatoes every day and just started lettuce seeds.
l p
the day is going well. unexpected mail has added some complexity to what I thought was going to be a fairly quiet day. hope it warms up tomorrow. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Bad stomach day. Ugh. Spasms and queasiness. Not a great day but it passes pretty quickly.
I went BIG grocery shopping today and just got home. i am taking a serious break for the rest of the day.
Having a good day hanging out with my girls before they go off to school tomorrow.
Polly Hall
I’ve gotton 3 loads of laundry done today just one more to finish up.
gloria patterson
For some reason don’t have a lot of energy so got a nap in earlier. Got a new book may just read for a while
Shelly Peterson
Did a coffee run and now just relaxing.
Hoping the city hazmat and recycling facility is finally open today…
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s list: fix leaky gutters, wash outside windows, gather seeds, split & re-pot perennials, pop into town to pick up a form that needs signing, check car for oil etc. All ticked off and it’s only 4pm! Listening to a play on the radio and maybe a nap now.
Peggy Nunn
My day is good and will get better. I am meeting friends to play dominos and have lunch. I am getting a new couch…… it is a good day.
Tamra Phelps
Thursday I go back for a mammogram to see how the medicine has worked. Fingers crossed. I m ight as well start worrying now and beat the rush, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
You’re due some good news, even half decent would be ok!
Jodi Hunter
My day has bben super stressed, I have a sick puppy.
gloria patterson
The temp right now is 89 …………… my windows are open fans running and I am comfortable.
Happy Labor Day to all ………………… Hope you did NO Labor today……………. I didn’t very lazy
I am staying close to home today for the holiday, watching movies and shows that I am behind on relaxing and eating lot of goodies.
Kate Sarsfield
Haven’t done a lot today, just sanded down the back door inside & out, ready for painting. Beautiful sunshine & more forecast for the rest of the week.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It’s been raining all night here. All gloomy looking. It has me ready to sit on my tush and do nutin’
I need to write a bio for a newsletter today…
Shelly Peterson
I don’t feel very good today. I slept terrible. I’m off to dialysis soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you feel better quick!!
l p
the day is going well. lots to do and hopefully, enough energy to take it all on. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you conquered the day!!
Peggy Nunn
It is still early but I am going to have a great day. Some stress is gone… I want a great day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope your day is AWESOME!!
Tamra Phelps
I’m kind of glad to see September. I do like Fall…but I dread Winter, too.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am NOT looking forward to winter. Today I have absolutely NO energy. It’s gloomy and I just want to sit and veg out. I hope your day is going better.
Having a good day. Just got back from celebrating a niece’s birthday.
Terri Quick
I’m doing ok. Just relaxing at home & entering contests
I did a ton of errands today and am pretty tired. It is too hot to be outside!
gloria patterson
Another day of not in the mood to do anything……….. I have stuff to do but
No energy don’t feel bad maybe just lazy……. They are saying COVID is hitting WV again might want to wear mask when out
Drank a energy drink and 15 minutes later decided I needed a nap
Connie: The Head Peanut
ROFLMAO, well that energy drink worked backwards. A nap sounds most excellent though.
Shelly Peterson
I was up late and was hoping to sleep in but that didn’t happen.
Well, the past 24 hours have put me in a bad mood. First the internet went down for zero reason then the power was out for hours. I am trying to turn it around now.
Got a bit of a headache, but I need to get things done…
Kate Sarsfield
Woke up to another dry day and a list of things to do outside. Fell back to sleep. Woke & had breakfast, fell back to sleep. It’s now 5.15pm & I’ve done nothing and am still tired.
Peggy Nunn
Let’s just go with today only. It is starting out good. I hope it continues that way.
Feels good to be fully back – after feeling better with a fever broken on monday i thoght all was well. Wednesday the fever came back 102 and a gastro the likes of which I have not seen in myself for many many years….in and out of bed and fever fluctuations until yesterday – not just sitting in bed with a laptop but actually up walking and moving about….My legs are steady again and I think I will do a bit of soup making today…maybe even a few loaves of bread…I have to go out tomorrow so I can’t be falling down! Feel so grateful to feel well again!!
Kate Sarsfield
I noticed your last comment was from ‘fever day’ and was worried. Glad you’re better. Did CJ escape the bug?
Tamra Phelps
Yikes, it sounds prety bad. Glad you’re feeling a little better.
Tamra Phelps
It’s a long weekend, so I don’t plan on doing anything, lol. I have read most of the day.
l p
the day is going well – fog/haze/smoke is dissipating but not enough to make me want to go outside. sorry to hear of your diagnoses but to echo others, at least now you know what to target. hope treatment works and swiftly. thanks
Having a good day. Keeping cool inside because of the extreme heat we are getting here.
gloria patterson
I like your logo on TWITTER with the mountains ((((( X )))
gloria patterson
Just one of those days that I am not in the mood to do anything
I read a little bit (and it is a good book)
Try to take a nap (not sleepy)
Watch a little TV ( cannot find any thing to watch……………….. and I have 100’s of channels)
just one of those days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not been feeling too good today upset tummy so staying close to home. I plan to catch up on my movies and shows.
Kate Sarsfield
Started working at 8am – seriously, this isn’t me at all, but I got up instead of turning over as the sun was shining. By the time I’d finished one job, the sun had gone and the mist was rolling in so worked inside till 12 then did a Gloria till 2 and the sun burnt up the mist. Outside to sand & paint a big outdoor table I use for seedlings & cuttings then more indoor painting. Autumn is fast approaching so I need to waterproof everything I can. Sealing a couple of leaky joints in the guttering tomorrow if this weather holds.
Connie, Alice is wearing exactly the same clothes as I did in the ’70s!
gloria patterson
Kate you have to admit you are enjoying those naps!!! Regarding Alices clothes I was in walmart one day looking at I cound not believe………………… they are full of bellbottoms are kinds of wild patterns. And other clothes I remember wearing back in the 70’s I bet there are a lot of people here that remember wearing bell bottoms LOL
Kate Sarsfield
Had another nap today! Keep safe & wear a mask xxx
Shelly Peterson
Today we are getting in one last pool day at my brothers.
Here’s yesterdays!
SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 AT 10:14
The sun actually shone today so I was able to do a wee bit of tidying up in the garden, but there’s an almost overwhelming amount to do out there.
Kate Sarsfield
this was me!
Hoping for a quiet weekend, not sure what’s happening yet…
Peggy Nunn
My day is not going so well today. I am trying to give away a decent couch and love seat for FREE. I have had 3 no shows. People are so inconsiderate. Oh well, I will keep on trying.
Tamra Phelps
Glad you got a diagnosis! Just knowing what you’re dealing with is a relief, I think.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Wow, tons of new health news in your family. Sorry about the Cushings & PMR diagnosis but happy that you finally can get appropriate treatment.
And HOW is Alice in 7th grade?!!!!
gloria patterson
WELL I WILL TRY THIS AGAIN …… first post is in never never land
SHORT version
great niece has COVID again for 3 rd time…………… so I bought her favorite and dropped it off
OH how this is a outbreak in the area of COVID suggested wear mask when out
My day is going better now that I am home in on piece. Went to Costco today and it was cray cray cray!!!
Having a good day so far. Looking forward to getting together with some friends tonight.
Had a great day with my family at a Fall Fair!
I love the Fall season and while September is still a good portion of Summer–I am enjoying the day.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday! I hope the weather gets better. I am off to dialysis soon.
I’ve got to get some errands done, weird weather or no…
My day is going fairly well went walking with my sister.
Polly Hall
Getting ready to head to Lake Michigan for the holiday weekend.
Brad Marquis
I’ve having a good day so far, it’s cool now but getting warmer