Zeta Technology Touch Stone Review &G!!veaway

I’ve been intrigued with the Zeta Touch Stone since I first heard of them.  In case you don’t know what Zeta Technology is, let me give you a little bit of background. Zeta Technology is USA based company that produces a range of therapy products that provide pain and stress relief.

Using unique patented technology these products channel Far-Infrared and other energies to the body, reducing pain, swelling, and surface bruising. Zeta therapy products help treat arthritis, repetitive stress injury, muscular inflammation and to provide overall stress relief. 

I have been using the Zeta Pendant for a little over 2 weeks now. The pretty, gray with black specks, pendant is on a hemp type rope. It has ‘me’ written all over it …… (okay not literally!) it’s just a necklace I would wear even without healing properties! It’s unique and pretty. But, I have to say, I was shocked that this little pendant really worked!  After I haul baby Alice (Little Miss is 30 pounds!) around all day my back and the base of my neck are killing me!!  I heat up the Zeta Pendant in a cup of hot water and put it around my neck and let it hang down my back.  I heat it up about once every 2 or 3 minutes. I do this for 20 minutes or so…… Then I leave it around my neck till bedtime.  I don’t know HOW or WHY it works…I just know that it DOES work!! By bedtime my back doesn’t hurt! Whaaaa????  It’s a stone… it doesn’t plug in…… it doesn’t need a battery.  HOW DOES it WORK!?!?  It heats up FAST it only needs to dip in hot water for seconds, same with getting it cold, seconds!!

Zeta Pendants and Bracelets are the first truly functional jewelry offered for relief from pain and swelling. And they’re always right where you need them, when you need them most.

Zeta Pendants are effective, precise and rapid delivery hot/cold packs that also provide the added benefit of far-infrared. They help provide relief from localized pain, swelling and surface bruising FAST. Zeta Pendants are the smallest, most convenient product of their kind. Use one or multiple Zeta Pendants anywhere, anytime.

At room temperature, the Zeta Pendants will continue to emit far-infrared and will do so indefinitely while on the skin. If you wish to use for cold therapy, simply chill your Zeta Pendant (only takes seconds) and apply. To obtain traditional heat therapy, simply follow heating procedure (only takes seconds to heat). Alternating hot and cold every 2 minutes over a 20 minute period is often recommended.

There are a variety of sizes and shapes available. Acupressure Balls, Disks, and a bracelet too!  Check ’em out. Zeta Technology  I still don’t understand how they work. I am just excited to tell you they DO WORK!!!!

Last week I hurt my foot so badly I couldn’t put any weight on it at all.  By Saturday I was in some real pain.  I figured well, let’s just give the Zeta Pendant a try. I taped the disk to the bottom of my foot while I sat and watched a movie.  I don’t understand it……. I am still shaking my head… but my foot is FINE!!  There is absolutely no pain left on the bottom of my foot.  NONE!!  N-O-N-E!!!

Zeta Pendant

The awesome people over at Zeta Technology are offering one very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower  their own Pendant to try out!! Good Luck!!

THIS GIVEAWAY is OVER but while your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.


Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


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