What I SHOULD Be Doing

Oh LORDY, the list of things that I should be doing is SO long. It’s really NOT funny.

My To-Do List

First, coming up way too fast (The week before Thanksgiving) is the Christmas Craft Fair in Sandpoint.  I am NOT ready. Not by any stretch of the imagination.  It’s been one thing after another.

My first roadblock of course is that my hands are killing me. I can only work for a few hours before I cry uncle. HONEST it’s my hand pain that’s the deterrent. It’s not these new games. NOOOOOO HONEST!!  It’s not the fact I can’t wait to sit on the couch and play my new obsession, Candy Blocks. THIS GAME! It’s as addictive as all get out! AHHH!! And I can NOT get past level 28!! Trust me it’s not from lack of trying either! (I mean after the  reasonable amount of time that I play. I SWEAR!)Culinary Schools games Candy Blocks Doing this instead of working.

Culinary games Candy Blocks. Doing this instead of working.

Grrrrrr Level 28 my nemesis! You are keeping me from creating my wares! (Insert a wink wink here because actually it’s 1010 Candy’s fault. This one….. I swear it sucks me in and just has me saying …. just one more level… I can get to one more level.

1010 Candy game screenshot Doing this instead of working. 1010 candy screenshot Doing this instead of working.


Today I’m not working on Craft-fair merchandise because yesterday The Husband woke up with stabbing pain in his eye. (I MUST insert a disclaimer here! I DID NOT stab him in the eye! I do NOT care what he is telling the doctors) Of COURSE, the pain in the eye is the one that gets a monthly shot for wet macular degeneration. The shot happened on Tuesday. Thursday I rushed him to town for an emergency visit with our optometrist.  Nope. Need more detailed visit. Off to Downtown Spokane (2 hours away) to Opthalmology and a specialized doctor. After many, many, MANY tests. The doctor came up with a course of action; drops every hour overnight. Come back in the morning for follow up. Friday (today) THE eye was not amused with the drops. So, right now as I type, The Husband is in surgery. Which means I can sit here and play games guilt free! Today I am trying to beat my high score at Can I Eat It. Ahhhhhh sneaky, sneaky game! All ya gotta do…. is pick Yes or No. But you get into such a rhythm, trying to beat the clock that you find yourself saying YES I CAN eat that stick! (Who am I Euell Gibbons? Only a certain generation will get that one)

Culinary games screenshot 
Doing this instead of working. Playing video games. Doing this instead of working.


Instead of playing games I COULD be writing my to-do list. Son Zachary and family are coming for Thanksgiving! I’m so EXCITED!! I should be making a grocery list. I should be researching place to visit. But nooooo not me! I’m playing Farm Pop. (And not getting very far either!)

Farm pop screen shot
Doing this instead of working.

Doing this instead of working. 
Video game

The House

I should be writing a list of all the things that need to be done before Zac and family arrive. I mean the amount of grief I gave that child for his dirty room it would be bad if our house was filthy. Right? Yeah…you’re right I really do have to clean.

Fire wood

We still need to finish cutting and stacking firewood before winter. I need to be warm. Sandpoint is supposed to get hammered this winter.

The Garden

I REALLY need to get the garden cleaned up before the 1st snow otherwise spring clean up is going to be NASTY!

Today, tomorrow (eye surgery follow up!) And MONDAY for yet another follow up I get to find and play MORE games! How convenient is that excuse?!?!

What Types of Games Can You Play?

At culinaryschools.org, there are some many games to choose from.  Whatever interests and skill level.  Kids and adults will easily find a game to play and keep you frustrated entertained for hours.

Be sure to come back and tell me which game has its hooks in you? For now, I’m going to try my hand at a word search game.

GESH! I had to come back to tell you I ROCK at word search games. I am a master finder. UNTIL I tried to win this &@[×;£○》☆£○ classic word search game! I officially hate this game. Okay, I’m done…. I’m going back to the word search game to show it who’s BOSS!


  • gloria patterson

    The joys of getting old!!! Something is always popping up to screw with us. Hope they get this taken care of quickly. BUT you know he is going to tell ever one you stabbed him!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    YOU worry to much! If the house is not cleaned tell him you saved it for him to do.

    I play candy crush ever night ………………… I tried this candy block did 9 levels and I was done LOL

  • l p

    my goodness what a challenge for The Husband and you. how are things now? I hope all gets sorted out – including preparing for Thanksgiving. thanks

  • heather

    I only play mind games! Just kidding – I cracked myself up on that one lol. I haven’t played online games in years they can be addicting. I sure hope your husbands eye is better that sounds aweful.

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