How To Study To Advance Your Career As A Busy Working Mom
Anyone with kids knows that being a mom is a full-time job. Yet, many of us also work part- or full-time alongside bringing up our little ones. Add additional homework and study to the mix, something that’s often essential when it comes to advancing your career, and things can start to get hectic quickly! The good news is that there are some smart ways you can hack your study time as a busy working mom and get more done with fewer interruptions. Keep reading to find out what they are.
Microlearning works
First of all, most people think that to learn anything, you have to sit down for hours with a textbook and make perfect notes. The good news for busy moms is that this is not true. Microlearning can be just as effective as, if not more effective than, long stretches of study.
Microlearning is about taking small chunks of time out of your day and using them for study and learning. You can do this traditionally by reading and making notes on a single chapter or paragraph in a textbook, or you can get high-tech and allow ChatGPT to make notes, flashcards, or even quiz you. How you do it is up to you, but 3 x 10 mins a day is 30 mins more than you would have done, waiting for a free half an hour!
Find ways to boost your focus.
Being able to focus on the subject you are studying can be a challenge even for those who don’t have young children to look after. However, when your nights are often disturbed by little ones climbing into bed after a bad dream or regular feeds, sitting down to concentrate can feel almost impossible.
Happily, there are some steps you can take to help improve your focus. One of these is to create a study playlist to listen to as you work. This will then help to train your brain to focus when those tunes come on. Other people like to use white, brown or pink noise as this can help remove background sounds and distractions, making it easier to concentrate.
Another suggestion you may wish to consider is to make use of nootropics like Semax spray, which is designed to help boost memory, learning and attention. It’s even known to boost mood, so it can help studying feel much easier, even as a busy mom.
Give the kids something to do
Another threat to your focus as a busy mom is being interrupted by constant distractions that come from the kids. One way to help reduce this is to provide your little ones with something to do as you study.
The best options for this include quieter play activities like reading, listening to an audiobook through headphones or watching a movie, colouring or building Lego.

Tamra Phelps
Sounds like good advice to me. I like the idea of microlearning.
I like the idea of microlearning. Not everyone has the time to sit down for hours to study.
Terri quick
Thank you for sharing