A to Z April Challenge Letter R

Reviews. I have to dedicate R to reviews, because, this is my niche! I enjoy every aspect of reviewing products and services.
I’ve been so blessed to try so many new and exciting products. I enjoy testing the product, examining up close seams, stitches, wheels and whether eyes come off toys. I love listening to new music. To this day Alice, my 22 month old Granddaughter, falls asleep before we make it through 3 tracks of Little Star Lullabies. It’s a MIRACLE CD!!
Getting to show off the products with photos has an awesome bonus! I can insert a photo of my Grandbabies with some of the products.
I’ve done reviews of products I wasn’t sure of, for instance the Snot-a-rator, which actually has turned out to be one of the most amazing flu season/cold season miracles I’ve ever had!! (You know you want to click over and see what it is!! I know you do!!)
Then there was Toe Juice! I wanted to review that just for the name.  Again… a favorite product in our house!!
Copy Kids.  A dvd that my Grandbabies watched and then ATE RAW vegetables!! Broccoli, Bell Peppers, willingly!! WHAAAA??? Seriously! If you have a picky eater you need this dvd!  Check out photo’s on that review!
Then there is Blythe Lipman. I was honored to be a guest on her radio show. Baby and Toddler Instructions. That was SO much FUN!!
Cars! Kia’s and Mazda’s have PERKS!!!  I still haven’t talked anyone into letting me keep a car for longer than a week…
What makes my day even better? When I can offer a giveaway to my followers. Check out the great list to the right!! Love to hold me some giveaways!!

My review wish list? At the top is a stroller!! Jungle Gyms and Playhouses. (Yes, I am all about the Grandbabies!!)  Truthfully, I’m having a great time, I never know what will be offered up next and THAT makes my job FUN and exciting!!
What would be your dream review?

R is for Reviews

A to Z Challenge: Blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!!  So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!


  • Timmy Aspley

    Thanks for another informative internet site. Wherever more could I purchase that type of info developed in such a best approach? I’ve a problem that I’m at the moment managing upon, and I’ve been with the check for similarly info.

  • Vidya Sury

    Wow, what a pretty blog, Connie!

    I love doing reviews too! They’re such fun!

    Thanks for visiting my place – I am recommending your blog with my letter V in the #AtoZChallenge

    I am kinda sad we’re getting closer to Z!

  • R.K. Grow

    That is a great question Connie. I think my dream review would be to fly to NZ because Peter Jackson needs me to look at the edits for the second and third Hobbit movies. 🙂 That is a dream of course.

    That snot-a-rator sounds hilarious! What fun products you get to play with. I’ll be visiting your site more to see what you are reviewing next.


  • Amber T. Smith

    Oh my goodness – you’ve commented on 800 blogs?!?!?!?! *is awed*

    Your job sounds so AWESOME – and man, both my kids are picky eaters, so I could have really done with that DVD when they were munchkins! Great blog – am following!

    Thanks so much for commenting on my blog!

    • Connie Gruning

      Amber, it’s kind of a cheat… I’ve been laid up from surgery. You really can only watch so much tv!! LOL So instead I’m reading awesome blogs! Much better way to stay sane!

  • slehan

    I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews and seeing the pictures of your grandkids. I like knowing about products and how well they work.

    slehan at juno dot com

  • OT Ebby

    Being a reviewer sounds like a lot of fun! I really enjoyed reading your post. THanks for visiting my blog and good luck with the rest of the A-Z Challenge- we’re nearly there now!

  • Ornery's Wife

    My nephew does tech reviews for The Verge. (He is the one offline for a year). I have always thought doing reviews for some of those products would be fun, but since I am so technologically challenged, it would need to have a lot of easy to use features!

  • C. Kirk

    I’d love to review mac products. I love the makeup, but it can get pricey pricey! They used to give free samples in little pots, but I think they’re hip now and sometimes don’t give it. Oh, and I love the Prescriptives brand as well, but they took it out of the mall and are sold online only now. BTW, I’ll have to try that toe juice. Might go to Walgreens today! You have great marketing skills Connie! 🙂

    Chontali Kirk

  • Kate Larkindale

    I’ve never had to review a product before…. I write film reviews and occasionally book reviews and that’s hard enough!

  • Diane K.Brimmer

    I just had to do a review and I was scared to death as what to say. I know what I want to say but it never comes out on paper. It’s not so easy to do! You are very gifted in knowing just what to tell your readers. Could you breath on me so I might get some of it? LOL I love reading your reviews, I have learned a lot from your website. Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put into your site.

  • queenofenglish

    I love your blog! I’m an electronics collector 🙂 — Nook, Kindle, mp3 players, convertible laptop computers, etc. I wish I could “review” those types of products. Then you could definitely call me HAPPY.

    Thanks for visiting my blog during the A to Z challenge.


  • Cat

    I would love to have your review job! I have grandbabies too, and I will have to look into the Snot-a-rator. And for me, I will look for the Toe Juice.

  • Murees Dupé

    This sounds like an absolutely awesome job. I can’t believe how much fun you get to have testing out new products. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I am very grateful.

  • Jennifer Dysart

    I love reading reviews so it works out! 🙂 I review/test some products sometimes but not to the extent you get to do!

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