A to Z April Challenge Letter T

Texting. Some people should not be allowed to text.  I might just be one of them!! It’s sad because I truly would rather text than talk on the phone! It’s quick I say what I need to and done!!
The day I got my new phone I decided I wanted to send DH a naughty little text. Ya, know just a little suggestive. I sat laughing and waiting for my answer.  I waited and I waited.  Nothing.  Say WHAAAA?!?!?!  No… unacceptable! I will get my validation!!  So I get a little braver I send a text that is little more suggestive. I wait.
Nothing.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!  It’s like this man doesn’t even KNOW me!! I get validation or ELSE!!
Third text and still no response, ohhhh buddy, you are in so much trouble!!
When I got home I was wound UP!!  Ignore me?!?!  I don’t THINK SO!!
I lit into DH….. who looked …. well, surprised.  He has no idea what I’m talking about?
I demand he check his phone immediately.  What?? No messages?  None from me ALL DAY??  Ummm none? Really?!?! What?!
Yup…. I had put the wrong phone number in my new phone.  DH’s phone number was NOT the number that received my texts.  Dear Stranger. I apologize. No, I don’t want to meet for …….. coffee.

T is for Texting.

A to Z Challenge: Blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!!  So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!


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