Are you a lover?


Okay, that was sneaky huh??  But it made ya look!!  But… hey!!  Bloggers need love too!!!

How do you show a blogger you love ’em??  I have some ideas and some ‘why’s’ to go with the ideas.

Comments.  There isn’t a blogger out there who doesn’t love comments!!  We write and we hope that you enjoy what we write about, the pictures we take or the giveaways and reviews we post.  I know I get giddy over comments. LOVE ’em!!

Stats. Why??  Advertisers… you know those wonderful sponsors that let us hold giveaways.  We need ’em… because we want to (or at least I want to) hold amazing giveaways for you!

Stats consist of reading a page and clicking on another page.  If you pop in and then leave right away that hidden little stat counter calls you a bounce.  BOUNCE bad.  So show some love and click a link or read another page?  I’ve always got pictures to look at!!   Stick around for a minute or two. (pretty please?)

Entering our giveaways.  Mine are always listed on the right hand side with a link that takes you directly to the giveaway.

More LOVE by joining bloggers on Facebook, Twitter,  Google+  Pinterest, Stumble I also have my GFC widget at the bottom of the page.  Email or RSS subscribe. I’d love to have you join either or both.

Daily love can be as easy as voting for bloggers on Picket Fence,

Write an Alexa review.  For me that’s like getting an A+ or a Sally Field “You like me …. you REALLY like me!!”

One Comment

  • Glenda Cates

    Such a wonderful post and so true as I would Love to get some comments on my blog once in a while it wouke me feel like I was in the popular crowd for once in my life.

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