Blog Dare: My volunteer work………

My volunteer work……… Oh my goodness……. when my kids were little I was blessed to be a SAHM! Truly blessed! Then the kids started school and I started volunteering. Girl Scouts, Vista Courthouse daycare, room mom, church daycare.  I volunteered like it was a full-time job!
The kids grew up and moved out of the house and I got horrible empty nest disease! I got a full time paying job and still managed to volunteer at the church.
Now?  Now I spend every second I can with the Grandbabies.  But, when they are old enough to walk around we will volunteer again.  I’ll have to find the perfect ‘job’ for us as a team!
Do you volunteer?  Do you take your kids??  I’d love to get some ideas!


  • Discovering the Me in Mommy

    That’s great that you could share your time with others! I try to give a few hours a week to help other young moms out.

  • Sharisse Lopez

    I used to volunteer 7 years ago when I was in high school at the Humane Society. I don’t do much now, but during the holidays I volunteer cooking/preparing food for the homeless. I don’t volunteer on the actual day, but I do take part in the prep work. I don’t take my daughter with me just yet, she might get bored and bothersome and I might have to sacrifice my own productivity. When she’s older I will though, for sure.

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