Blue Shield of California Dr. Jim & his Side Kick Bob!!
This post brought to you by © Blue Shield of California. All opinions are 100% mine.
My regular readers know I’m a commercial junkie. I love a funny commercial. I REALLY love a funny commercial that will teach me something! Have you seen Dr. Jim and his sidekick Bob?? These two CRACK ME UP!!!!!!! So while I’m laughing out loud I’m also learning tips to make me feel better, like this one about leg cramps! MAN I hate being jarred awake with a leg cramp…. Bob and I have a lot in common with how we handle them. Blue Shield of California has the greatest team in Dr. Jim and Bob. SO FUNNY!! I will even stop surfing channels when these 2 come on tv.
Another key point to having Blue Shield of California is they offer easy access to alternative care, like chiropractors and acupuncture. I ADORE my acupuncturist. For me it’s one of those guilty pleasures that is actually good for me too. Not to mention the amazing line up of doctors available with Blue Shield of California. Then the whole cost issue, money is tight right now and thankfully, Blue Shield of California has a wide range AFFORDABLE health plans!!

Anyway, the duo isn’t just funny, they also represent a great company. I know, because I went on line to learn more about Blue Shield of California. First, I really like the Blue Shield of California site because of the straight forward answers. They have a whole section devoted to Health & Wellness. Next, they are a company that cares about their customers. How do I know they care? Because, Blue Shield of California is a NOT FOR PROFIT insurance company. I don’t think there is another insurance company that can say that.
Now, back to Dr. Jim and his sidekick Bob, which is where I was when I started this… you have to watch the Diarrhea Diaries. MAN, these two crack me UP!! They actually scan the Internet looking for what people are seeking medical help with and link to an answer video….. who knows maybe they will answer your question!!! After all, laughter IS! the best medicine! Right!??! RIGHT!! Be sure and follow Dr. Jim and Bob’s Fun & Helpful Health Advice They have tons of great videos on Facebook!
I’m like a little kid you HAVE to see this one too.