Blueberry-Raspberry Oat Bars


Today Alice and NaNa made Blueberry-Raspberry Oat Bars. The recipe is from We Laugh, We Cry, We Cook (don’t forget! I’m giving away a copy!) YUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM!! This is a perfect recipe to make with the help of little hands.  You have to pat one layer into the pan. Ahhhhh Alice was in heaven!!

Blueberry-Raspberry Oat Bars 3

Then adding the blueberries and raspberries is another perfect job for little hands.

Blueberry-Raspberry Oat Bars 2

Seriously GOOD!! These are made with fresh or frozen raspberries and blueberries unsweetened. The whole recipe is made with just one cup of brown or coconut sugar. I was worried, that’s a lot of unsweetened fruit. But, I didn’t need to worry. These are perfect!! Sweet and tart at the same time. YUUMMM!!

Blueberry-Raspberry Oat Bars

Thanks for reading!!



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