Bright Therapy’s Ion Duo Facial and Body Toning Device

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

My regular followers know that I am always on the look out for ways to help me look younger than my 55 years! I was thrilled to be allowed to review Bright Therapy’s Ion Duo Facial and Body Toning Device. This is a handy little beauty tool!!

Bright Therapy Ion-Duo Facial and Body Toning Device has a timer! That is a major plus for me. I set my time for ten to 20 minutes and the Ion Duo will turn off when I am done. No having to constantly check my watch! The Ion Duo is 100% pain free. I actually don’t feel a thing!! You can set the intensity from one to eight. But, I promise there is absolutely no pain!!

I use the Bright Therapy’s Ion Duo Facial and Body Toning Device set to 8 intensity and I set the timer to 20 minutes. I wet my face and move the Ion Duo around in circular motions. You can use water or any water-based skincare gel or lotion. Since there is no light on the Ion Duo you don’t have to worry about getting too close to the eye area. The Ion Duo is powerful and yet doesn’t leave my skin with blotches or red patches. I am using the highest settings!! I can feel a very slight hum and I am left with glowing firmer skin!

I’ve been using the Ion Duo on my face, especially the chin area… yes, I have that dreaded double chin!! You can use this Ion Duo anywhere! Ab, arms, anywhere that you want firming! I have noticed a firming already. It actually feels firmer. HA! I’ve hired a personal trainer for my CHIN!!! YEAH!!!

This isn’t an overnight fix it takes time and dedication to see results. But I am determined!

So, you are probably wondering how does the Bright Therapy Facial and Body Toning device work??  First, it’s state-of-art technology that has the same micro-vibrations that are used to help people recover from injuries. Using a 1MHZ high frequency vibration, the Bright Therapy toning device penetrates deeply to nourish, massage and promote lymph drainage. Eight levels of hypersonic strength are available to deeply massage your skin, warm it, or promote the production of micro bubbles; aiding the absorption of skin-nurturing nutrients and moisture through a process called cavitation.

I’m amazed that an impressive beauty tool is only $199.99 on Amazon! The powerful waves that are sent out by the device are penetrating through the epidermis to break down fat. Oh yea baby!! 

Yes, I have taken before pictures I will post them with my after pictures, but I want to give the Bright Therapy’s Ion Duo Facial and Body Toning Device a full month of use first.

I want to mention that this is a wonderful tool for acne suffers the Ion Duo send very high frequency ultrasonic waves through the skin to the deep tissue under the skin. The micro vibrations gently heat the deepest layers of the skin increasing oxygen absorption in the cells. This has a cascade effect by increases blood circulation and cellular generation as well as aids in the removal of cellular waste products. This effect stimulates the skin’s natural ability to create new collagen and helps to lift and tighten the skin to maintain a youthful look. Skin lifting takes time and you will results gradually over 2-3 months after continued treatment as the skin continues to make new collagen.

How it works for weight loss:
For body sculpting the same heating effect holds true but there is also a cavitation effect which open up the membranes of fat cells. The contents of the fat cells are pushed out which is then transported by the lymphatic and vascular systems to the liver, where it is processed by your body’s own natural mechanisms. This treatment is called body sculpting as it only works on the area you target and not the entire body. Again, results take time with results taking 1-3 months of continues used. 

For now, I’m impressed. The Ion Duo is easy to use. It fits easily in my hand. The Ion Duo plugs in, so I don’t have to worry about batteries or having enough of a charge to do my treatment. I give Bright Therapy’s Ion Duo Facial and Body Toning Device two enthusiastic thumbs way UP!!! And one double chin going DOWN!!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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