Fitness Flower Review and GiveAWAY!!
A 2013 Holiday Gift Guide Pick! I am stating it here and now. I need to lose weight and get into shape ASAP. These Grandkids are kickin’ my butt!! I don’t want to be the Grandma that sits in a chair and watches! I want to PLAY TOO!! So, baby steps, cause well, you know… it’s me. I love to eat and I’m not overly fond of exercise! BUT!! If I exercise for 2 minutes at a time? I could do that!! Hello The Bathroom Begonia from Fitness Flower. This is a really cool concept. It’s pretty. Bright colors, yellows and greens. It really looks pretty on the bathroom mirror.…
Break Pal Fitness Give AWAY!!
So, you don’t think you have time to exercise? Just because you are sitting at your desk all day? Guess what! Ya’ya do have plenty of time!! Break Pal makes it super easy. I found Break Pal super easy to use. I promise it couldn’t be easier!! At the beginning of my day I set my Break Pal timer, anywhere from every 15 minutes to 60 minutes. So, depending on what I am doing that day I set my timer accordingly. A cheerful voice tells me it’s time to exercise. Click over to Break Pal and pick my exercise. Exercises are quick and easy to follow. I found that I…
90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with Creative Bioscience!!
Skinny! How weird is this…..today I posted the very first blog post… ya know, from when the blog was all about weight loss 7/1/2009!! Then this afternoon I find a blog post over at Blog By Donna and she has started a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with the help of Creative Bioscience. They are looking for other bloggers to join this challenge…. HELLO?!?! Here I AM!! Pick me!! Pick me!! So, after checking out all the different diets offered at Creative Bioscience I think the one that appeals to me the most is the Green Coffee Bean I am not great about exercise, although I know it’s good for me!! I also…