• Shoplet Has ALL The Office Supplies I Need!! #shopletreviews

    I truly have an addiction to iPad covers! Wait, I take that back, I have an addiction to office supplies. Pens, iPad covers, Binders, Paper! All of it!! Shoplet is one of my favorite spots on the net to feed that addiction.  Shoplet is a one-spot shopping spot!  Pens??! An awesome selection of pens! Paper? Toner? Furniture? Shoplet has EVERYTHING!!!  Today, I want to share my review of two Samsill products from Shoplet. First, Office Binders. Being a blogger I accumulate a LOT of paperwork. Keeping it all in one binder makes my job easier!! This Samsill Top Performance DXL Locking D-Ring Binder With Label Holder is AWESOME!! SUPER easy…