Diamond Candle Coupon Code $5 off!!
If you can’t wait for my giveaway to end on November 17th, copy this coupon code, click the picture to head over to DiamondCandles.com!
Novembers Diamond Candle G!veAwAY!!!
Congratulations to: Lorna E!! The Winner of October’s Diamond Candle Giveaway. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again! I LOVE my followers!! Thank you for making the first Diamond Candle giveaway such an AMAZING success!!But, don’t be sad if you didn’t win…….. cause I’m doin’ it again this month!! Good Luck!!This giveaway is sponsored by me there are not hundreds of Facebook pages to follow, just me. The entries are all about me, me, me, me!!!!! Do as many or as few as you would like! (Course I would love it if you did them all….. ya… know… just sayin’) So, no I’m not truly insane… I know there are a…