Cave Tools Blade Tenderizer Review & 15% Off Coupon Code!

I’ve been blessed to work with Cave Tools in the past. The set of BBQ tools is STILL being used!! They are from January 2015! That’s some amazing quality!

So, trust me when I tell you Cave Tools is company that I trust because their stuff lasts!

As some of you know I’ve started having Martha Stewart’s Marley Meals delivered to the house. I am becoming quite the chef (yes, mostly in my own mind! But still!!) I don my apron, grab my instruction sheets so that Martha and I create some very tasty meals!

One of the things that I’m finding prevalent is that the meals require tenderizing the meat. I got a mallet but that’s messy. Seriously, UGH! Meat juice every where? I may enjoy cooking, cleaning up? Not so much.  So when Cave Tools offered me the Blade Tenderizer I jumped!!

This is one very handy little tool. There are 48 VERY sharp blades that make tenderizing super easy. Chicken? YUP! Man with a bandaged thumbSteak? Yup! Pork? Yup! Thumbs? Super easy! Think of it as using a big ole stamp and marking “TENDER” on your meat. So how sharp are these blades? Well, The Husband can attest to the fact they puncture skin EASILY so BE CAREFUL!! And REALLY keep this away from kids! (AND husbands!)

Blade Tenderizer

There is no pounding or having to slice through the meat before you marinade, the Blade Tenderizer makes it easy. SO EASY!


You can see the slice marks! You can really taste a difference as well because the punctures go really deep and evenly spaced as well.

Cave tools meat tenderizer

Make sure to start tenderizing on dry cutting board. I had a problem with the meat slipping around when I didn’t.

The Blade Tenderizer is dishwasher safe. Arrives with a clear plastic cover to store the tenderizer.

Meat tenderizer


Unfortunately the code no longer works.  BUMMER!!


Not a single one! Easy to use. Dishwasher safe. Tasty food. What more could I ask for??



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