Choose To Be Nice!

Choose To Be Nice, it’s an easy concept. How hard is it to actually do??  I donned my new super soft t-shirt and smiled at Nicemyself in the mirror and thought PIECE OF CAKE!! Off I went to start my first day wearing my new motto and choosing to be nice. Within 10 minutes of being out of the house a car cut me off and MAN OH MAN I WAS…….. ohhhhhhh wait…. I’m trying something new.  Okay, deep breath, let it go.

But, face to face was a WHOLE different story. Is it ME? Or are all these people in Southern California suddenly NICE!??! I was greeted and smiled at. I was offered Good Mornings and smiles! AND EYE CONTACT!!! Hummmm…. could it be as simple as a T-shirt? Or am I projecting that I am Choosing To Be Nice and it’s contagious??

Not just once. But every SINGLE time I wear my new t-shirt. I find I am nicer. I smile more. I am more patient. Putting on this t-shirt puts ME into a whole new mindset.

The Choose To Be Nice movement is the passion and the dream of Dina Creiger who wants to spread this important message far and wide. The Choose To Be Nice is a movement dedicated to inspiring and encouraging kindness. Slowing down and taking the time to recognize what is nice in ourselves we influence others to do the same.

The goal is to build a community of nice people who will share what they do on a daily basis to be nice.

white-t1-300x300The Choose To Be Nice t-shirts with the Choose To Be Nice logo is extra soft. The kind of soft you get after about a million washes!! These are high quality and extra soft; made by American Apparel. Incredibly soft and smooth 100% ring-spun cotton tees. Fabric Weight is 4.3 oz.

Choose To Be Nice t’s are $24.95 with ten percent of all sales going to a non-profit organizations whose values align with Choose To Be Nice.

Eventually there will be Choose To Be Nice hats, totes, bumper magnets, pajamas, etc. For now the t-shirts come in black or white and also available in a children’s size.

This is such an outstanding cause I hope you will take the time to connect with Choose To Be Nice on Facebook and Twitter and pledge to Choose To Be Nice! I really hope you’ll grab a t-shirt and see if it makes a difference in your life too!

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.

One Comment

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I love the concept! You find it just smiling at crabby people. Hard to be mean when someone is smiling at you. Thanks for sharing. It is a great reminder of what I should be doing everyday.

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