December 2024 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

Can you BELIEVE it’s already time for the last giveaway of 2024!?!?!? How are we only 31 days away for 2025????

This last week has been FAB-UUUUUUUlous!! AND FAST!! The booth for the local Craft Fair is set up. It opens the 2nd.
Giveaway post craft fair
Giveaway post craft fair
Giveaway post craft fair
My amazing son Zachary and family were here from Monday till Friday. It was loud, chaotic, and so much fun.
We played games. Cooked new recipes and made a few oldies as well. Of course we ate way too much.
Zac wanted snow SO BADLY so they could get pictures for their Family Christmas card. Mother Nature had other plans. Not a single snow flake landed in Sandpoint.
However,  photos were taken! 291 to be exact…. since I imagine you don’t want to see all 291…. here are a few favorites.
Now that he is back in California I’m certain we are about to get slammed. (Wait… don’t tell Mother Nature I offered that…)

The Rules

A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.  This giveaway is $50 US.

This is a giveaway hosted by me alone.

NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Co****@pe******************.com I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!!

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I sure hope YOU win!!

Congratulations to Ali K!!! Check your email (maybe the spam folder)

Hey! If you are looking for something SUPER FUN!! Check out Freebie Flow!! On sale! FreebieFlow is an AI that finds insanely discounted Amazon products up to 100% off through extreme couponing. Unbox packages daily for $49/mo $39 your first month!

$50 Your Way Giveaway


  • l p

    the day is going well. went out volunteering this morning. the time went so quickly. after getting groceries, home again. trying to find the top of the desk. all the best to all in 2025. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    I have had a interesting day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Had to pick up prescriptions at kroger. Got there at 5 till 9…………… and there was a line…. AND THE GATES WERE STILL LOCKED. Waited finally pulled a chair over and sat down, then another woman pulled one over. There was a tec there to work and he had cash bag BUT a pharmacist has the key and only one that can open it. Tec placed a call be here in 10 minutes. Every body that got in line decided to come back later……….. 45 minutes late I got my prescriptions.

    Then niece texted me great niece (8) wanted to spend the day with me. So picked her up and off to ihop we go. As we were getting ready to leave she said could we go to walmart??????????? So YES we did and YES we shopped (and no she had no money) she is into STITCH and we picked up a FEW things.

    Got back to my apartment she ate a little. Then we were off to explore first to her grandmother and then off to excerise room she loves that room lots of machines. Then down stairs she knows so many people there.

    Her mother picked her up at 5:30


  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been windy and it is heading for really cold temps again. One of my uncles, my Dad’s oldest brother, passed away yesterday. He had fought cancer for over 4 years, had done well, then bad and finally became bedridden back in the summer. I know this was a release for him, but it will be a real sadness for his wife, kids, grandkids. So, I feel for them today. On Christmas day, he had celebrated his 86th birthday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy New Year’s Eve to each & everyone here!

    To Connie & George: May all your aches & pains feel better soon;

    To Gloria: I wish you joy for the year to come;

    To Tamra: Wishing you all the above & better health & happiness for the year to come;

    To Michele: May you & Chloe have a safe flight – what a way to start the New Year!

  • DeeAnn

    Prepping for a quiet evening at home. Looking forward to all the celebrations on TV. Can’t wait to watch all the parades on tv tomorrow, especially the Mummers!!

  • Annalisa Kraft

    My resolution is to quit smoking. I have only one smoke left and I amy not even smoke it today. Will be smoke-free for the New Year

  • Annalisa Kraft

    Having a pleasant NYE. Celebrating tomorrow with a big Southern feast of ham, cornbread, sweet potatoes, hoppin John and collard greens… and a little Prosecco. Happy new Year everyone!

  • Polly Hall

    Happy New Years Eve everyone. Will be spending a quite evening with my hubby, at my age not sure if I will even be able to stay a wake till midnight.

  • SUzie B

    I can’t believe we are ALREADY at the end of 2024! It was a year of highs and lows – I am very hopeful for 2025 to be an amazing year! I am looking forward to a big celebration tonight at a friends place!

  • Michele Soyer

    Glad that we are mutable and able to pivot! My plan for today was to just tidy and have my phone call…NO..LOL we did our suitcase trial run last night and Wow – thats all I can say Wow..suitcases were really overweight..not just a wee bit but a substancial amount..( American Airlines charges per bag per flight and for only a few pounds over it is not too bad but for a good bit wow) so we re-did the bags taking out all the bips and bobs that we really could do with out – packed some large storage bags ( came to about 15 pounds) and today we are off to the storage facility around10 am…
    by the time we reach back it will be phone call time and lunch…After lunch some tidy up and the last of my single malt!
    Tonight some champagne and ring in the to the airport at 8am tomorrow..Whew did I get all that out??
    To everyone here a very Happy New Year! To Kate, Tamra, Gloria and last but not least Connie you gals have become part of my day every day! By the way yesterday the president of T&T declared a state of emergency on the island due to crime and ongoing gang about getting out just in time….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went for an ABI test today at the hospital. They attach about 10 BP cuffs to your legs and arms and toes and check your pulse rates in each spot, lol. No idea why one of my doctors wants it, other than to see how numb my feet are?? And yes, there really is a tiny toe BP cuff, lol.

  • Rose

    It was a very warm day today, I kept getting those vibes that spring is here!!! It was a good day to be outside a bit. And to enjoy the quieter space between Christmas and New Years. I’ve done good not spending too much money, but I have twitchy fingers for those onlines sales – I keep getting those emails of great deals!! But I keep saying if you can’t eat it, don’t buy it…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’re due 80+ mph winds & heavy rain tonight so I may be without power tomorrow … fed up eating by now! Actually had to go out to buy brown soda bread today ‘cos all I fancied was cheese on toast! I’ve spent more time sleeping & watching old British comedy shows on You Tube than anything else today. By the way, Gloria, if you read this, our twilight changes from 4pm to 5pm on Thursday! One more hour of daylight – YAY!

    • gloria patterson


      If you have rechargeable flashlight make sure you check the charge or have new batteries to go in it.

      I have noticed that it is almost 5:30 now when it get dark… SLOWLY BUT SURELY

  • gloria patterson

    We lost power last night at 8 pm, said it would be out till 12:30pm but back on at 10:30. I have a couple of rechargeable lights I guess last time I used them I did not charge them up. They were really low!!!

    Ran a couple of errands and came home. I kept peeking out my windows it is so interesting watching them tear these old house down.

    And of course a nap 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Well my penultimate day here in Houston – we plan on taking a lovely turn all around the streets we walked since we arrived on 11/21…plenty of leftovers so we can stay out as long as we please…I am so grateful for the way things moved here and tthe people we met…Tomorrow is a zoom call with our Minneapolis realtor and a final dust and polish of the rooms here…

    • Tamra Phelps

      Safe travels, Michele. I can’t believe you are so far into your journey after it seemed to drag for so long. It seems like a hurry up and wait type of thing when you are living it, right?? You have got what it takes to get it done, though!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It has been warm here (in the 60s) for a few days, but in the Winter that means rain and storms, it seems. The wind has been NOISY out there today. I can still hear it whipping out there.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a bright, somewhat warm day. warm enough that the construction crew is out there working away. still glad I’m indoors after a long walk, though thanks

  • Rose

    Quiet day so far, still cleaning up from Christmas, doing a few chores. It is raining, and a little warmer out. I thought it was Monday when I woke up today, then when I realized it was Sunday, I felt wow I have an “extra” day!!! Nice!!!

  • gloria patterson

    I have wide awake since 4 AM………….. could not go back to sleep. Finally got up and dressed, got laundry together and off to the laundry room. By 7 laundry done and put away. I made cold slaw and have stuff to make sloppy joes.

    But I think it is going to wait I need a nap

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ok, tried to post yesterday & failed so here we go again. I have slept so much in the last 2 days, guess I must have needed it. Already can see a bit of a stretch in the evenings, which is so good. Today is Mum & Dad’s wedding anniversary so a bit of a downer but ok. The weather’s almost warm enough to do some gardening only I should really concentrate on the house first.
    Tamra: so sorry ’bout your allergic reaction but sounds like you’re doing better.
    Gloria: I loved great grandma’s reaction!
    Michele: You must be getting pretty fit with all this walking. God doesn’t mind you turning up late!

    • Michele Soyer

      Honestly Kate just walking about was a pleasure after the physical work of the house and land in T&T – walking was a joy after working the land there!

  • Michele Soyer

    So much for going to 7am mass – it is quarter past 6 and it is a good 2 mile walk I’ll never make it in time – so 9am it is…Across the road is a Target so after I will do a bit of looking around…Sunday lunch will be chicken parm so I can use up ingredients that are still in the frig..Pretty soon it is goodby to Houston.
    Pleasant Sunday all…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m spending this Saturday watching TV (Christmas movies) and I finally ate a vegetable, lol. Yeah, it’s been a holiday full of candy and junk food, lol,

  • Rose

    People have been regifting me baked goods! They are all very tasty, but oh oh, there goes my New Year’s resolution getting off track before Jan 1. One of them was homemade crackers made with asagio cheese I had no clue anyone else makes crackers besides me and I never told anyone, as I don’t want to share them! But wow! I like to make mine with healthy ingredients with various types of seeds and flours, natural sweeteners.

    It is raining todaay, not the ice storm predicted, so that is good for anyone on the road.

  • gloria patterson

    I have done nothing today! Made breakfast, cleaned up the dishes. Recliner yelling at me, slept a little not much. On the laptop for this and that. Then decided I needed another nap, 2 hrs later.

    I noticed yesterday I left the building in sweats and a hoodie. A month ago at 30 I had on my heavy wool coat, scarf, hat and gloves. Yesterday at Krogers I started to get out of the car and a guy walked by my car. He had on a tshirt, shorts and sandals. And I noticed in the store that there was not a lot of heavy coats and a lot of shorts.

  • l p

    the day is going well. out for a walk early and then doing some outdoor chores. now tackling a few indoor chores. looking forward to a visit from a family later. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    There is nothing to do today at all – going to take a nice walk then come back and make a grocery list for when we reach Minneapolis…not a great deal but enough to get us by while we are waiting to buy..
    I also want to look at furniture and new pots etc…I do love making these lists! My daughter keeps telling me to use my phone or tablet for these lists ( I do ) BUT my paper lists are my real go to..

    • gloria patterson

      Suggestion after you finish your paper list…………. TAKE A PICTURE OF IT

      In case you forget your list or misplace it you got a picture. Talking from experience here LOL

    • Tamra Phelps

      I am a pen and paper person too, Michele. But Gloria’s idea of snapping a photo…yep that would have helped me out a few times!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I spent the last 8 days feeling odder and odder, having trouble actually breathing that was slowly getting worse but would then clear up. Then it was all finally put together: I was having an allergic reaction to a new antibiotic. I didn’t see it because at no point did I have hives or itching which I always have in the past. And the reason it would ease up at times was because the drug was wearing off at those points. Anyway, that med is officially out, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Quick trip to krogers got to get those gas points. Have really not done anything …. 2 hr nap. a little on the laptop. read a little.

    Got up to get something to drink and looked out the window. Don’t really know the correct name for it A BIG SHOVEL MACHINE was getting position behind a house. And in less then 30 minutes that 2 story house was on the ground.

    I am just being lazy there are things I could do………….. BUT

  • heather

    I am still in Christmas holiday mode. It’s hard to believe it’s Friday already. I need to get a few 2025 calendars this weekend.

  • Michele Soyer

    Moving forward… have an agent in Minneapolis and she has a list of our needs and the condos we looked at online…On Friday the 3rd we will do come look sees with her…we need the 2nd to grocery shop and get used to our new Air B and B…had some long phone calls with my neice by marriage that I adore last night – she now has serious plans of moving to looks as if we will all be together somewhere in Europe.. by the way Kate she is planning a vacation to Ireland later this coming year – she wants to sleep in a castle!! LOL love that girl…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I hope everyone’s Christmas went well! I have done nothing but eat and sleep. Harriet has served us well & today will become a hot & spicy curry.

  • gloria patterson

    I was off to walmart early (7:49) this morning. Thinking there will not be many people here today. I can get what I want and then out. Picked up a couple items turned around and the place was PACKED!!!

    Oh …..FECK ……. FECK …….FECK (kate 🙂 The place was packed 1/2 off Christmas stuff. One lady had a cart full of christmas paper. Trees any christmas stuff was in carts ………… and people stopped ever where to talk.

    I just picked up a few things as I was getting ready to check out I saw christmas cookies on sale. Got a couple of boxes for the coffee room.

    Every thing put away and time for a nap

  • Rose

    I’ve been doing an alteration on a jacket. I got it from ThredUp, and so it was a guess as to fit. The good thing is I could still stuff myself into it and had enough in the seams I could let it out. But also needed work on the shoulders and shortening the arm length, etc. So (or sew) that has been keeping me out of michief today.

  • Michele Soyer

    Happy Boxing Day to all!!! Today more phone calls tp friends and then calling agents in Minneapolis for dates after 1/2 to see condos!! Cannot wait to begin the search…too early for a brandy?? no it is noon somewhere….

  • Cindy Merrill

    Today is Christmas day! I will be serving the Christmas meal in just a while, but I just want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas! I feel so blessed today.

  • Heather

    Merry Christmas to all. I hope you have a wonderful day full of love and good food. I am feeling blessed today and remembering the true meaning of today. God Bless.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Merry Christmas one and all! Rang & sang the Hallelujah Chorus to sister & niece as per usual, chatted, then Harriet, sprouts, red onion stuffing, more sprouts and sausagemeat was enjoyed by all here. Forgot the roast potatoes, no matter, I’ll have them tomorrow! A glass or three of Paddy (Irish whiskey), slept for three hours then cleared the cat litter (happy days!). Time for a nibble, me thinks …

    • gloria patterson

      Kate Hope you and Harriet had a great dinner…………. with leftovers for what ever?????? Any word yet on your car part??????????? Relax and Rechargec

  • gloria patterson

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVER ONE!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and don’t eat to much.

    We have our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. I live 15 mile from my brother and sister in law, its like 2 different worlds. My niece and her daughter picked me up and she told me that her mother said they had snow and ice on the driveway. Half way there we had major fog. Got to the bar and switched to my other niece 4 wheel drive. She could barely see the road (so glad I was not driving) had a few spins going UP the driveway.

    And for the first time I walked up their steps easily and no pain. (little over 5 months since surgery)

    Great dinner with family and all their friends started showing up and bringing more food.

    As adult we don’t do gifts, if we want something we buy it. It was a good evening!!!!!!!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I see that the Megamillions lottery is up at 1 Billion $$! And they draw tonight. If someone wins…that will be a Merry Christmas for them!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yes, Gloria! I very rarely eat meat, but if an animal has died to provide me with food, the least I can do is give it a name & say thank you!

    So, Harriet is all prepared, as are all the trimmings. Not easy with 5 cats trying to ‘help’. Time for a glass of wine & some chocolate.

    • gloria patterson

      Kate I will give you a lot of brownie points for this reason.

      Are you kids trained to not get on your counter etc or do you have to fight with them 🙂

  • gloria patterson

    I have been up since 5 am…….. and no I was not being a early bird looking for Santa. After years of doing 6 am is my regular wake up time.

    I have done nothing today!! Going to ride with my niece (I hate night driving any more) to Christmas Eve dinner at my brother & sister in law’s home.

  • Michele Soyer

    Christmas Eve – so grateful to be here.. Last holiday season I swore I would not be in T&T but back home and we are….nowhere is perfect but I find you have to do a Harvard T to make your decision…Maybe just maybe next holiday we will be in Corfu! Merry Christmas to everyone here….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, for the second time in the last year, I got a messageon the DNA company online site (where I had my DNA tested to see what my ancestry is) from an adopted person looking to track down a parent using DNA. In both cases, I’m a second cousin, which is fairly close when you’re looking to track bio;ogical lines. The 1st one was through my Dad’s ancestors and I was ably to tell them based on the other customers we were both related to who she was descended from (the great grandparents) which helped her limit her search. This time, based on the names of the other customers we are both related to, it has to be through my Mom’s Dad. The last names of most of the relatives are literlly his last name! No mystery what her Mom’s last name nust be, lol. She must have been a cousin of my Mom’s through my maternal grandfather. (Who I did not know well, he left when my Mom was a child.)

    • gloria patterson

      So are you going further in your search or have you reached a point where you can continue to search with what info you have?

      • Tamra Phelps

        Based on what she told me, I have given her all I can. I guess she will have to narrow down who her biological mother might be based on the children & grandchildren of the great grandparents we share.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My farmer neighbour rang the doorbell last night & gave me a surprise box! Opened it and inside were 2 big boxes of chocs, 2 bottles of wine & a bottle of baileys! He explained he & the wife had won a couple of hampers in a local raffle & would never get through all the goodies. Wasn’t that nice of them!

    Today I cleaned the oven, made the stuffing & trifle, they’ll be fine in the fridge. Tomorrow I’ll do the sprouts and prepare Harriet the happy free-range organic chicken!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate that is a good neighbor!!!! I am a Baileys lover………. favorite is Caramel but still looking for the chocolate But any flavor or non flavor works. Wine not a fan.

      I HAVE TO ASK…. “Harriet the happy free-range organic chicken” DO YOU ALWAYS GIVE NAMES TO YOUR FOOD??????????????????

      Don’t work to hard getting stuff ready.

  • Rose

    I made some soap today, Winter Rose. It is fragranced with white fir and rose essential oils. Smells good! It is for hostess gifts for the holidays.

  • gloria patterson

    I had no need or want to go out today………… BUT then had to go to the bank and deposit a check.

    OMG the traffic was so bad!!! Areas where normally not much was stop and go. All over town TRAFFIC.. I passed a dollar tree and there was NOT a empty parking space there.

    I would hate to be in a store waiting in a long line to check out. And tomorrow is going to worse, AND I am NOT going to be out in it!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Bought tickets for tonights performance of The Nutcracker by the Houston ballet – thank goodness we both brought some dressy things ( I even brought heels) lol…when we were leaving T&T I brought them just in case but did not think we would go anywhere upscale! Spending the day today going over condo sales in suburbs of Minneapolis and making a list of agents to call after Christmas day…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was still awake at 6am. Really strong wind howling round the house & spooking the cats. Not fit for anything much today other than the usual chores. Ah well …

  • heather

    I slept in this morning so I am running a little behind in my morning chores. I plan on chilling today. I did a bunch of running around yesterday and have more to do tomorrow.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake as usual 6:05 am………….. up dressed and decided I needed to cook up the breakfast sausage I got on sale 3 rolls for $7.00 I like to do it all and clean up grease one time. I do sausage crumbles for scrambled eggs etc. And then small patties and large patties for what ever. After cool I bag them and into the freezer. All dishes washed and grease cleaned up.

    Now have to do a little computer work and then I got a new book to start………… LOL

  • Carolyn D

    I did not sleep well so I am getting an early start today. I am going to make fudge and snickerdoodle cookies in a little bit before I go out later this afternoon.

  • Michele Soyer

    Taking a long walk to mass this morning then back to make Sunday lunch..No traditional Hungarian Christmas baking this year but I can make some dishes so doing that today – many ingredients I couldn’t get in T&T ( unless I did amazon) so I am happy I can make them now – memories of my childhood with my parents in the kitchen with my father telling my mother she wasn’t doing it right and my mum God bless her telling dad ” then do it yourself” lol,

  • Cindy Merrill

    New Years Resolution: to save up enough money to buy my husband a pair of slippers for Valentines day, since I couldn’t scrape up the spare funds for christmas.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I strung up some white fairy lights. We’ll have to wait & see how tempting they are to the 5 cats! Didn’t do much else, too cold & wet to get motivated.

  • heather

    We had a wild storm come through here last night and I am busy picking things up and chasing things down that were blown all over from the high winds. We got a ton of rain but at least the sun is out now.

  • gloria patterson

    For some reason on Sat morning’s I get more done then I do any other day. Baked pork chops, sausage on sale got 2 rolls. Fried, cooled and in the freezer for when I want it. Vac all the carpet, empty the trash and I am done.

    ON MY TO-DO LIST TO DAY……..Little computer stuff, NAP, READ………………… who knows 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    What to do today??? Did all my grocery shopping yesterday, the condo here is spotless, no laundry to do…lets go window shopping!! I would like to go back to Saks and get my daughter some sweaters for Minneapolis and stop in Chanel just to dream…in Dillards I actaully saw a Marcela Borghese makeup counter so I might go back and treat myself to some makeup – in T&T I never wore foundation it just melted off with the heat! lol…and most of lipsticks did the same…I also want to pick up some hair towels…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I have made about 4 batches of fudge and Christmas candies, but still have 2 or 3 to go. I’ll do those Saturday and Sunday. Today, I’m just relaxing. Christmas is too stressful, lol. Relax, people!! Take a deep breath.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yee Ha! The ass got itself into gear today. Managed to drive to Castlebar & find a parking space, then walked, got lost twice, but finally found the shop where I’d ordered some pretty oilcloth for the old gardening table. I still haven’t made space for the table yet & it’ll have to dry out a bit (been under cover outside for 18 months), but it’s going to look nice. I could have had it delivered but the car really needed a good run 7 I needed to get out. Picked up more catfood & joy of joy, some beautiful fresh sprouts, still on the stem. Happy days!

  • gloria patterson

    This morning at 8 am it was 32 and I was off to Kroger,to get those extra gas points. Sat down at my desk to double check my shopping list. Looked out my window at house 2 blocks away and wondered when they would start tearing it down, they mark all the houses with orange spray paint.

    Sat down and opened my laptop at 10:30 and THE HOUSE WAS GONE and they are loading the scrap in a dump truck…………….

    Don’t have any thing that I have to do………….. done ready for Christmas. I could clean the apartment but not in the mood………….. either a long nap or start a book

  • heather

    This week has just gone by so fast. I am still catching up with myself. I have a busy weekend ahead doing last minute shopping for the holidays.

  • Michele Soyer

    Here we are finally done – and I truly mean done for now…Holding up everything was not customs, i cleared that immediately – it was sweet T&T not sending the final bill of lading to the ship that goes to the port and whatever circle of red tape that was – found out that piece of info, called T&T reminded them it was on their end and voila it all squared away – the port truckers called me ( lovely competent woman) scheduled the delivery – called my unpacking men ( competent) and yesterday I reached the storage facility at half 7am container arrived, with 20 minutes my movers arrived and within 2 hours everything was unloaded, placed in storage unit, paperwork signed and I breathed a sigh of total relief….It went so smoothly, so organized I thought I was in a dream! Today we are going shopping for the holiday and I plan to read and relax… Our tickets for New Years day are sorted as is our Air B and B ….so truly I can shop with nothing else on my mind…

    • gloria patterson

      I AM TOTALLY LOST !!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you putting you stuff in storage in Texas? Old age mind here I thought you were going to Wisc for a period of time??????????????? Where are flying to on New Years day??

      • Tamra Phelps

        I’m guessing the stuff in Texas has to leave for Greece from there?? Michele, do they make you get movers to haul it to the port or do they take care of that? Do you realize you will be one of very few people to actually change your life on NEW YEAR’S DAY???? Yay!!

        • Michele Soyer

          Yes Tamra we will be changing our lives!! Greece due to visa issues ( I needed to apply for a self sufficient visa) ( Chloe was able to get the Golden Visa) for me will take 2-3 years for the paperwork to go thru so we will be buying a condo in the suburbs of Minneapolis for that time period – I can only spend 3 months at a time in Greece..that is why we rented out the house in Corfu…On Jan 1st we fly to Minneapolis and look for a condo – after we settle in we will have our things brought up there…Tamra this Corfu move will take more time that I thought but we are still on board….

      • Michele Soyer

        Storing our stuff here in Texas until we buy a condo in Minneapolis area…it makes no sense to pay to have all our things go overland to Minneapolis to sit in a storage place there…On Jan 1 we are heading to Minneapolis to look for a condo…

  • Cindy Merrill

    How’s my day going? Don’t get me started. My husband turns 83 December 29th and we’re sitting here with $9 to get us through until hisdisability shows up in the bank on the 28th! Fortunately, thanks to being a Prepper, I sort of knew this would happen, so I stocked up on food head of yime.

  • Rose

    It was nice and sunny today. I got to see my neighbor’s new puppy, a black lab. I did have a black lab a long tme ago, named Reckless! who really loved the water!

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much, had hamburger so good that up with pepper and sauce. Will eat some and freeze the rest. Done the bills for me and I also do my mothers………….. thanks goodness for on line banking and on line bills

    Decided I need a nap, took one quick look at facebook and xsister in law made a comment……… and I had to comment, then I got to thinking about my niece (41 now) and the cabbage doll she had years ago. So I facebooked her and ask what the dolls name was and sister in law and xsister in law came back with the dolls name… KITTY FERN and SHE STILL HAS THAT DOLL!!!

  • heather

    This week is just flying by for me. I just mailed some holiday cards not sure if they will get there in time though. Yes, I am the last person on earth who still snail mails Christmas cards – I am ‘old school’.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Gloria: Helen & Rachael the nice, live 5 minutes from the old house on the other side of the country!

    Feeling really tired today for some reason so not doing a whole lot. I need to get out more in the fresh air but it’s either too cold or too wet. Must get some more food in to tide me over till the New Year. Still no news on the car 🙁

    • gloria patterson

      Kate some day would love to hear the story of how you ended up where you did with your new/old home. And all of your kids 🙂 You are able to drive to the store and stock up?

      I know what you mean about getting outside in this weather!! I have bad habit of just wanting to stay in when it is cold, snow and rain. So I make myself go out and get in the car at least 3 days a week. I am outside moving around and I think it makes feel better. Sounds like your energy level is down hope it goes up soon.

  • Polly Hall

    I got the laundry done and cooked enough dinner so we will have leftovers tomorrow night. So my whole day tomorrow is free to do what I want.

  • Faythe A

    My day went well. I was happy to be reminded of your monthly giveaway from the e-news letter I get from Contest Corner. I have looked several times here on your blog for a way to sign up to get your posts. I have not found it. Is there a way? I also follow you on FB.

  • Rose

    It was warmer today, so I went out and got groceries. It is amazing this day went by so fast! Not that much done, but it seems I was busy! It is dark in the morning and dark early, and I get most done daylight.

  • gloria patterson

    The temp is still playing games running in the mid 30’s to 45′ and rain. Ever time I stopped to get out of the car it poured. Come out of the store it pouring, driving not so much. I am trying to walk a little more in stores, right knee loves it, left knee not so much.

    Stopped at kroger picked up some prescriptions……………… home ……………….NAP

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I got a present today! Another volunteer arrived on my doorstep with 4 big bags of kitty nibbles & a box of chocs for me. Sent from the rescue centre! How nice is that! The sister rang. She got back from Arizona this morning. She learnt some sad news from the taxi driver: my old neighbour, Eric, was found dead in his house back in January. He’d missed a meeting and no reply to his phone so the police called to the house. He’d been dead a while apparently. Nice guy but had a lot of mental health problems. Poor man. We really should count our blessings more often.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Christmas is creeping up on me and I haven’t done squat. I guess I’m not decorating this year. Can’t make myself care enough to do it. And I only have to sign checks as gifts (teenagers, lol. They are my only gift recipients.) I did buy a few toys for local toys for tots group. And I still have to make the various candies. And send them off to their new homes, lol. If they stay here, they’ll be gone!!

    • gloria patterson

      Tamra I gave up decorating many years ago. Its a lot of work getting stuff out and moving stuff and then packing all up. If I have a deserve for a Christmas Tree there is one on ever floor (10) of my apartment building that I can look at.

      I buy for my great niece (8) So my get ready for christmas is not stressful at all.

  • Rose

    Sort of a quiet day today. Stacking up a few recipes for holiday baking and cooking. Going grocery shopping. I also got some really good dried tart cherries from Etsy. Some can be more like raisins. But these are moist and no sugar added, no sweetener at all, but just sweet enough with that tang. I hope I don’t eat them all before I get to bake with them!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My wreath is made of an old base that I re-use every year, evergreen foliage from the garden and some pine cones and red berries. No glitter or baubles. I’m not sure about putting up my tree this year. It’s a little one bought when my parents where first married & I love it, but 5 cats might be a bit too much to ask of it! I love little white fairy lights in Mum’s crystal collection but again, with 5 cats? I’ll probably just string the lights on the window sills.

    As for today, I even set the alarm to make sure I was awake early-ish to try to finish the new garden room. But when I woke up I just couldn’t be bothered. Poop! There’s only a couple of hours daylight (roll on the equinox) and my body clock’s all haywire. Took the car for a bit of a run & got back to a HUGE pee puddle in the bathroom. That took an hour to sort out, then I ate an ice cream in bed watching Florence Foster Jenkins videos on You Tube!

    • Tamra Phelps

      The real Florence Foster Jenkins? I never thought about looking!! I’ll have to check that out, lol. And I know what you mean about the tree–what if one or more cats decides the tree is the enemy?

    • gloria patterson

      Kate it is better to be safe with the christmas stuff…………. The kids might like the lights or they might want to play with them. Are you able to get to the recuse center? Whats the lates from your car guy??

  • gloria patterson

    10 am and I have done nothing…………. ate left over tuna sub for breakfast LOL

    Not sure what I am doing today maybe something more likely nothing………. Finishing up a book less then 50 pages to go. Then of course start a new one (love my books) Today is is a hight of 57……………. then down we go by sunday we will be at 26………… by Tue we will be 42 and NO rain or snow. Christmas eve is at my brothers and their driveway it STRAIGHT UP A HILL! I always let my niece pick me up I try not to drive to much after dark.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well we are in the que for customs clearance so again it is a wait and wait and wait! LOL…I am truly on my last string of pateince but I like you Kate have to be polite and show no anger because I need them all – the broker and the customs authority….nagging gets you nowhere but for heavens sake what does it take for a bit of communication..if clearance isn’t going to be today let me know so I can plan my day…anyway grateful for the sunny day ahead and most probably a nice long walk….

  • Polly Hall

    Had lunch and then cards with my girlfriends, we are down to getting together once a month since one of us has moved 2 hours away.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I hate when I get calls from doctor’s offices telling me they have scheduled some test for me like I should just be okay with that–but it always seems to conflict with something I already scheduled. Yep, that happened today. I have to decide which to keep and which one to reschedule.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I did a REALLY bad thing yesterday. Had a doctors appointment (which I kept) and ditched Jury Duty. OKAY, stop gasping. I went afterwards and played dumb. Thank HEAVENS our teeny little town had nothing on the docket for Monday. Checked my email and I am ‘seated’ for Thursday. WHEW!! No arrest warrant for me! ohhhhhhhhh wait a MINUTE! MAYBE that’s what SEATED means for THURSDAY!?! I wonder if the jail will allow me to update the blog?

  • Piroska

    My resolution (I like to call it a “goal”) is to finish my WIP. Too many. I won’t begin a new project until I finish at least 2, first.

  • Piroska

    My day is going quite well. We got a reprieve from the cold weather, and it is drizzling rain, today. Not usual for NW Ontario. Very weird.

  • Carolyn D

    I don’t have a New Year’s Resolution yet. I did manage to keep mine this year and lose 20lbs. I got a walkpad for my birthday and worked out every other day in the comfort of my home while watching TV!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s bread-baking day. while waiting for the first rise to be completed, had tea with friends. nice to have the visit. enjoy the day. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still no news re. the part for my car. It’s been nearly a month and I’m losing what little patience I have. Can’t afford to lose my temper with the guy though as he’s the best in town and very reasonable. Spent a couple of hours making the Christmas Wreath for the front door. I’ll hang it tomorrow. Overcooked the pasta bake – love it when it’s all crunchy!

    • gloria patterson

      What is the wreath made of???? Do you put up a tree?? Me I am to old to care about putting up a tree any more. Don’t have room to store one after the holidays. I bought a gold glitter “Merry Christmas” cut out and hung it from my door. Will not take up any room after the holidays.

      “Overcooked the pasta bake – love it when it’s all crunchy!” — My Lasagna comes from the freezer and microwave for me…………. into the oven and the top of it so crunchy that half time I save till the end to eat last LOL

      As for the part are you able to get to the rescuse center? (name ?) Hang in their they will take care of it sooner or later!

  • Kai

    Hello and Happy Monday! How is it another Monday and where did the weekend go?! (I’ll have to take a look, but it might take me a

  • gloria patterson

    It’s so nice to be doing this on my laptop!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY

    Trip to walmart wanted just a couple of things………….. nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that I really wanted.

    When I left this morning it was almost 40!!! Light jacket on. right now 1:13 pm it is 55…………. UP / DOWN/UP/DOWN TEMP

    Filled my car in winter I TRY not to go below 1/2 a tank just to be safe. Stopped at subway and got a tuna sub

    NOW THINKING NAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • heather

    I am getting ready to shampoo the carpet today nothing too exciting going on. It was been raining and is super chilly outside right now.

  • Michele Soyer

    Waiting for a decent time to call our customs broker – I am calm and plan on being that way all day – we have gotten this far and the road was not always the easiest so this last mile we can make too….no matter what I plan on taking a nice walk and maybe going to another gallery – there is a “fog” alert out this morning so I will wait for that to lift, cannot get involved in the drama of it and falling off a

  • Tamra Phelps

    I felt so good about not falling asleep yesterday and getting things done–so of course today I fell asleep around noon and slept for hours!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. the sun came out this morning and makes it feel warmer, even if it isn’t. regardless, had a lovely walk earlier and was glad to get home to a cup of hot chocolate (wish marshamallows). enjoy the day. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    OMG I found the problem of why I could not get on the form on my laptop…………… It was my history with peanutbutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • heather

    I love the new header picture! So perfect for this time of year. Those snowy trees are so beautiful. I am listening to all the SNL clips from last nights show I needed to laugh this morning.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Thank you Heather. I need an updated snow picture this year. I want one with bright blue skies. We will see.
      SNL clips would be a great way to put me in a good mood. This gray sky thing is for the birds. I’m headed upstairs for a Christmas movie. I’m all about hot cocoa and Hallmark.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Been without internet since midnight till now (6pm) so slept instead. Did the weekly shop & put it all away. Made yet another list re. things to be done in the house …

  • Gloria Patterson

    By 10 am. I had laundry done and put away, baked chicken breast, peeled and cut up white and sweet potatoes and baked them. Dishes all done “…..”….. Nothing else has to be done. NAP is sounding good

  • Michele Soyer

    Enjoyed my gallery day yesterday and found out that there are 3 more in walking distance – a bit further but still within walkability so during this week we will fit them in… I restrianed myself from sending a scathing email to our broker here but it still makes me laugh that I have to investigate for myself the location of the container – the attitude seems to be “relax” and no need for concern…sorry that is not me! When I worked communication was always a big deal for me – making sure everyone involved knew what was happening.. anyway, I behaved and just sent a lnk to my broker basically wanting verification of the location – games I hate to play….the ship is supposed to dock tonight – I alerted my movers so they would know things should be a go this week ( they need notice obviously! ) arghh is it only me??? am I annoying?? Probably but I would do the same for someone else…. Time to put the roast in the oven and make a lovely Sunday lunch for later on…

  • Polly Hall

    I made 3 batches of peanut brittle to use for Christmas gifts. Now I have to keep it hiden from my husband or it will all disapear.

  • Gloria Patterson

    I have done stuff. Don’t remember what I also had almost 3 hour nap. Also still have not figured out the problem. Logging on on my laptop. iPad works great, but I will.

  • Rose

    I’ve had a stash of mendng for things that I’ve been wanting to use, but haven’t been able to get to it. Today I was able to get some done, and it feels so good! Hope to be able to finish up the rest soon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m having a lazy day today. Not that I don’t have anything to do, far from it, I just don’t feel like it! So, I have slept, read, listened to the radio, slept some more …

  • l p

    the day is going well. much better weather today so the outside chores were easier to do. the sun even came out. enjoy the day. thanks

  • Elizabeth Gebhardt

    other than the fact that I didn’t get to sleep in, it’s not too shabby, the Kings are up on te Rangers 2-0 at the ends of the 1st

  • Michele Soyer

    Looking around for things to do today and decided on an art gallery within walking distance..located our container via the Maersk main shipping vessel site and it is now in Mexico ( no one bothered to tell me that from Kingston it would do a gulf trip to Mexico) and should be here in Houston tomorrow…
    Getting ready for a busy week….

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s so cold that my front door has swelled and doesn’t want to close, lol. I have to try four or five times to slam it hard enough to get it to shut!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I feel your pain. I’m so cold! All of our snow was rained away. Then it froze. Then it snowed. Then it rained. Then it froze. Last night a little snow…….. now it’s raining. I’m so afraid to drive down the mountain……. will I make it back home?? I hate the ice part.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Finally got to the Dr. on the 3rd attempt! There’s still inflammation in my ear so steroid drops prescribed. Picked up a free-range organic chicken for Christmas dinner. I have named her Harriet. She shall be respected & loved, even in death!

    Still no sign of the part for the car. It’s stuck in a container on a ship at Holyhead, the main port in Wales & one of the busiest ports in the UK. The port was damaged in Storm Darragh the other week, and lots of imports from the UK & mainland Europe (including food etc.) are delayed so empty shelves in supermarkets …

  • Gloria Patterson

    Off to krogers this morning…. 23 at 8 am. Now. 4:28 pm we made it to 25. Next 7 days will be in the mid 40’s.

    Up some pork chops, throw them in the oven oil and some spices and they are so good. Had a long nap,

  • Michele Soyer

    Making a grocery store run today – about a mile and a half walk then we will uber back…cannot walk back with all those bags! It has reached 60 degrees this morning and to tell the truth I am grateful for the temp break!

  • Ashley S

    I’ve been feeling a little down lately. My grandmother moved out of our home and into a nursing home. I miss her terribly. The weather’s cold, the days are short. This time of year makes me feel a little more lonely. On the brightside, my family is relatively healthy and I’m exceptionally grateful for that.

  • Polly Hall

    We went to buy a wreath at our local tree farm today and they were already closed for the season. I’m very disappointed that we will not have a wreath on the barn this year but at least I saved $50.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Got some groceries in today, so I think I now finally have everything I need for Christmas candy. But you just kow there will be something I forgot, lol. Oh well, that’s the season, right?

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Christmas candy. YUM!! I made Christmas Crack while Zac and family were here. I used pretzels instead of club crackers. BIG mistake. Don’t do that. Only use club crackers. (OH I still ate it… a LOT of it but it wasn’t as good)

  • Terri Quick

    My New’s Year’s Resolution is to heal from my dog Bambi’s sudden illness & death & to give my new puppy Buddy a loving home alongside my Aussie Shepherd Bear.

  • Melanie B

    I have a few New Year’s resolutions that I hope to follow through with; make time for physical exercise, finish things that I’ve been putting on the back burner, and to read twice as many books than I did this year.

  • Gloria Patterson

    Weird, strange confused. Yesterday and today I can get the blog on my laptop, but when I click on continue, it takes me to the entry form, but the entry form not there. But if I go on my iPad, everything’s there so I need to xxxxx? with my laptop.

    We had a dusting of snow but temps were really low so some ice. Over to a discount store all the way in front of the store was a icy patch about 3 feet wide. Got out of the car. I was looking at it and I’m afraid to walk on that. A woman came up and said do you want to hang onto me? I said yes, please. When I came out, it was starting to melt. Found a few good things in there. Great niece is into Stitch found a toboggan and gloves with his picture on them for only $6.99. Text her mother does she have? NO. So I bought him. Stopped on the way home picked up. Little Caesars we have for Late lunch and maybe breakfast in the morning. And it is still cold here we are up to 31 and the sun is shining.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I THINK! I HOPE all this wacko stuff is done and over. I HOPE!!
      Ohhhh I hate the ice part of winter. It’s the worst. THANK heavens for nice people. Shame on the store for not throwing some salt or cat litter down on that black ice.

  • l p

    the day is going well. took care of all the outside chores in one go, which is a good thing as it’s now dull, chilly, and very windy. enjoy the day. thanks.
    PS – that’s three, Connie.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve just noticed Zac’s jacket – love it!

    Still very cold & had to cancel a Dr.’s appointment for the 2nd time ‘cos the car wouldn’t start. Got the charger on now so will try again tomorrow morning. My earache’s still niggling me so I really want to get it checked out. Other than that, I cleaned the fridge & that was the highlight of the day so far!

  • heather

    I am so happy to see that your blog is back I was worried. I tried to email you to let you know that it was down and my emails were returned as undeliverable I thought that was strange. It has been one busy crazy week for me had a loved on in the hospital for a week and now things are finally looking up thank the Lord.

  • Annalisa Kraft

    It is very cold outside here todaay so I think I will just stay in and clean the house. Otherwise, doing okay not much of anything going on.

  • Kim Henrichs

    Today I woke up with terrible shoulder pain so it can only go uphill from here!! I mean…christmas cookies for breakfast maybe? 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Thank you Connie for us up and running again! Well ladies I join you in the cold club it is 31 degrees here in Housten this morning! Talk about going from one weather condition to another..LOL..Well after breakfast this morning bundling up and walking to an art gallery that is about a mile away…Still awaiting news from the port – the ship should have ( ha ha ha ) docked last night….one can only hope…

  • l p

    the day is going well. getting things checked off the to-do list. this is my second day on the website – Connie you’re on a rrrrroll. hope it continues for you. thanks

  • Haley Ranee

    Hope everyone is having a great December! I can’t belive the year is already coming to an end! They say time flies when your having fun:)

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m sooo cold! Been wearing scarf, hat & gloves all day everyday for a week now, even in bed! Finally got my Christmas cards posted, a huge bag of laundry done & more catfood. Gloria, little Paddy, the shed kitten has been sleeping inside with mine the last couple of nights since it’s so icy outside and gets along pretty well with the others, thankfully. NO, Gloria, he will NOT be staying. Soon as car’s fixed, he can get his 2nd round of vaccinations & then it’s off to the rescue cenre to be re-homed.

  • Rose

    We are getting some rain and I’m glad it isn’t snow. We did have some snow already, that I love the thrill of the first quiet snowfall, after that I’m just as glad to see rain, no worries.

  • Polly Hall

    I like how this comment box is at the top and I do not have to scroll to the bottom of the page. By the end of the month it is quite a journey. Thank you for the change.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Hoorah!!! So good to have you lot back – thanks so much Connie for your perseverance or bloody mindedness, whichever it was that worked! Not sure if it’s connected but the blog looks different & the comment box is at the top???
    As for me, we’ve had snow, sleet, freezing fog & now ice on everything since the weekend. Oh, and Storm Darragh with winds of 140! My car’s still out of action (I can drive in a straight line & do bends but not corners). I shouldn’t drive it but I have been on a few jaunts just to keep the battery going.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Yay! You’re back! Not much happening here, same old same old. It has been sooooo cold here, freakishly cold for December, like in the teens. Wish I lived somewhere warm, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Connie so glad you are back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Missed you and so many others that have become friends.

    As for me a little of this and not much of that.

  • Connie The Head Peanut

    Ahhhhhhhh the joys of running a blog. NOT!!!! Having computer problems. IF comments disappear DO NOT WORRY!! I gotcha covered.

    So much fun…. so. much. fun. Can OPEN. WORMS. EVERYWHERE!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Our Thanksgiving was cancelled. MIL texted the whole family at FIVE in the morning a couple days before saying she was sick. So since we weren’t getting together, the big announcement was made on Facebook. I’m going to be an aunt again!

  • gloria patterson

    I am OVER WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last 4 days were almost 35’s…………. This coming week we have one day that is to be high of 34 with 50% snow,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20’s at night.

    I bought this little side table 10 x 24 this table has 3 drawers……….. and fits the little space I have . I have worked on putting it together ALL day. And I have told myself to WALK AWAY to many times to count. Have put furniture together all my life with no problems. This little table……………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Rose

    Wowzer, making a New Year’s resolution hadn’t crossed my mind yet. And now I know it would be the same one I seem to kick the can year after year, to lose weight. The earth would be more buoyant in the sky if everyone lost the weight they wanted in their resolution!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    If I do make resolutions this year, and I don’t know if I will, they will be the same ones I make every time! Lose weight being at the top of my list.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m going to go out on a limb here, Connie, and say you re-used last December’s word list!!! Go read them. Trust me. LOL.

  • Rose

    This day flew by! A catch-up day after the holiday. But discoved how to make good sweet potato “fries,” and made some bars with date paste. Healthy but all still yummy.

  • Heather

    Happy December! Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. I have been taking care of a sick loved one so it has been a very stressful time here.

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