EASY! Kids Carseat Safety Tip!!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were in a car accident and unable to give information about your infant or child??  I drive around with a very important and precious Grandbaby named Alice. Let’s say GOD FORBID, I’m in an accident? What if I was unconscious?  What then??  I have a simple, easy tip that is my number one carseat safety tip!

Using a label maker (DYMO has one on sale right now for $19.99) print “EMERGENCY INFO IN POUCH ON REAR OF CHILD SEAT” 
Place a sticker on BOTH sides of the car seat so emergency personnel or law enforcement can easily read it.

I printed each child’s full name, age, insurance information, known allergies, doctor’s name, and who to call with all the phone numbers work, cell and home.  Place that in the pocket that holds the extra anchor belt that is on all new car seats. It’s directly behind the headrest on the Britax Marathon70  Obviously, you decide where you want your information packet, just keep in mind that medical and police personnel will want to locate it quickly.

Carseat Safety Car seat label placement


In effort to be helpful I wanted to put a picture of a car crash to sorta drive home my point…….I found this one scared the (*#&$* out of me!!  I may never go across a bridge again!!

carseat safety tip! car accident

Be sure and click the picture to see the whole video!  WOW!! OHMYGOD WOW!!!  You, can’t tell me this family doesn’t have a team of Guardian Angels!

Now might be the time to check ways to improve your car safety.


  • Patricia Williams

    I love this idea. I watch my grandsons several days a week and they are in my car a lot. I am getting a new granddaughter in a few weeks and will have her when mommy goes back to work. I have already talked to my daughter about getting all the info I need. Thanks for the idea.

  • desitheblonde

    seen that and done that i now about the thing on the seat and had to get my gf some stuff flrom the fire detp for her seat

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