Exuviance’s Age REVERSE Toning Neck Cream Review

I am a HUGE fan of Exuviance products! Starting with the Bionic Oxygen Facial. MAN! I love that stuff!! Tiny little bubbles all over my face!! It’s like a champagne facial!

I was so excited to be offered Exuviance’s Age REVERSE Toning Neck Cream. I sleep on my side. That’s bad! That’s really really bad for me, especially since I’ve put on so much weight in the last couple of years! I now have these deep craters of lines on my chest. (I can’t catch a break!) My neck and decolletage are in some serious need of rescuing. (Nows a good as time as any to write myself a note for my next life!)

Dear Younger Self.

There are several things I need to tell you. Everything gets better. Have more fun. Learn to love to exercise trust me on this one!! You need to eat better, container size doesn’t necessarily mean serving size. Take very good care of your face. Never go to bed with makeup on. NO matter how tired you are. Always wear sunscreen and for heaven sakes please take care of your NECK!!

I’ll write more later, but those are very important starting points!


Sorry, I sorta digressed there for a moment. In all seriousness, fighting the signs of aging is almost a full-time job!! You have to learn to take your skincare seriously from early on.

Neck BeforeYour neck really does show your age as much as your face and hands do. The neck really does get forgotten too often. That’s where Exuviance AGE REVERSE Toning Neck Cream comes in.  This is one very potent firming cream. It contains CitraFill® and NeoGlucosamine® to restore firmness, tone, and definition to the fragile neck and décolletage area and thankfully correcting the signs of UV overexposure and aging. In the 60’s did we ever use sunscreen? I wish I had.

You can not only see, but you can feel the ridges. (again…. aging??? NOT for sissies or the faint of heart!!)  BTW; how cute is that newly turned 5-year-old??

You take great care of the skin on your face, but what about your neck? This often forgotten area could use a little TLC too. Exuviance AGE REVERSE Toning Neck Cream is a potent firming formulation containing CitraFill® and NeoGlucosamine® to help restore firmness, tone, and definition to the fragile neck and décolletage while helping to correct signs of UV overexposure and aging. Full details on the product can be found here

I’ve been using AGE REVERSE for the last 7 days, every night before bed on clean dry skin. I am already seeing signs of improvement. As I run my fingers across my chest I can feel the ridges are much less pronounced.

When I first apply the Exuviance’s Age REVERSE Toning Neck Cream feels very smooth and soft. You don’t need a lot of product. The products absorbs fairly quickly and doesn’t leave behind any sticky residue.

the science of skin transformation™

EXUVIANCE® is created by Drs. Van Scott and Yu, widely recognized as leaders in the field of cosmetic dermatology. They discovered the antiaging benefits of Glycolic Acid and created and patented the first Glycolic Peel. Since their ground-breaking discovery, the creators of Exuviance have continued to develop many new patented antiaging ingredients backed by evidence from numerous scientific and clinical studies. Recognized around the world, Exuviance formulas are expertly developed to visibly transform skin by combining their patented innovations with the best, state of the art technologies available in dermatology today.


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I can not only feel a difference, I can see a difference. My skin feels soft with no irritation or adverse reactions. The ridges feel less pronounced. Exuviance truly proves that they are leaders in their field for a REASON!! Their products may seem to be a splurge but they are worth every single penny! I think this one is a necessity!

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  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, don’t remind me of my neck, lol. I need something for it. If this works, I would try it pretty darn quick.

  • Sarah L

    You and your creams and aging diatribes… Fun book: I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron

  • michele soyer

    Well to tell you the truth I have little faith in any of these creams but hey I guess they may work for some.. Seems like a possibly good product…

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