Golden Records Spooky Halloween!!

Last month I was lucky enough to review the first re-release of Golden Records. I loved ’em as a kid and I love being able to share them now with my Grandkids.  I am thrilled that they are releasing new and old together.  The first CD Golden Records released featured stories and songs by today’s celebrities in the Celebrity Series Golden Records and I am equally excited about the Golden Records Spooky Halloween Hits.
FUN!! Squeaking doors, organ music, scaring noises!! I love this CD!!  FUN kid songs for Halloween!! This CD is packed with 20 fun Golden Records hits that are perfect for any Halloween celebration!  All these songs are remastered and PERFECT!!!!
From “Halloween Dance,” “My Friend The Ghost,” and the all-time Wae Denning & Kay Lande favorite Golden classic, “Halloween Macabre.”
Available on Amazon and on iTunes
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Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


  • Jan Lee

    I used to love having Golden Records as a kid… now that dates me, haha I remember I got a record player for my birthday when I was 10 or so, and I played all the ones I would get for holidays or my birthday. I have to say it was fun to play them on 78 speed too, lol All the ones I got tho were 45’s, lol again dating myself. Thanks for the review, brings back many fond memories 🙂

  • Patricia Williams

    I love children CDs. I have grandchildren a lot and I don’t like them to listen to the radio since I can’t always censor what they are hearing. They love music so CDs are the answer for us. 2of them are old enough to understand Halloween now and they would live this. By the way, I won the Peanut Butter Jelly cd giveaway. My guys love this cd. Thank you so much.

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