Hello 2021 $50 Giveaway #giveaway
Happy New Year little Peanuts! Giveaway Time!
Wooooohooooo GOODBYE 2020!!
I am racking my brain trying to have any kind of an update for my giveaway post. Man 2020 really screwed things up, right?!? I didn’t travel, I didn’t do anything exciting.
I use WAZE as my map app. THIS is how boring my entire year was!!
I went 411 miles ALL YEAR!?!? No wonder my I’m having such a hard time coming up with something to write! We didn’t even get our first snow until New Years Eve! I was starting to believe Mother Nature left Sandpoint Idaho off the snow list! 2020…. just a screwy year all the way around.
I can’t wait to see if Emmet’s (Thank you Tamra for naming him) carrot nose lasts all night. I am hoping my hat doesn’t disappear either.
Good luck Emmet!
My metal snowman was buried in 10” of snow at around noon. It hasn’t stopped snowing either. You suppose we are getting our entire 86” in one storm!?!? That is a lot of snow!
Now for the real reason you are here!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. I– am blown away by your support!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Kate Sarsfield
I love re-reading these entries. Funny how time flies!
Kate Sarsfield
Re-reading last January’s entries. Seems so far away now. Wonder where I’ll be in January 2022?
Kate Sarsfield
Congratulations to B. whoever you are! Hope you used your prize well (or not as the case may be!).
megan allen
Today we went to my moms and my heart was full watching her play with my babies!!
Crystal K
Have been away from this blog awhile but I’m having a good day! Things have been busy with kids and work, but that’s good I guess!
Shelly Peterson
Today was my sons 18th birthday. So we drove to Idaho to have dinner since most of our restaurants aren’t open.
Tamra Phelps
Kind of glad to see the end of this month. It’s felt a little too 2020-ish, lol.
My day has gone well so far. It is supposed to get colder tonight. We might have snow showers tomorrow.
Dana Rodriguez
Busy Busy Sunday as usual. I hope you had a good day!
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then went by the new car wash but it was closed. Then put gas in my car.
l p
it’s a good day – not to windy so it’s easier to get outside and get some chores done. thanks
It has been a rough day so far – I so need a vacation and soon.
Veronica Reed
My day isn’t going too bad so far. Not 100% yet but so far at least I’m doing better than I was yesterday
Annmarie Weeks
Well it’s only 9:45 or so on a Sunday, but I’ve already been to Starbucks to get iced chai (before the snow is expected. It doesn’t snow much here at the beach in MD, but they expect icy roads & I refuse to deal with that if I don’t have to). No real plans for the day, laundry is all caught up, and I’m checking email & catching up with friends online. So a good day so far.
Kelly Kimmell
Up early this morning, everything is going okay so far.
Kate Sarsfield
The first snowdrops are out in the garden and the birds are singing their heads off – if it wasn’t for the incessant rain it’d be lovely!
Jamie Martin
My back hurts, but my heart is so, so warm and full. How’s that for a good day?
Shelly Peterson
Today was a good day. I ran some errands with my daughter and grandson and then we had a little family Birthday celebration for my other grandson.
Tamra Phelps
Well, with January nearly over, Spring feels closer. It’ll be nice to see the sun again, lol and possibly get outside for walking if I get my knee surgery by then.
Sarah L
Just got the $100 Paypal that I won yesterday. That was quick and very welcome.
Kate Sarsfield
Yay! That’ll certainly come in handy – enjoy!
I did 2 weeks worth of shopping yesterday so today I’m just kind of lounging around the house.
My day is going pretty well just getting ready for a nice quiet weekend. I am going to binge watch some of my favorite television shows.
megan allen
Today is my sweet babys first birthday!! I am one sad moma! I dont want him to grow up! He is so precious!
Kelly Kimmell
It’s been a busy day, I have gotten a lot done. Now I just want to relax.
Veronica Reed
Aside from being ill, my day is going ok. This illness really needs to go away though. My temp is currently 100.8 and I’m tempted to stick my head in the freezer just to cool down. Miserable and buh..
Day is going good, sunny but brrrry cold, so staying in. Haven’t been scrubbing today, but still trying to get a few things done. I ordered a magnet that can be used to find studs in the wall (it will find the nails), instead of getting a studfinder. Let’s see if it works.
molli taylor
doing good this morning! sleeping in and replacing!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m still collecting litres of water everyday from the damp room but it does feel warmer in there. Other than that & a little bit of painting there’s not a lot happening.
Michele Soyer
The funeral was yesterday .. so incredibly sad…today I have to get back to some sort of work normalcy…tomorrow I will bake something to bring to my neighbour….spent everyday with the mum since last Sunday so today I will stay home and give her some privacy….
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Michele, such heartbreak is so hard to bear. That’s why we have friends like you xxx
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to do dialysis. Then my grandson came over and we picked up Chinese food.
Jamie Martin
It’s been a long, but loving day, but I’m falling asleep at my desk!
Dana Rodriguez
BRR it is cold here. I did get a lot accomplished today. TGIF.
My day went pretty well did a little shopping today with two masks on. I just got a few items from the grocery store and then came home.
megan allen
Tomorrow my last baby will be ONE YEAR OLD!! wahhh!! My heart is breaking! It went too fast!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. Sun is shining, snow has melted.
Kayla Klontz
My day went smoothly, I love Fridays!
Wow, so many comments!! A big cold wave came in last night, and so I’m hunkered down. Doing more cleaning, rearranging, and even managing to throw a few things out not worth donating, etc. It feels good to take a break and see what the peanuts are up to.
Veronica Reed
Today is not really a great day. My throat still hurts, I have a fever, and now I have kidney pain. 🙁
My day is going fine so far. I got up extra early today. It is extra cold this morning.
Kate Sarsfield
My hip’s bad again today & kept me awake last night. So much for the steroid injection. This has been going on almost 3 years now – how long do tendons take to mend? I don’t want to take painkillers because I know I’ll go bonkers on the house/garden!
Shelly Peterson
Today was a day of relaxation.
megan allen
The kids were able to play in the snow today! It melted fast!
Tamra Phelps
It snowed a few inches last night. Other than that, nothing much is worth telling about, lol.
Dana Rodriguez
I was really tired today because one of our cats kept me up with her shennagins. I should sleep tonight!
Sarah L
Good swim today. There were 2 other ladies at the pool who also have had their Covid vaccines. Then a trip to the grocery store to get my groceries put in my trunk.
It has been a good day so far. In the wee morning hours it started to snow. There is still snow in the shade, but it has melted in the sunny spots.
It snowed last night. I am enjoying looking out at the snow. It doesn’t snow much here and I think it’s beautiful.
You didn’t drive hardly at all, sounds like you’ve been careful about Covid. I just recently checked this app as I’ve heard of it, I didn’t realize it has this feature – nice!
Veronica Reed
My day isn’t going too badly so far. Throat still sore and pretty tired, but other than that hoping I’m on the mend
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Thursday everyone! Not much happening in my little corner of the world.
Shelly Peterson
Today was just a typical dialysis day. We did get some more snow today
Tamra Phelps
It’s snowing out there. They seem a little iffy about how much we’ll get…so, it could be nasty or nothing. I hate when they do that, lol.
megan allen
It is snowing here! The kids are sad because its dark now but we are hoping tomorrow will be fun in the snow!
Sarah L
My arm is still a little sore after my shot, but no other symptoms. Sunshine today after the snow yesterday.
Dana Rodriguez
Pretty busy day but a good one. I needed to make an online order but never found the time.
Day is going along at a rapid clip! Slow down, time! I’ve been making calls and finding out info for helping my relatives 75+ to sign up and get squared for the Covid vaccination, that is the minimum age group right now, except for people with certain medical conditions.
l p
it’s a good day – gently snowing but not much wind to make things hazardous. very grateful for what we have. thanks
Veronica Reed
Hi, my day is going as well as can be expected. I’m still sick. Throat very sore today. I’ll just be happy when I clear this virus.
Kate Sarsfield
Another chimney cleaned & another sack of sodden twigs – no flipping wonder the wall’s damp. He’s fitted cages on top so hopefully the wall will dry out and I can just do a cosmetic job rather than have to strip it right back & have to pay to get it re-plastered etc.
Kelly Kimmell
Today is starting out much better than the last few. I was finally able to get some sleep again last night. We have some snow heading in later today too.
Shelly Peterson
I was up late getting my daughter from the airport last night and she stayed the night. She was up early for work there for I was. I’m hoping to get to bed early tonight.
Sarah L
Just got my first Covid-19 vaccine shot and an appointment for the 2nd one Feb 23rd. It was a cold and snowy morning but the roads were good for the trip across town. Treated myself to a sausage mcmuffin with egg for breakfast afterwards.
Dana Rodriguez
It was in the 70s here today :O Bak to reality tomorrow though. My guy was not feeling good so he came home early from work so that kind of messed my daily routine up.
My day is going pretty well today just getting ready for a big snow storm and boy is it cold outside right now.
megan allen
My sweet baby is still not feeling well. There has been a lot of lovin and cuddling today!
It is snowing and the air has that tranquility that only snowflakes bring. I’m working on scrubbing in the kitchen, I’m wondering if all the efforts from this elbow grease will make a difference, since I cant afford to renovate. Floors, counters, etc., are over 70 years old.
Veronica Reed
So far today is not going too bad but with this illness symptoms fluctuate throughout so we shall see. Hope you are having a great day!
Kate Sarsfield
The chimney sweeps coming again today to sort the other chimney out. Just in time; those jackdaws are beginning to pair up already. It’s raining so I hope he can get on the roof to put the guards on the chimney pots. Other than that, lots of calls on radio, tv, social media etc. for a Zero-Covid approach, i.e. closing borders & complete lockdown for a couple of weeks/months and 24/7 vaccination centres, rather than ‘living with’ crisis after crisis. The health care system is at bursting point. We’ll see, but I don’t have any faith in our Government (a 3-way coalition) to make any definitive decisions.
Michele Soyer
Off to the vet this morning for the kittens shots…have to try and compose myself and stop crying for my dear neighbor….
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, Michele. Life doesn’t get any easier, does it?
Kelly Kimmell
Woke up way too early this morning. It’s just too early to tell how the day is going yet, lol.
Shelly Peterson
I’m glad I can access your blog again. Today I had dialysis.
My day is going better today, I was able to make it to the grocery store and was able to stock up and make it back home before we get a BIG snow storm so WooHoo!
Sarah L
Got through to Kaiser and I have my Covid vaccine scheduled for tomorrow morning. My usual Kaiser facility is just a couple of miles from me, but they didn’t have any appointments. So I get to drive 30 minute across town to another facility to get my shot. I’m just happy to get it and that I have my car to drive there. Then I did a few errands and got 5 books from the library.
Kate Sarsfield
Yay! Good news at last!
Dana Rodriguez
I was super tired today but it was productive Monday. I got a lot accomplished.
Tamra Phelps
It’s still raining today. I’m sitting here wondering if I want lasagna enough to actually make it, lol.
Snowstorm coming in tomorrow. I timed it right this time and got the things needed to tide me over a few days, I hope, anyway.
My day is going fine so far. I am working on a big project at home. It is overcast today.
Veronica Reed
Today is pretty much the same as the last several days. No fun. I’ll be happy when I’m feeling better
Kelly Kimmell
I did not sleep very well at all last night. So, today is starting out a little rough.
Kate Sarsfield
I have the best of both worlds: if I go out the back of the house it’s sunny & dry, go out the front and there’s snow everywhere!
Michele Soyer
A very dear friend in the village here passed away yesterday…what a shock.. a lovely young man who had so much potential….sometimes life just makes us so very sad….
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, how horrible. Life is so hard sometimes.
Tamra Phelps
Life really does turn on a dime. I’m sorry to hear about a young life lost.
megan allen
My baby is finally starting to get a little better from a double earache! It has been eventful around here!
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then she gave me some roast pork with gravy to take home for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
It started raining last night and it hasn’t stopped yet. Just a cold, rainy day. Good for staying in and doing nada–so I did, lol.
l p
it’s going well despite the cold and high wind factor. grateful to have a place to stay, warm clothes, and food to eat. thanks
Wow, this day went by fast! I’m finishing up doing dishes from making a soup in the slow cooker. It came out good, another beef and barley with beans. I’ve been looking up youtube videos for how to do some small fixes, like water stains on my parquet floor, and trying things out.
It is snowing here a little right now and we are supposed to get a ton of snow over the next few days. We sure need it but I needed a few things from the store and wasn’t able to get there so I will have to make do.
Veronica Reed
My day is going very meh. It is not ok to wake up and not be able to smell the coffee. I have now lost my sense of smell and am very unhappy about it. I can still taste the coffee though so that’s good.
Kelly Kimmell
It’s been a quiet morning so far. We did our Bible devotional and just trying to have a relaxing day.
Kate Sarsfield
Snow!!! It started 10-ish last night & we got about an inch. It’s gone from wherever the sun has hit but it’s still lovely. And that wonderful silence! And yes, I did go out in it last night & whirled around sticking my tongue out to catch the flakes!
Jamie Martin
I just hope things start looking up and swiftly.
Sarah L
Listening to a live concert by Chris Williamson. Such a wonderful singer/song writer.
This day was nice and sunny, so I did some “spring” cleaning, with a toothbrush, and things like the top of the refrigerator, etc. It seems to be starting to stay lighter a little longer, so loving that!
My day is going pretty well just binge watching Netflix’s The Crown excellent show.
Veronica Reed
My day isn’t really going that great, to be totally honest. Still sick and feeling miserable.
Kelly Kimmell
I slept in this morning and the sun is out! So, I’d have to say it’s a good start so far.
Kate Sarsfield
My sis has lent me her big, super-duper dehumidifier for the room with the damp chimneybreast. I’m amazed how much water (2 litres so far today) it’s collecting and it’s heating the room as well.
Michele Soyer
Looking at the weather gloomy and rainy but I have to do laundry and some tree work…First I plan on baking some cookies and relaxing.. waiting to see if the sun comes out!
Dana Rodriguez
Lot’s of weird dreams last night so I am tired. But so glad it is Friday!
Sarah L
Quiet day today. Cloudy but not cold. I like ginger ale so I decided to try ginger beer (non alcoholic). It has a bit of a bite from the real ginger used.
Kate Sarsfield
We used to always have a bottle of (non-alcoholic) Stone’s Ginger Wine in the house. Gorgeous stuff! Dad & I made vegetable marrow & ginger wine one year that’d blow your socks off!
My day is going pretty good just doing a lot of baking today and getting the house warmed up we may finally see some much needed snow here.
I walked to town today, brrrry cold out, but I had my new fleece lined leggings luv luv how warm they are. I’m trying to find a way for an elderly relative to get her Covid vaccination, they are vaccinating people 75 and over in our area. I don’t have a car to be able to help, very frustrating.
Veronica Reed
Not feeling great today. Couldn’t sleep much. Just tired and achy and blah.
Today has been going fine so far. We did some extra chores today. It is cool and overcast today.
Kate Sarsfield
Idris the wonder cat got lost yesterday. I had visions of him being stuck in the chimney sweep’s van but no, the daft cat had got locked into the garage. I finally heard him in the wee hours of a very icy night. What I can’t understand is how he got in there in the first place. Turns out my sister had been up to put stuff in the recycling bins that I keep there. Phew!
Michele Soyer
Glad you found him…Cats wind up in the darnest places!!!
Jamie Martin
My mouth is hurting from my wisdom teeth removal a whopping seven weeks ago.
Kelly Kimmell
Been a quiet morning so far. Hoping for a good rest of the day.
Michele Soyer
Called the vet and made appointments for the kitty’s shots…. the Ministry of Health announced that the variant from the UK and South Africa is here…our borders are closed BUT the country re-patriated numerous citizens and they came in on many flights from the UK, Ca, and the US… many of these citizens have been stranded abroad since March….you cannot keep them out indefinitely….one must be fair and now one must be seriously health aware…
Shelly Peterson
Today I relaxed a bit. Then I took my grandson birthday shopping and for ice cream
Sarah L
Good swim today. I’m wearing the new, soft bamboo PJs that I won from Cariloha. The blanket is on my bed. I love winning useful things.
Tamra Phelps
It seems that it only stays daylight for a few hours these days, lol. Man Winter can’t end soon enough for me.
My day went very well I did some pet parent shopping today for my babies love buying them new beds and toys.
Dana Rodriguez
Turned colder here again today. And very cloudy. Nothing real exciting happened I can think of.
Veronica Reed
My day could be going a lot better. We were told today that we have covid so not too happy about that. So far it’s manageable at least, but certainly no fun
Day is going along! I’m cleaning the mini-blinds, this time without taking them down. Wow, I’m amazed at how time consuming it is, partly because I’m being fussy. Washing curtains, too, dust is kicking up my allergies, but I’m starting “spring cleaning” early this year, dust can’t stop me!
Kate Sarsfield
Wear a mask, Rosie! Works wonders. Or pop some Vaseline/similar around your nostrils – it’ll catch the dust. Just blow your nose afterwards.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just had a chimney sweep in to ’empty’ the chimneys. 20 years of jackdaw nests, feathers, bones etc. No wonder the chimney breast is damp. He’s coming back next week to do another one so hopefully that’s the problem sorted.
Kelly Kimmell
Today is starting out pretty well. I had a good night’s rest last night, that always helps.
Jamie Martin
It just started, but it’s still moving slowly. Time to goooooooooo.
Michele Soyer
Gaga.. Lopez.. the Poet Laureate. a speech that was wonderful… what a glorious inauguration day….
Kate Sarsfield
I went to bed to watch it but fell asleep & missed it!
Shelly Peterson
I’m not feeling the greatest today. I’m hoping to go to bed soon
I have had a good day so far. I got some chores done. I enjoyed watching a Cary Grant movie.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Warm but windy.
I am having a great day! The sky is blue and the birds are singing! Even the animals are happy today wonder why??????
Tamra Phelps
I’m just sitting here online, listening to classic rock, having watched the inauguration. So, not much going on here, but hopefully things will get better soon and we can all come out of our houses.
Michele Soyer
Yes….positive things from this point on…
Kate Sarsfield
It’s like a great cloud has lifted!
Kate Sarsfield
Any luck with your lion? It rings bells & spent hours on Google but just can’t place it.
Dana Rodriguez
Another day of laundry for me. YAY! Other than that pretty good!
Day is flying by. I just ladeled a chicken soup out of the slow cooker. Chicken with lots of good veggies and homemade egg noodles. I sampled it, then had two big bowls. I guess that was lunch and dinner. Watching the news flipping between Biden inauguration and the excavation of dirt where the state police think a woman who was murdered was buried. Not getting much done today, I guess.
Veronica Vasquez
Today is a slow dreary day here. Still not feeling great.
Jamie Martin
I just wish I could be drunk right now.
Kelly Kimmell
It’s laundry day again! Where do all the dirty clothes come from? lol. Today is going okay so far.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s still pouring down out there. Three days now with no let-up but I just switch on the Christmas lights and then feel a lot better!
Michele Soyer
All went very well at the dentist and now only a visit in March for a cleaning…Today I plan on staying inside, baking then watching the inauguration….finally I can proud to be an American after the last 4 years of…………
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t do much today. I did do a little cleaning
It has been just one of those days where nothing seemed to go right!
Sarah L
Infusion day for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. When I started this 15 years ago it took 3 hours to infuse. Last year the doctor dropped it down to one hour. Today it was 30 minutes. Stopped and picked up a pizza for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
I am so ready for Summer. Cold just does me in, lol. It’s too cold.
megan allen
Today I learned that if my six year old thinks when school work is finished he can go to his Geddies house ..he gets done ALOT faster. So this means he could have gotten done a lot faster all along!!
Dana Rodriguez
Been a pretty relaxing day for me. About to start dinner here 🙂
Day is going good- hard to believe it is late afternoon already!! Taking a break from chores to see what the peanuts are up to!
Veronica Vasquez
My day is not going too great. I feel miserable. We did Covid testing yesterday and are waiting for the results. I didn’t sleep well last night.. feverish nightmares are no fun. And today my chest is tight and I just feel blah..
Kelly Kimmell
Sun is out for a change today. Gotten a lot done, but still feel a bit depressed for some reason.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m a bit sore from yesterday’s injection and as it’s teeming down outside I’m just going to stay warm and have an easy day!
Michele Soyer
Well today is dentist day…yeah…well after going around to the shoppes then home….hopefully I will get back early enough to do some transplants….
Shelly Peterson
Today I had dialysis. I’m really tired today.
Sarah L
Picked up my grocery order. They didn’t have the dill pickles I wanted. I am trying some Jones ginger beer. Getting frisky in my orders…..
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s been a cold, stay inside kind of day. I made soup, –beef broth, chopped potatoes, onion, green & red peppers, diced ham–so, that warmed me up. And I put in liberal amounts of black pepper, which I love, so that heated it up, too!
Michele Soyer
Sounds wonderful! and very healthy…
Kate Sarsfield
Have you ever tried ground black pepper on strawberries? Absolutely scrummy!
My day has gone well. The weather is getting colder. No forecast for snow, however.
Dana Rodriguez
Typical Monday here.. I always dread the return of Meanday lol
Jamie Martin
I just want to sleep in my hammock on a warm day!
My day is going ok I am watching a movie and doing stuff on the computer.
Cathy French
So far today has been productive. Have gotten some chores done that I had been putting off. Now, the refrigerator is cleaned out and I can see the shelves!
Not very often does it happen, thankfully, but I feel like crap today. I think it is my allergies kicking up from doing things around the condo that got a lot of old dust up my sinuses. I’m reeling and sneezing, about all I could do of things I need to get done is some shredding, hours, have been doing that for a couple of hours, it doesn’t require thinking or moving.
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going as well as can be for a Monday where I am sick. Throat still hurts and still feel crummy.
Kelly Kimmell
Not much happening today, don’t feel very good.
l p
it’s going well – found a couple of things that had been misplaced so it’s a good day. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
I’m just back from Dublin & my steroid injection (using ultrasound). The 2-way journey usually takes 5+ hours but with the travel restrictions it only took 3. Stopped for a click & collect of more paint on the way home. I’ll be self-isolating (just in case) for 2 weeks so I’ll need something to do.
I use waze, too. My data would probably look similar. I’ve enjoyed being home, though!
Shelly Peterson
Today I picked up groceries. Then I went and spent time with my daughter and grandson and we ordered pizza.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then we went to her house and I installed the DVD player I got her for Christmas.
My day is going pretty well just doing some cleaning and staying close to home.
molli taylor
i slept in till 10 today! that is llike totally unheard of!
Day is going good, getting some organizing done. My faux hydrangeas blue and white I got online came, and I put them in the vase, and just ordered a few more stems to help it fill out. Makes me think of spring!
Veronica Vasquez
Ugh. I so looked forward to this weekend and I’m sick. There’s just something inherently wrong about being sick on the weekend. I want to rest because it’s the weekend, not because my body won’t give me any other choice. So yeah, that sums up how my day is going.
Jamie Martin
Thanks for asking, I’m getting snuggly whilst having tea & malt o meal.
l p
A dull day that’s good for driving as there’s no sun glare.
Kelly Kimmell
Cold and snowy start to the day. Going to hopefully stay in where it is warm all day and relax. Hope you are having a nice Sunday.
Kate Sarsfield
I got 7 hours sleep last night!!! 7 hours in one night; that hasn’t happened in months. It’s not even lunchtime and I’ve started to yawn again so might go for a nap. Off to Dublin early tomorrow for my injection.
Michele Soyer
Sunday.. plan on baking today then doing my usual relaxing routine… reading, music and checking on my ill neighbour who was released from hospital….
Shelly Peterson
Today I got coffee with my daughter. Then later we had a family dinner and now we’re playing games.
Megan Allen
I actually got cleaning done today, a grocery trip and played with the kiddos!! Whoop whoop! I hope everyone had a great day!
Sarah L
My big excitement today was driving downtown to get a bone scan. I dressed for the occasion in comfy sweats with no metal and no bra so I didn’t have to undress for it. I treated myself to some Good Times green chili cheese fries.
My day is going pretty well just stocked up on goodies for the weekend.
Cindy Merrill
My day is going alright, I just wish we could dine out, but that’s not possible.
l p
The day is going well. Lots of positive energy around and lots getting done.
Day is going good, a quiet sort of Saturday, so far. It just stopped raining a little bit ago, so I’m going outside for a little while before it gets dark.
Kelly Kimmell
Woke up to a bit of snow this morning. Been trying to get some things done around the house.
Tamra Phelps
Well, we got a little snow last night, just an inch or so. Roads are clear though, so that’s good. So far, my niece is just having mild COVID symptoms, fingers crossed it stays that way. And fingers crossed that the others don’t get it. (Her Mom had it a few months ago, so is probably still immune (they say up to five months immunity after having it, last I heard.) I’m most concerned about one of her brothers because he has asthma, and any lung issues seem to make it worse.
Veronica Vasquez
I am glad it is Saturday. But I feel crummy. Woke up feeling like I was being stabbed in the throat by needles and my nose is stopped up. This is no fun. I’m hoping it’s just allergies. It was extremely windy here yesterday.
Today has been fine so far. The weather is overcast. It is not too cold right now.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a really sad day. A lady died last week from complications of Crohn’s Disease. Much loved by everyone who knew her. You know, one of those cheery women who’s always kind and friendly. Obviously couldn’t attend in person but watched the Mass on FB.
Tamra Phelps
One of the saddest parts of this lockdown has been not getting to pay last respects go people. Of course, the saddest thing was thinking of all those who’ve died alone because their families couldn’t be with them. Heartbreaking.
Michele Soyer
When an ambulance comes thru this little village at night everyone goes either goes to their open window or into the road….I am the open window type…today I shall try to reach the family to see what happened and if there is anything I can do to help…food is always a good choice at a time like this….
Tamra Phelps
Same here in this little area with apartments and small homes. Everyone knows even if the ambulance doesn’t use the siren because you can see the flashing blue lights even through the curtains.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. Its been a long day. I am ready for the weekend
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Tuna casserole for dinner.
Dana Rodriguez
Cold and rainy. But it is Friday!! And that makes me happy 🙂
molli taylor
the mid month stress is getting to me but i should be ok!
My day is going great today just doing stuff around the house and online.
Day is going good. I broke down and bought a small handbag on Poshmark. One that you’d probably use when you don’t need to haul everything including the kitchen sink, more for when you are going to have fun, thinking ahead to post-Covid days! I’m getting chores done, and a new batch of chocolate bark, this one has some peanut butter and chopped peanuts, is cooling in the refrigerator.
Veronica Vasquez
Today is dreary, cold, and windy. The perfect day to hide under the covers and sleep all day. But, alas, I can’t, so today is going meh.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve got another appointment for my steroid injection. I had to cancel last week’s because of the car. It’s on Monday morning and I’ve decided to go. With the Covid numbers it’s a risk but when you’re in pain & can’t sleep or do anything I have to do something. I’ll self-isolate for 2 weeks after that (mind you that’s easy!).
Today has been fine so far. I have been going through some of my book collection. One day is much like the next at home.
Kelly Kimmell
Woke up to snow showers this morning. But it’s a good day so far.
Michele Soyer
Today is chlorine day.. my bucket of said product, hard broom and off I go to clean all the walkways and small bridges on the land.. this will be a long day so better get started early….
Shelly Peterson
Today I did some running around trying to find an ink cartridge for my printer. Then I took my son to the DMV.
Megan Allen
I can definitely tell its a Thursday! Very rough day but I’m hoping for some relaxation this weekend!! Happy almost Friday everyone!
My day is going ok, just got home from going to several stores stocking up for the next week not sure what is going to happen and want to be ready here at home with plenty of food and water.
Sarah L
Good news today. I won a $200 GC to Cariloha bamboo. Already got the GC and went to the site and ordered. Got these:
Bamboo Sleep Pants – Birds of Paradise
Sherpa Bamboo Knit Throw – Stone
Women’s Bamboo Long Sleeve Tee – Black
Michele Soyer
Congrats to you!
Kate Sarsfield
Wow! May you wear them well!
Dana Rodriguez
Pretty good day here except one of the cats barfed hairballs in the home office. Looking forward to the weekend.
I got up early today, 4:45 am, and have been busy all day, nothing special, but so many little things to do. I used to get up that time every day, I should get back to it!
Cathy French
It is another dreary cold day here in central Ohio. Today getting some much needed chores done…almost the weekend!
Nothing major going on today. It is sleeting/snowing so I am glad I am not working today!
Veronica Vasquez
Today is going okay. Glad it is Almost Friday! This has been a rough week. So far 2021 is looking A LOT like 2020..
My day is going fine so far. The sun is out and the weather is nice. I finished reorganizing the pantry.
Kelly Kimmell
The sun is out for a change here, so that is always nice. Have a bit of a headache this morning, hoping it will go away soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday I had a bit of a brainwave. Mum & Dad had a large wooden bed head attached to the wall that’s been sitting in the bath since I painted their room. Well yesterday I was changing my bedding & turning the mattress when I realised that it would fit my bed frame. Put it in place, popped the mattress back and had a great night’s sleep. My hip didn’t twinge once.
Michele Soyer
Good for you…your sleep will be greatly improved….
Kate Sarsfield
I bought the wood to make a corner desk for my room. Has drawn out the plans & everything. Went off for a College workshop & Dad had pinched it for their room!
Shelly Peterson
Today was just a typical dialysis day. We had a bad windstorm come through last night and I couldn’t sleep. I was up at 3 am
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. I was scheduled for a mammogram on Friday, but the lady called and her machine broke. Next appointment is in March, but that’s really fine since June is when I should be getting it. I only made the appointment because I had a video call with my doctor last week and just went ahead.
Kate Sarsfield
I think you’re better off staying at home unless it’s absolutely vital, Sarah. These new mutations popping up everywhere are really scary.
Dana Rodriguez
I have been pretty busy today. Going to kick my feet up and watch some Netflix very soon.
Cathy French
Had a telehealth appointment today. First time I’ve ever done a face to face call and was really nervous but I figured it out and all was successful.
Kelly Kimmell
It was laundry day and then had to run an errand. Been quite busy and now I’m exhausted.
Tamra Phelps
Well, my brother came around today, brought my mail in but kept his mask on and only stayed a minute. I’m part of their ‘bubble’, as people say, but we still try to keep 6 feet distance–but usually he does take the mask off. Not today, though. Why? We found out Friday that my niece, who’s 17, has tested positive. Her best friend, who works at the same place my niece does, has tested positive, too. So…two weeks of quarantine all around. Again. But, thank God, she’s just having mild symptoms so far. Hope it gets better for her soon. (I haven’t been in direct contact with her since just before Christmas, but of course, I’ve seen my brother. So far the rest have all tested negative.)
Kate Sarsfield
Oh no! Rob must be worried sick. Keeping everything crossed that all goes well.
Day is going good. I walked to town this morning, and did a few chores and now I’m back, listening to a recording of a town meeting last night.
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok-ish. Looking forward to the weekend. This week seems to be dragging
My day is going fine. I have started a new project. I am organizing the pantry.
Kate Sarsfield
I got my car back yesterday & headed into the nearest supermarket for a masked dash to stock up. Couldn’t get over all the empty shelves due to Brexit delays in the UK. It will ease up but doesn’t help the Covid situation.
Michele Soyer
I got so distracted with the lovely day yesterday that I never cleaned the drains.. oh no…end of the world?? lol.. so today is drain cleaning day….
megan allen
Today I actually finished with the kids school work around 4 and was able to clean one of the bathrooms! Yay for me! Lol!
Tamra Phelps
Lately, I’ve been sitting up late and it’s starting to effect me. I feel soooooo tired all day. I think I need an early night, but by the time bedtime rolls around I’ll just be thinking ‘I’m not sleepy’ lol.
Sarah L
Good swim and then a scary trip to the other grocery store that carries my Calcium carbonate. Got their garlic bread. Haven’t had it in 9 months.
I am resting from doing a ton of running around yesterday.
Dana Rodriguez
Laundry day or me… again. I hope you are having a good day!
Dana Rodriguez
For is what I meant. Too many distractions in this house.
Day is going good. I had the lock company come and install a new doorknob, and all new keys, so one key works for the deadbolt, too. I can check this off the “to do” list – whoopee!!!
l p
it’s going well for the time being. hopefully it continues. thanks
Veronica Vasquez
Today so far has been busy, busy. My coffee is in need of more coffee.
Kelly Kimmell
Just kind of a blah day here, another dark, dreary start.
Kate Sarsfield
It looks like mice have got at the wiring in my car and it’s going to cost a couple of hundred Euro to fix – not the start to the New Year I was hoping for 🙁
Michele Soyer
Today is drain cleaning day…. If I start early I can get them all done with enough time to put my blue Lake beans in.. New Moon after all….set your intentions for the next month!
My day has just started. It is early. There’s no snow in the forecast.
Laura DeLaRosa
Today is my brother’s birthday. He would have been 46 years old. In March it will be 5 years since he passed away. I miss him so much.
Shelly Peterson
Today I had dialysis and didn’t do much else
megan allen
I tried to clean the bathroom three different times today..and failed. I finally got it clean a few minutes ago but still have to sweep and mop. The life of a mom with four is very busy!!!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Planning to swim THREE times this week. Haven’t done that in 10 months.
Cathy French
The start of a new year means a lot of new dr and test appointments need made. Made 2 today then next week I’ll start on the rest.
Veronica Vasquez
For a Monday today isn’t going quite that bad, at least not yet. Monday’s and I do not get along.
Day is going good, getting some chores done. Cold and dreary outside today, so I’m happy to not have to go out! Thinking about what I’d like to do for some crafts, Connie’s diamond paintings sound good!!
Kelly Kimmell
Been in a cooking mood today, getting ready to bake an apple crisp.
It looks like it could snow. The temperature is now quite low enough. It is a quiet day at home.
Kate Sarsfield
Took the car into the mechanics this morning and am now feeling very isolated! Living in the sticks is all very well but when there’s no transport … Sad news as well as there were 3 (not Covid) deaths locally over the weekend. Only 10 mourners allowed at funerals. How on earth do you choose?
Michele Soyer
Have my to-do list in hand and as soon as I finish breakfast out I go….Weeding and cleaning up debris from all the rain.. amazing the Met Office has declared that dry season has begun.. I guess they have not looked out their window lately…..
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t do much today other than run to the store.
Sarah L
Busy day. Got up early (well, early for me), went swimming, had a lovely 2 hour Zoom with Sage Singers. Now back online catching up. We had an inch of snow yesterday and sunny skies, but cold, today.
Laura DeLaRosa
My day is ok. It’s been a cold, rainy week. Watching the Bears/Saints game. I’m not rooting for anyone in particular since my team, the Broncos, aren’t in the playoffs. Time to figure out something for supper. I don’t feel like cooking, so I may order something.
Just cleaning and doing some laundry today.
Veronica Vasquez
Today is going bleh. Too close to Monday. This weekend has been going by wayyyy too fast. Need another.
Cathy French
Got up early today to get some chores done before the big NFL game tonight. Go Browns!
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t know what’s come over me but I went berserk with cleaning the house. Must be the longer stretch in the evenings.
Kelly Kimmell
It’s been a good start to the day, just a relaxing Sunday.
My day is going fine so far. As always, it is a quiet day. The sun is out and that is nice.
Michele Soyer
Hurray. a complete day off today….planning on doing nothing.. yes nothing.. the cats and Delilah looked up at me with sad faces and I told them no that does not include you…Delilah did a happy dance and the cats said we knew that….got to love them..
Shelly Peterson
Today I slept in. My daughter brought me over coffee and cinnabon. Then later we went to the casino and dinner. It was nice to get out.
I did quite a few chores today, and then spent a couple of hours chatting on the phone with one of my neighbors.
megan allen
Today I had to clean all day and take care of the 4 kiddos! I have no complaints! Hope everyone had a great day!
Tamra Phelps
It’s so dang cold here. I used to love Winter, but now, not so much. I think maybe I only liked Winter because snow days meant no school, lol.
Sarah L
I missed being here yesterday because I had to get a friend from the hospital and take her home and then my internet was out for 6 hours. I have to tell myself the the world will not end if I miss a day. Today very light snow.
Michele Soyer
Took down all the Christmas curtains and drapes and washed them and put them up until next year..5 loads.. then all the door mats… cleaned my room from stem to stern and changed the curtains/drapes in my room, the guest room, the dining room and my daughters room.. the kitchen and drawing room and the gallery will have to wait until next week…..I deserve a single malt and my book!!
My day is going pretty well today just doing a lot of reading online.
I’m in quite a bit of pain today. I’m just taking a me day and doing as much as I feel I can do,
Cathy French
I had some chores I really wanted to get done today but I’m a dragging just staying online. Oh well
Kate Sarsfield
Well, the car started and I took it for a long drive but the windows wouldn’t open. Today it started fine & the windows opened but now they won’t close – AGH!!! Probably just a fuse but now I’ll have to wait till Monday when I can get it to a mechanic. Covered the windows with cardboard & rugs for now. At least the weather’s dry.
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going alright, it seems to be one mishap after another though, it’s one of those days you just wanna lie in bed
Kelly Kimmell
Another dark, dreary start to the day. Not feeling too well either, I have an earache again.
Casey Garvey
Today went exceptionally smoothly. That is up until about 6pm. I should of knew or was the calm before the storm!
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to dialysis and came home to relax.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve done nothing much today. Cooked a stir-fry for dinner, and that’s about it, lol.
megan allen
Well the past 4 days I have been doing school work until 5-6 with kiddos. Yesterday one of my babies turned six and we had to have a mini party to hold him off until Sunday. This week has been crazy and im glad it’s over! I hope everyone is well!
Kathleen A Richardson
I’m doing alright today. I wasn’t feeling very well and took a nap and now I’m feeling a little better.
My day is going fine so far. The temperature is a little above freezing. We were supposed to get a fair amount of snow today. So far we have just had a few snowflakes.
Cathy French
I am having a non eventful day which is AWESOME!
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok. I’m glad it is finally Friday. Have a good weekend!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Lordy! Woke to discover that now, not only won’t the car start but now the battery charger won’t work!!! So I tried some negative psychology: start now or your going to the dump! The car started so a mad dash to get out of my pjs and into the car for a looong drive. Phew!
Kelly Kimmell
Sad start to the day, found out a friend has Covid and pneumonia, is in the hospital.
Michele Soyer
OK the party is truly over…time to get back to work…vacuum out but where is the ambition??
Shelly Peterson
Today I did some cleaning and grabbed some hamburgers with my daughter
l p
another gorgeous day weather-wise so it’s a good day. lots to do and lots done. thanks
Sarah L
Good swim today. Then dropped off some books at the library.
Dana Rodriguez
I am just disgusted today by everything that has been going on.
Michele Soyer
Today we took down both Christmas trees and all the inside decorations.. even boxed up the ceramic tree.. the Christmas village and all the other breakables I will do tomorrow…I am pooped!!
Things are going pretty good today just sticking close to home.
Kelly Kimmell
Things have gone pretty well so far today.
Cindy Merrill
Not so good, actually. My day so far has been very gloomy, the National news is too terrible to look at.
Veronica Vasquez
Feeling kind of crummy and tired this morning – glad it’s Almost Friday! Have a great day!
Kate Sarsfield
Bit of a mixed day today. Woke up early to get ready to head to Dublin for my injection to find out it’d snowed (a bit) so fed the birds & stuck my tongue out to catch snow. Dashed about, got in the car – bugger wouldn’t start. Completely flat battery. Rang the hospital & put the car on charge. All dressed up and nowhere to go! Hey ho!
megan allen
Today is a hard day for everyone..I hope everyone is well and healthy and is having a great start to a new year!
Sarah L
Trip to pick up groceries. Very sad about what’s happened today in Washington, DC.
molli taylor
im feeling kind of sick today but trying to stay productive~
My day is speeding by just doing stuff around the house today.
Cathy French
I woke up late this morning after ignoring the alarm clock so I have felt a bit rushed today. It has been a rather good day otherwise
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok. Just another day in lockdown. Supposed to rain all day and maybe snow
Kelly Kimmell
Today is going well, got an answer to a prayer, praise God. Hope your day is going well also.
Ken Ohl
Getting Ready for Work hope it’s a good day
Kate Sarsfield
I woke at 4am feeling cold so got up to put the heating on for a bit & I’m still pottering around 4 hours later. I’m having another injection in my hip tomorrow so hoping the roads will be ok. At least with lockdown the traffic won’t be bad.
I am very tired. I can’t sleep for some reason, so I came to the internet.
Shelly Peterson
Today I ran some errands.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a pretty good day. I’ve started a healthy diet because I want to be as healthy as possible when I have my knee surgery (no date yet or anything, but I have a little over a month before the next appointment and I want to use that time well.) So far, the diet is going well.
Kate Sarsfield
Good for you but why didn’t you wait till after your birthday?
Karen R
My Internet service was down this morning. Not good. Husband found a missing $50. Target gift card, good. Internet service working this evening. So, a mixed bag sort of day.
Sarah L
Had a video call with my PCP to go over medications and tests needed. Made appointments for bone density scan and a mammogram. Whee!
My day went fast, just got home from the store and a few other stops and it just wears me out trying to avoid close contact with the idiots out there that don’t seem to care about the pandemic!
megan allen
I didn’t get finished with kids schoolwork until about 30 minutes ago! So let’s just say it has been a long day! But I am still counting my blessings!
Dana Rodriguez
Biz as usual here. Has some nice comforting ham and bean soup I made and just did my daily routine.
Cathy French
Well I had a little bit of a scare this morning, the furnace wouldn’t kick on. Oh no! We just hada new one put in a couple years ago. Then I played with the thermastat and I think its just a new thermastat. Thanks goodness
Veronica Vasquez
Today is one of those days where there is not enough coffee in the universe
Kelly Kimmell
Laundry day again, so I was up early to get that done. Day is going okay so far.
Happy Tuesday, all! I am still working on a big project. The sky looks like it might snow, but the temperature is not low enough.
Kate Sarsfield
Hailstones, sleet and a wee bit of slushy snow. It’s bitterly cold though so no getting out into the fresh air.
Tamra Phelps
I always open the front door and stick my head out when I get up, just to ‘feel’ what kind of day it’s going to be. This morning it was sooooo cold!! I just said, ‘oh, hell, no’ and shut the door and turned on a space heater pointed directly at me, lol
Kate Sarsfield
Same here! Just got the bin in from the gate & fed the birds.
Shelly Peterson
Today I ran to Costco with my son and did some cleaning.
Shannon Gilchrist
I am exhausted today. I didn’t sleep well last night, and couldn’t even workout this morning. Work was super busy, came home, worked out, and now catching up on blogs and giveaways 🙂
Happy Monday! Today has gone fine so far. I am working on getting some chores done.
Tamra Phelps
Not a lot happening today. But that’s okay. I’m a big fan of non-drama, lol.
Dana Rodriguez
It is Monday so I was less than thrilled after a 2 day weekend lol
My day is going pretty well. We are getting some much needed rain and I love it.
Cathy French
So far I have been in pain this year but still hopeful for a better 2021. Gotta see the back dr soon.
Kate Sarsfield
The temps aren’t going over freezing at all this week so I’ve made a big pot of chilli which should last a few days. Other than that not doing anything at all today!
Veronica Vasquez
For a Monday, my day is not going too bad. Tired as can be though! My asthma is acting up a little. I’ll be happy when it warms up some
Kelly Kimmell
It’s going okay so far, at least the sun is shining for a change.
I have a full day of work planned and it is hard to get back into the swing of things after taking some PTO in December.
Michele Soyer
Have to get to work today…veggie transplants to do and a few loads of laundry.. the the day is breezy, sunny but slightly cool so it will dry.. lovely…. then back up to make sure all my lists for tomorrow are ready…not really thrilled about shopping but oh well….
Shelly Peterson
I had dialysis today. I will glad to get back on my regular schedule
Sarah L
A good swim with my friend. Broncos managed a touchdown but lost by 1 point. Arby’s tomorrow.
This was their last game of the season so I’m sad about no more Arby’s Bronco special.
Laurie Nykaza
Cleaning the kitchen then time to figure out dinner not much happening here
Dawn Keenan
It’s a great day today! The Ravens won and my hubby is cooking dinner. Win, Win!
It has been a busy day. I have been getting firewood in and now my back hurts.
megan allen
Trying to get cleaning done today and haven’t had a lot of luck lol. Hope everyone is well!
My day is going fine so far. It has warmed up a little. I am getting some chores done today.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve been listening to Handle’s Messiah and lots of other music today. Singing along, harking back to those days when Mum was musical director in musicals all over the country back in the early/mid ’70s. She always reckoned that I sang harmony in her womb and never stopped! I could hit the highest notes but she always said “NO! Sopranos are ten a penny, Kate, I need you down there to give balance and volume to the others”. So down there I stayed and am quite happy. I know my place!
Michele Soyer
Sounds like you had a lovely day….Mum appears to be a very enjoyable lady and talented too!!
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok. Not looking forward to Monday getting here. Three day weekends are great because you get more time but hard cuz you don’t want them to ever end
Kelly Kimmell
Good Sunday morning! We slept in a little today, did Bible devotions and just taking it easy.
Michele Soyer
Sunday.. well I saved Christmas Mass to watch today…long high mass and today I have the time…after that still have leftovers from New Years day so no cooking.. once again.. and this does get redundant. reading, relaxing and playing with the fur babies….
My day has been uneventful. I’ve had a lazy Saturday which involved sleeping in. The highlight was dinner. I made a huge batch of macaroni and tomatoes. Yum!
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to get my new phone set up and went to Chic Fil A with my daughter
Tamra Phelps
Here’s my comment on a post: I’m glad you named him Emmett, lo Every time I see him I think of Emmett Otter from that kids’ band; was he a muppet??? Or did he just sort of look like one??
Tamra Phelps
Well, 2020 will not be missed and I’m going to expect great things from 2021 just to make up for this last year, lol.
Dana Rodriguez
Pretty quiet rainy day here. We got take out because I didn’t feel like cooking.
molli taylor
in a little bit of pain but doing ok mostly.
l p
It’s going well so far. While on a walk, ran into someone I had lost touch with. It was a quick but great conversation.
My day is going pretty well today, got up early and did some shopping.
Sarah L
Another quiet day at home. Even the weather is quiet. Talked to my friend on the phone.
I am enjoying a relaxing day. My daughter took her kids to a friends for an over night stay. It’s very quiet here.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
It’s grey and cold here, so I’m using the day to put away all the holiday decorations.
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok. Just another lazy Saturday at home (or day that ends in y for that matter). Have a great day!
Kelly Kimmell
It’s been one of those mornings when nothing has gone right. Oh, well.
Kate Sarsfield
Let me think … so far today, I’ve got up, washed, fed the cat & birds. Time to go for the paper & get air in my tyres – I mean how exciting is my life? Then brekkie and going through last year’s calendar & starting this year’s.
Michele Soyer
Still taking some me time…Cleaning up 2020 paperwork, filing etc..Have to make a list for going out on Tuesday to the bulk shop and other village stores…in until dentist day at the end of the month…
Shelly Peterson
I made breakfast for my grandkids this morning. I’m tired today. I hope to get to bed soon.
Sarah L
Happy New Year! Missing the New Year’s day party my friend has given for 25 years.
Karen R
I had pumpkin pie for breakfast and pumpkin bread for lunch. I’m one happy girl.
Happy New Year! It’ going like it usually goes.
Veronica Vasquez
My day is going ok. Happy 2021! Here is hoping this year is better for all!
Laurie Nykaza
Happy New Year were just watching movies today and going to bbq its so nice out today.
My day is going pretty good I am hopeful for better things in this new year.
l p
today is going well – lots of things to do and they are getting accomplished, step by step. thanks
molli taylor
i am doing pretty ok, feeling hopeful about a new year!
Patrice P.
I had plans to do some needed shopping, but I cancelled them due to the constant cold rain falling, so this hasn’t been a good start to the year.
Kelly Kimmell
Got soaked in a downpour this morning getting out to pick up groceries. But, I’m dry and warm now, so all is well. Happy New Year!!
Cathy French
Today being the first day of a new month and a new year I feel great! Great things to come!!
It is the first day of a new year so there is promise.
Kate Sarsfield
Ireland is back in the highest level of lockdown after a brief respite over Christmas. Schools won’t be going back till the 11th. and only essential shops, banks etc. are open. Work from home is the rule, only 6 guests at a wedding, 10 at a funeral, public transport for essential workers only. Trying to stay positive.
Michele Soyer
Stay positive Kate…eventually things will get back to a “new normal”
My day isn’t going great so far. I had a lot of trouble sleeping because neighbors had fireworks going past midnight and our dog was terrified. I’ve come to hate fireworks.
Ken Ohl
Just getting going this morning so far so good
Shelly Peterson
I have no plans for new years day. I wish everyone a happy 2021