How To Monitor Your Child’s Education Progress
If you are wondering how, you can monitor your kid’s progress at school, this is for you.
There are four main ways that parents monitor their children’s academic performance. They look at the school report, consult a competence assessment test, speak to the teacher, and speak to the child. Alone, each strategy does not solve everything, but they complement each other.
School Reports
The easiest way to see your child’s progress is through the school reports. Most district schools have online records that parents can easily access. If you need further clarification on the report or the teacher’s comments, the teacher is often a call away.
The problem with the grades you see in the school reports is that they only show your kid’s ability to pass a test. How about their strengths? Their weaknesses? School reports don’t show this. If you want to know if your child is actually learning, you also need a competence assessment record.
Competency Assessment Tests
Unlike traditional exams that test every student’s capability with a standard test, online competency tests (like i-Ready) are different for each learner. Many schools use these individualized tests to complement the teacher’s efforts in in-person classes and remote classes.
These tests present a set of questions that change depending on your child’s answers. When your child gets the first question right, the system serves a slightly harder question next. Essentially, the more correct answers, the more complex the questions get. The more wrong answers, the easier the questions get. That is how you and your child’s teacher can get a complete picture of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
When the teacher looks at the answers, they know which topics to clarify further. When your child’s i-Ready levels keep going up, you know that your child has improved on their weaknesses.
Speak To Your Child
Get your kid talking about their schoolwork, whether they go to school in person or online.
How is school? What did she/he learn? How hard or easy is it getting? What are the struggles? What are the strengths? What’s to love about schoolwork? Does your kid think there’s a better way to learn? What homework did he/she bring home? Does your child need more of your help? Be available whenever your child needs you.
Speak To the Teacher
Teacher-parent meetings are a must-attend! Remember that learning is not only about grades. It is also about interpersonal skills, leadership, ability to communicate, respect, and more. Your teacher can tell you whether your child is brave or timid. Whether a leader or a follower. You want to nurture these skills while they are still young.
Whenever you attend meetings with your teacher, have your questions ready. How does your child behave in class? Does your child do homework and team-building activities? What is the teacher doing to help your child?
Keep an open communication line with the teacher to stay informed of your child’s academic progress. Communicate strongly and regularly.
Things To Keep In Mind When Monitoring Your Child’s Academic Progress.
- Be your child’s advocate. Part of parenting is to speak up for your child to the teachers and the school. Your child should be sure of your unwavering support physically, emotionally, and socially.
- Consult all available resources to help your child. Thanks to the internet, we have more information than we can consume our entire lives! Your child would not know which websites to trust for resources, but you can easily judge that. Ask your child’s teachers on the best websites to consult. Learn how to set up parental control to restrict what your child sees on the internet.
- Keep your child motivated in schoolwork. Keep track of your child’s records, whether in i-Ready scores or school report cards. Set small achievable goals with your child and make sure the reward is something they want. It always works! Whenever a goal is accomplished, reward and upgrade to another goal.
- Study with your child sometimes. Whether it’s doing homework or preparing for a test, studying together exposes you to your child’s understanding, strengths and weaknesses. Take a good, non-judgmental look at your child’s academic skills. Stay supportive, positive, and open-minded.
- Learning is not exclusively about books and grades. You can make every moment a learning opportunity. From shopping for groceries, everyday communication, cooking, to doing the chores, you can always teach your child some skill. And most importantly, be a role model for your child because children learn from their parents more than anyone.
If your child struggles in school, you can help them improve by establishing an effective study habit, adding some fun to schoolwork, getting a tutor, and any other tricks you have up your sleeve. But before any of that, communicate with your child and the teachers to get to the root of the problem.

Kate Sarsfield
My message to parents would be get involved and stay involved.
Tamra Phelps
I was looking at ourlocal ballots today. Nobody is running for board of education member…how sad.
Tamra Phelps
I mean, schools are banning books because a few parents are afraid their kids might be upset by the themes…teachers are afraid to say anything about their spouse because they are the same sex and you can’t mention ‘gay’ in front of the school kids…when I was a kid part of going to school was learning to accept and respect others. Now, they teach kids to avoid controversial subject. It must be hard these days to be sure kids are being taught the basics and getting an actual education and not being subjected to other kids’ parents’ fears.
This is a great post for parents to read with a lot of important tips. It is so important to be involved in your childs education.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve come across some old school reports from the early 70s from when I was little. ‘She tends to sit on her laurels’ is a common theme! In other words I’m good but could do better!
Michael Coovert
It is so important for parents to stay engaged in the academic progress of their children. Their educational success is the key to their future.
megan allen
I was the teacher this year..and I learned so much about my children! From now on..I will be more involved with their schoolwork even though they will be returning to school in the Fall! Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!