How To Throw An Ugly Christmas Sweater Party GOODWILL STYLE!!

Or, how to How to Throw a Festive Sweater Holiday Party by Goodwill Industries International on Snapguide.

Don’t forget, right now is the perfect time to visit Goodwill’s store locator and to donate items to Goodwill for that last-minute tax deductions!!
I also want to mention the GivingTuesday:

In honor of #GivingTuesday, Bloganthropy wants to encourage bloggers to get involved and write about their favorite opportunities to give back to the community around them, around the nation and even around the globe.  As many of you know, Debbie from Element Associates is also the co-founder of Bloganthropy and our agency donates time, money and resources to many non-profits as well as sponsoring the Bloganthropy Awards.

Also in honor of the spirit of #GivingTuesday, Element Associates, in partnership with Bloganthropy,  is donating $1 for each link up to 100 links to Postpartum Progress .

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