I believe!! The Fairy HobMother came to visit!!

Fairy Hobmother

I do believe in Fairies… I do believe!!!  The Fairy Hobmother came to visit my blog!!  If you have never heard of the Fairy Hobmother (first, where HAVE you been!?) his name is Matt and he has this awesome site Appliances On Line.
Every appliance and every brand you can imagine. They deliver, they haul away the old appliance, they connect the new appliance! And they visit blogs and spread joy!!!  WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!
Yea ME!!!!

Since I learned the Fairy Hobmother was a man I have not been able to get the image of Hulk Hogan in a tutu outta my mind.  One of my all time favorite wrestlers!!  Love the Hulk!!  Or my idea of the Fairy Hobmother.

Now if you want the Fairy Hobmother to visit you leave a comment with your blog address and he might just visit your blog!!  He brings presents! Really AWESOME presents!!
BTW………  What is the next appliance you want or need?

Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


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