Improve Your Memory With Prevagen

If you knew me in real life you would know why my Grandma always called me her “Little Rattle Brained Connie Sue” I’m quirky. Yea, we’ll go with that. Quirky. That sounds so much better than scatterbrained and well, nuts!! I make my kids insane because I’ll start a sentence and half way through my thought I’ll forget where the story is going! At times I can’t think of the easiest words! Names? Don’t even get me started with how bad I am at names!! To say that I was excited to try Prevagen is a true understatement!! Improve Your Memory with Prevagen, yes PLEASE! HELP ME!!

The makers of Quincy Bioscience, Prevagen (pronounced “prev-uh-gen”) is a unique brain health supplement that promotes clearer thinking and improves memory. Prevagen’s main ingredient is a new use for a well-known protein called “apoaequorin” which was originally found in a certain species of jellyfish.

Now first for some scary stuff. Did you know that as we age our body doesn’t produce essential proteins. So you start to lose about 30,000 brain cells EVERY DAY?!?!  I don’t know about you, but that scares me!!

I truly have a hard time focusing and concentrating. Seriously, if you could see my kitchen table you would wonder how I get anything at all done!!

Apoaequorin has been clinically tested and shown to supplement these proteins during the natural process of aging and improves brain health and overall memory.

Prevagen has been the number one brain health supplement in places like CVS, Rite Aide, Walgreens and Vitamin Shoppe.

Prevagen is safe and effective. Daily use for 30-90 days is the recommended length of time to experience noticeable results.

I’ve been using Prevagen for 3 weeks now, I’ve been wondering how to write a review, because really, how do I tell if it’s working? Then today, DH and I were talking about an old movie, I remembered a name, (a weird name one that I should have to google) I immediately knew the name. I have been more productive this last week, than I have been in for quite sometime. I feel like my scatterbrained self is more focused. Prevagen is working and I will continue to buy it. It’s a little on the pricey side at $39.99 for a 30 day supply, but for focus and clearer thinking? PRICELESS!!!

100% made in the USA

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Oh man I better get a part time job so I can invest in the company. I too suffer from CRS (Can’t remember stuff). I am interested in this as well.

  • Christina A.

    Hmmm…I’m interested in trying this! I seriously have this same issue…I am *SO* scatterbrained! I start doing something and then start doing something else and in a few minutes I’ve forgotten what I was previously doing!

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