It’s almost HALLOWEEN!!!

Is it too soon to start decorating for Halloween?  I don’t think so…. I LOVE Halloween!! The last couple (Have you ever had brain fart where you couldn’t spell a word?? Seriously!! I just couldn’t remember how to spell COUPLE and I mangled it so bad SPELL check couldn’t find it?!?! WHAT?!?! I need more coffee!)

Okay where was I? Couple… ya… The last couple of years I didn’t get into Halloween like I use too. The grandkids were too young and it would probably traumatize them. Not NOW!!! Now they are old enough to help NaNa décorate. I am so excited!!

I usually go all out. I have boxes and BOXES of décorations. I am going to mail out individual Halloween invitations to each of the grandkids. “Please come help NaNa décorate for Halloween!! There will be pumpkin décorating and **worm eating!”

I’m just so excited about this year!! I want to decorate NOW!!!!!!

**Here is my worm recipe: Mix gelatin (use a purple and green mix for the perfect gross worm color) Put your straws in a glass and pour the gelatin into the straws until set.  Once the gelatin is set run the straws under hot water for second or two just to loosen up the gelatin. Then out will slither your worms!!  I especially love the straws that bend…. worms look a little more realistic. I highly recommending eating one in front of your guests before letting them know they aren’t real. Priceless!!

Oh yea, I am THAT kind of NaNa!!  What about you? Are you a Halloween fan?? What other idea’s can you give me to use to torment I mean entertain the Grandkids??

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