Keepsake Wedding Box Review

Just in case you haven’t heard me brag, my daughter Selena is getting MARRIED!! Yup, the big day is coming up May 10, 2015. The date was chosen because it’s a Palindrome. It’s the same forwards and backwards. 5-10-2015. That’s a great reason to pick a date. It’s also Mother’s Day; which in 1985 also a Mother’s Day was when DH and I were married.

I know that when DH and I were married we were blessed with gifts that helped us get our home up and running. Dishes, toaster, blender. But, now days when couples live together before they actually say “I Do” gifts aren’t the same. Most couples already have the toaster, blender and dishes. So? So, gift cards; in my opinion anyway are the way to go. Now, with that being said, gift cards and congratulations cards can easily get lost or misplaced. I am SO excited about this review!!

This is a Beautiful Keepsake Box.  A white Wedding Card Box that is the PERFECT design to keep all sizes of envelopes and cards together in one spot!!  This is a beautifully designed box! So elegant looking!

First, the box comes in a smaller shipping/storage box that’s only  3¼” by 10¾” so it’s absolutely doesn’t take up any space waiting for the special day. I LOVE that!!

On the big day, put this beautiful White Wedding Card Box together.  The Wedding Card Box assembles very quickly and super easily. Each of the sides have tape strips to hold the sides together firmly. I put the box together without using the strips so I could take pictures and it held together without a single problem!! You could use this box again and again if you don’t use the tape strips. The box will easily store away and available for any special event.


As if the box wasn’t beautiful enough on it’s own, there is a ribbon with rhinestone slider that ties the entire box together beautifully! I love that the slider is packaged in its own separate bag; if you don’t want to use it the box looks beautiful alone.

The Wedding Card Box is a solid white, perfect square with a Fleur-de-lis flower design throughout. Absolutely stunning!!

I am thoroughly in love with this Beautiful White Wedding Card Box!!  Whether you use it for a wedding, baby shower or special anniversary this will be stunning on the table!!  Use it for cards, gift cards or even notes and advice for the newly weds. Seriously! How fun would that be?  Leave a pad of paper and pens next to the box and ask your guest to give the newly weds what makes a marriage last. I can ONLY imagine what advice and tips our friends and family would come up with!! I’m certain those would be a ton of fun to read!! The same goes for the new Mommy! What is your best advice for raising kids? I am laughing just thinking of the advice that people would give!!


NONE!! This is an elegant, silvery white box that will be the highlight of the gift table!! Absolutely the perfect size and color! AND it’s easy to store until the special day. Two very enthusiastic thumbs WAY, WAY up for the Wedding Card Box!!

Absolutely STUNNING Keepsake Box!! Perfect for YOUR big day!!




  • Tamra Phelps

    I like it! This seems like a great way to keep all the cards in one spot! One bit of advice: On the news recently, I’ve noticed stories about wedding ‘guests’ who are not really guests; they are just there to steal the gifts! Definitely, put someone in charge of watching over the box! Possibly, sit it next to the Wedding Guest Book?

  • Rosie

    Having a pretty and good quality box for keepsakes like this are part of what help make it special! and more fun to look at them later, whether a year later, or forty years later!

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